Presence 2: I am using ‘concerns’ as prompts to breathe

This morning I’ve been reading and learning more about The Presence Process, specifically about the role of breathwork in the process:

( Michael shares his connection with Judith Kravitz and Transformational Breath®:

And reading a sample of Judith Kravitz’s book, Breathe Deep Laugh Loudly:

Your words for me today?

Use ‘concerns’ as prompts to breathe – like contractions you need to breathe through. Remember watching your beautiful sister breathe through those contractions. Remember her depth of concentration. Once the ‘contraction’ of concern has passed, you will know what to do to resolve your concern. Ok? Cease using the concern as the propellant for problem-solving. 

Note the concern. Breathe it away. Then return to the mind as the resolver of your difficulties. 

Your words prompted me to…

God is made present by your conscious breath… which connects you to this moment… which is God’s place of presence… so yes, your breath connects you to the Remover of Difficulties. 

Does that help? 

Yes. Help me to touch Presence, oh my God.

Using ‘concerns as prompts to breathe’ feels a bit like the practice of tonglen….

Exactly so. You think the ‘concern’ is the concern. It’s not really. It’s simply a marker of incorrect thinking, or an error of thought. 

Because all is ok and all is good at all times…?

Yes, dear soul. The deeper part of you knows that. So when your mind says ‘danger’ your inner being refuses to follow your mind. Being out of sync with your inner being is that feeling of concern. Breathing brings you back in alignment with your inner being, your deeper self that knows that all is well. 

I am using ‘concerns’ as prompts to breathe

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