That was a sweet meditation. Innocent. Light. I appreciated it. Over to you…
This morning you added the word ‘Ritual’ to your Routine document.
Yes… it just felt right. Yesterday, our THREE MONTH Covid-19 Lockdown eased another step, with ‘non-essential’ shops re-opening, and pubs opening their outdoors areas… I guess I am aware that some of the patterns I’ve developed in this last 12 months of the pandemic are more than just ‘new routines’ – they are sacred habits which offer me peace.
‘Sacred habits’ – beautiful. Indeed, we see you dipping into the pots of nectar that your soul is fed by, just a little, every day. Isn’t that so much better than a ‘grand’ splurge every so often?
Yes. It’s almost like I’m finally self-parenting, in the way my inner child actually wants. My Mon-Fri daily routines have 10mins of this and that (meditation, tidying, qigong…) and I feel renewed balance in my life. It so suits my Aspie inner being – at last….
So ‘Rituals’. Let’s look the word up:
It’s 7.59am: “Jump up at 8 & everything’s great.” Let’s come back to this tomorrow. <3 Take the word ‘Ritual’ into your day, and let it percolate.
Ok. Perfect. Ty. xxx
I am taking the word ‘Ritual’ into my day, and letting it percolate
I LOVE OTBS. It gets me right in the space of … relief and action.
I got so much done in the house yesterday, and had a ready remedy for any mental angst: OTBS [On the bright side…]
On my walk I listened to Abraham-Hicks, and was reminded of ‘Lists of Positive Aspects’ – something which had never before landed for me as it did on that walk.
“As you practice your more positive, better-feeling story in time your pleasure will become the dominant vibration within you” Abraham
[From “ The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent” Esther and Jerry Hicks]
Do you notice that PPE stands both for ‘personal protective equipment’ and for ‘pure, positive energy’. Are you lacking PPE?
Ha! In potential, certainly not!
So tell us. What are the Positive Aspects to This Time and to ‘what’s going on’?
Ok. List of Positive Aspects of This Time:
We are getting to rest and recuperate on a global level
The young adults – with no uni/school – are raising their consciousness vigorously at this time, esp with BLM
The BLM movement has become momentous, raising Love and Equity up on this planet like never before
Families are having time together in their homes
The planet has been recuperating
We are learning how little we need in terms of stimulation, shopping, activity
In living through a pandemic we have experienced ourselves as mortal, and we have found compassion for eachother, and we have found gratitude and appreciation for keyworkers.
We have learnt to express appreciation and gratitude – there were rainbows (=”thank you NHS!”) in some 1/10 windows when G and I went out at the weekend
We have all had time for some thinking about the wider picture of our nation and planet
We have seen ourselves next to other countries… when all are suffering not competing…
So how do you feel about This Time now?
Peaceful. Grateful. (Now a fraction worried I’m just being complacent…)
And when you worry about being complacent, what are the Positive Aspects there?
I guess, the PAs to that worry are… the knowledge that I do want to keep checking myself… because I care. So that reassures me that I won’t just fall asleep..!
Good. It’s valuable to be aware of what’s going on inside, isn’t it? There are times when you reach out to set a thought in motion and your Inner Being tells you, ‘No, not this way.’
Yes. I guess, that’s when you sense you are cutting yourself off from your Inner Approval System too?
The IAS is a simple circuit. It holds no judgement at all. It’s really a ‘thumbs up’ device to let you know when you are working alongside your Inner Being. There is no ‘thumbs down’ setting, but you will feel a tug at the moment the ‘thumbs up’ lights blink off. That is all. It’s about noticing that tug moment.
And this relates to the Positive Aspects…?
The IAS is always giving the thumbs up when you are dwelling on the Positive Aspects. Whenever, oh it’s so good, whenever you say and think and feel ‘On The Bright Side’ you get the ol’ thumbs up from your IAS. Your IAS is like the dash board between you and your Inner Being.
Are youmy inner being?
Hm… 🙂 So, today.
Time to draw up Lists of Positive Aspects. You can kick the process off by saying OTBS.
As in, “OTBS, there are many positive aspects about (whatever’s happening)…”
I feel soft and united inside when I say that statement. Heart coherence?
Indeed. <3
Ok. Let’s do it.
Today I am saying, “OTBS, there are Positive Aspects here…”
Make lists of positive aspects. Make lists of things you love—and never complain about anything. And as you use those things that shine bright and make you feel good as your excuse to give your attention and be who-you-are, you will tune to who-you-are, and the whole world will begin to transform before your eyes. It is not your job to transform the world for others—but it is your job to transform it for you. A state of appreciation is pure Connection to Source where there is no perception of lack. -Abraham
Use your energy, attention and effort with care and wisdom today. For two reasons: 1) there is important Work to be done and 2) your fascination with machinations lends creative weight to them.
Stop looking at Twitter..?
If you are going to lend your attention to social media, start first with a prayer.
I see. That would make for a different state of consciousness.
Yesterday… I was aware of scenes of which one would say, love is rising up.
Equally, certain pro-racist ones are getting ready to come and take revenge in London next week, on, eg the defacing of a Churchill statue with the word racist. Everyone’s coming forward now..
My beautiful AS put a homemade BLM sign up in our village on the bench by the road. I went with her to help put it up. I appreciated that she invited me to participate – I needed to break a barrier of inactivity there…
Please speak to me of this time.
Use your attention wisely. Be wise. Mature your vision. Become more aware, and then yet again more aware. You are conscious of your privilege. Use it wisely. Do not use your place in the peanut gallery to stir up and magnify disharmony. Exercise caution with the way you use your time and attention. Ask: how can I contribute helpfully to this time? Ask yourself that. From all your knowledge, experience and professional expertise, what can you actually DO to contribute to this time? Can you do more than point to injustice, retweeting content as if to fetishise it? Can you lend your weight to the growing body of skills around speaking and acting beyond the current structures? How can you share your understanding of dialogue to promote the wellbeing of all?
I could…
Dear one, go away and think about it today. No rush… But come back with a some reality-checked thoughts that you are prepared to enact.
ok. ty.
Today I am asking myself: how can I contribute helpfully to this time?
Forgive me, for I have been a channel of disharmony.
You have spoken your truth.
With emotion – and some anger.
You have spoken your truth, and made your request clear.
I need to feel that others can Listen. To me. Without flinching, recoiling, trying to escape.
The fact of the matter is that you know how to speak so people (or a person) will listen. Are you able to reflect that you have the power to be heard?
Yes. Why do I always have to be ‘on top of’ my emotions though? Why is that on me?
Because that is how good communication works. The emotions are action-requiring messages for you – not for the person apparently triggering those emotions. So work with the emotion, and respond to it, in your own time – and then approach the person. For example: Anger = I need better boundaries. So don’t go rushing up to the person you’re angry with and demand they respect your boundaries! Instead, take time to understand your boundaries, and establish them internally. Then come back to the person, and see how – automatically in response to your internal shift – they behave differently towards you. And if you find the shift hasn’t occurred, go away again and work on your boundaries. This is what it means to be on top of your emotions.
Was I jealous?
What is the message of jealousy?
I need to feel valued / valuable?
Jealousy is certainly the need to clarify our value. It’s about self-appreciation. If you appreciation yourself fully, you will never feel jealous.
Thank you.
Can we pick up from last session?
One note: the work you are doing with Hunter on your hara is good. Radiating energy or feminine magnetism from your hara is good. Why? Because it is the final piece on the jigsaw of head – heart – hara. And when these three are aligned, you can bring your full self to the world – which is what is needed of all individuals now.
I see the BLM protestors really acting from their head – heart – hara: fully-embodied, fully in the love state, fully activated.
The BLM song-singers are a wonder to behold. Love is rising up.
Love IS rising up! It is so moving and powerful. So here we are, talking about envisaging PULL on Earth. WHAT is happening?
Love is rising up. Not merely intellectually, from the head. Nor even just passionately, from the heart. But with fully embodied ‘eros’, from the hara. That magnetic ‘love for all’ is flowing through the peoples of this world. They have paused and rested under lockdown and recovered some sense of identity having taken time off the hamster wheel; they have faced the fear of death as they wonder if they will be affected by the virus; they have fallen on their knees with gratitude towards the key workers; they have awoken to the true intentions of their governments; they have found themselves energised to spring forth from their lockdown isolation with… not just anger, or righteous indignation, or wrath… but with newly activated CLARITY in their heads, LOVE in their hearts, and MAGNETIC ENERGY in their hara. This is an uprising of Love.
Immense. Immense! This really is the day we have been waiting for.
Unity is no easy matter on this planet of judgment.
We needed something as all consuming as a pandemic to get clear on the injustices and broken systems we were living by.
Better than that. You needed something as all-consuming as a pandemic to discover that nothing is more important than Love for All.
May I contribute?
You don’t need to ask for this, but you can pray for it.
May I contribute to this Uprising of Love. May I play my part in feeding the flames of burning Love-for-All. May I lend my head – heart – hara to this explosion of Love towards all beings. May I lean in to the joy of this Moment, and put my magnifying attention only upon those green shoots of planetary healing, and magnificent oak trees of long-standing love. May I see only Love – and may I know in my bones that where I see disharmony, anger and wrong-doing that I am merely watching the old rising up before it collapses fades out. May I magnify Love & Unity wherever I see it, knowing that Love is the invincible Creative Force. May I stand for Love. May I hold a candle, a torch and spot-light up to all that stands for Love. May I not retreat into fear, but turn my consternation in to confidence that Love is rising up as it has always done. Peace, unity, love and light. Now and forever.
Amen, sweet soul. Beautifully expressed. Your heart is starting to pulsate to the divine drum. You are being liberated from old concerns. Shrug them off, and move into the dance of life – from your hara up. This is the day of the divine feminine to meet with the divine masculine. Draw forward all the magnetic energy you have and radiate it into the world as you most powerfully can. Eyes on the prize. Love is rising up.
Today, your work is ‘simply’ – but with head – heart – hara – to affirm this knowing. Simply affirm with all that you are, that Love Is Rising Up on this planet, in this Day. Affirm it, see, it, feel it, hear, it, speak it. Encourage the young, reassure the not so young. Everything is hand. Lend your creative manifestation to this timeless truth: Love is Rising UP.
I’ve spent 3 days away from here, getting my head down with ‘working well’ (it’s been busy and fulfilling and rewarding) and keeping my balance around the glimpses I catch of the current situation ‘out there’. Clearly, I am advised not to go into detail here, but I will say that there are traumatising scenes out there, and I’m not just talking about the worldwide protests (being hijacked by white looters and agitators btw), or even the horrifying testimonial black people are sharing about their lived experience which has had me in tears of grief and shock on a daily basis… When I talk about traumatising scenes, I’m especially talking about watching the ‘people in power’ and their actions/mood at the moment – not just with regards to Black Lives Matter, but it is also about witnessing the UK govt as it profiteers out of Covid-19 and Brexit. There is some truly unbelievable psychopathy playing out.
For now, I will just leave this video which is a well-expressed snapshot on this time:
Ok. I’ve drawn a line under that.
You asked me to Work Well. I have been endeavouring to. Other learning has included:
‘Go intuitive’ – arising out of profound and helpful therapy session looking at why I experience exhaustion.
Asking What Would Tramaine Do? As I work with the Coaching course I’m doing on ‘Queens’ Mysteries’ – Tramaine Hawkins is the role model I’m working with. She is a heart-centred channel of love and healing light. She always holds others and God up as the blessings in her life. She shines the spotlight on others, and God… at every step. So much heart, and humility, and power.
A sense of the Hara (lower dantian) in alignment with Heart and Head.
But also, powerfully yesterday on my walk listening to Abraham-Hicks, a helpful notion came heaving in to view at last. I noted it down:
What will happen when… I stop making myself the protagonist or sole/main beneficiary of my visioning / secreting / magnifying of the wanted.
I‘m a powerful manifestor / creator. So let me see:
– good care homes for all
– weapons sliding off the planet into outer space
– a city of dialogue…
Your thoughts?
This is the most important insight you have had since you began the Pivot project. It is the Pivot you were asking for.
What do you mean?
At the start of this project, you asked for peace (in your Aspie zen zone). We can confirm and affirm that there is no other more effective route to peace for you than ceasing to make yourself the main protagonist of your hopes and dreams.
That’s kind of funny… and not.
Why? Because you think your Autism is Auto-ism, or self-ism?
I think others think that… That’s the irony?
Indeed. That is the irony of autism. And you know this. Autism is a misnomer. Autistic people are so sensitively wired towards the precious Other, towards the divine Collective, that when the other and the collective is in disharmony, the autistic person feels it to the core and needs must retreat… until… until… until… they can grow tall enough above the sensory discomfort and heartache to see more clearly what is ‘happening’. At that point they start to become wonderfully, recklessly empowered to contribute to improving, mediating and resolving the situation. But they must grow tall in the sense of being able to ‘rise above’ the noise of low frequency. They must float up into a frequency of ‘harmony’ and resonate there. Otherwise they are too easily swept up and soaked by the apparent troubles. No teflon effect for the autistic being when stuck in the melee of it all, unlike some of those tough NT folks who actually find the melee enlivening.
So ‘rising above’ is not about being superior, or turning one’s back. It’s about – as you discerned in your therapy session – turning on the intuition, and aligning hara-head-heart. THEN you can be of service. And THEN, oh my, oh yes… you will be able to bask in the peace arising from sensing a more harmonious world. Not because all the ‘problems’ will be solved… but because you will be dancing to the tune of the harmonious path, not for your own benefit (no isolationism needed now), but for the benefit of all, which then becomes your benefit too.
It’s an act of faith isn’t it? To put our eggs in the basket of the All.. when the One (me) can seem fragile and vulnerable, and the All can seem like chaos?
It’s an act of faith when you believe there are limitations in life, and love and light… Try it. Practise it, and you will never ever go back to creating selfish dreams… You will finally truly get it. The only progress is collective progress.
This is the basis of the Black Live Matter message. This is the message of this time.
Keep your eyes on the prize, people! Imagine if your hopes and dreams – conscious and unconscious – shifted away from ‘my work, my progress, my business, my relationships, my finances’ and towards ‘our work, our progress, our business, our relationships, our finances’. Think of the prayer power here: there is no limit to the magnitude of miracles!
“There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not ‘harder’ or ‘bigger’ than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal.” ACIM T-1.I.1:1-4 Principle 1 (excerpt)
Invest your conscious creation (prayer power / Secreting / visualisation) in the greater good – with focus and lightness and softness and joy! Right here, right now – playfully.
Remember ‘Heal the world’? Now is a time for a different message: see the world as healed! Use your creative energy to imagine your planet fully immersed in peace, unity, love and light! Draw it, illustrate it, talk about it – passim!
Trust, sweet soul, who must learn the strength of her own creative consciousness, that if you surrender your intuitive instincts to the GREATER good, instead of your personal good – you will, truly, precious being, find the peace your sweet Heart and Soul have been hankering after all this ‘time’.
There is only Now.
Gotcha. 🙂 Ty. May I – no, may WE – all have the courage and confidence and calmness required, to sit quietly with images of beauty, peace, unity, love and light on our mental cinema screens. May we be brave enough to walk out of the screening of the Nightmare on Elm St showing on our TV screens and devices, and settle once and for all, in to the screening of Peace on Earth in the other (much comfier) movie theatre down the hallway.
I am.. I am.. I am visualising peace, unity, love and light on Earth.
I am visualising peace, unity, love and light on Earth
Later after the last Dialogue, things got really shocking in the US – with the police turning on #BlackLivesMatter protestors with vicious brutality. I found myself limping through the day, tearful and shocked. I went to chat it through with AS, who was quick to draw my attention to the fact that my shock and my emotional paralysis were simply not the best I had to offer to this situation. I was gently woken up to the fact that it was not for me – a white person – to sit and simper (my word not AS’s) about how shocking and sad it all was. It was for me – a white person – to shake myself out of the centre-staging of myself in response to what I saw, and take action. This is not a black people’s problem to solve – it’s a white people’s problem to take radical and transformative action on, now.
Here I am two days on, and I want to record here on this day (2jun20), that the Western world is in uproar, with protests occurring in cities across the world. The US president appears to be invoking a civil war. The police brutality in the States is unspeakable – it’s become a police state in the space of a few days. Hong Kong is on the brink of being swallowed up by China entirely, despite a year of protests against such an event. Ebola has risen its head again in DRCongo. And in the UK, where we have the highest death rate in the world for Covid-19 deaths, we have just eased lockdown way ahead of time – and yesterday, we saw a rise in deaths again which the government then sought to cover up.
So, tell me more about envisaging harmonious futures, because I have struggled over the last few days.
Compassion. What is your definition of compassion?
Well, I’ve been defining it as ‘seeking to prevent and alleviate suffering’.
So when your wise girl tells you that this is a time for action, she means it is a time for compassion. As she pointed out to you, it’s easy for empathic people like your self to get frozen to the spot by the felt reaction to what is going on. But as you know, ’empathy’ is a better response than ‘pity’ or ‘sympathy’, but it’s a less helpful response than ‘compassion’, because it is compassion that evokes ‘actionto prevent and alleviate suffering’. First of all, you need to see the suffering and potential suffering. Go in and calm your Heart first.
***15mInnerBalance Med – 45% high coherence – 2.1 av coherence***
One of my worst Inner Balance practices. I’m wired. My Heart is jumping today… Help please.
So you go on Reddit to calm down?
It was up from yesterday… I don’t usually. Hey, can we start again?
Always and whenever.
What do I need to do to reboot today?
Literally start over. A brand new day.
I woke at 5.30… I’m a bit tired. And over-wrought.
Literally start over.
Good morning.
Good morning. Turn on maintenance mode. Ok. A word in private. You need to stop feeling you are here to commentate on world events. You really are not. You need to stop writing for an audience. Stop that right now. You are here to study and to learn. This is a serious business. Stop writing it for the ‘Gram. Or writing to appear awake to ‘what is going on’. We see you wanting to talk about your privilege as an albatross round your neck. Stop that now. You have gifts and talents from creative Source. Your job is to cultivate them. Nothing else. Give unto this world that which you have to give – whatever it is. Focus on that and not on the chaos you believe you see out there.
The truth is this: you don’t know what you are looking at when you look out there. You simply don’t. It is not as you ‘think’ it to be. Take that as truth. It is far, far, far more complex than what you are reading as ‘reality’ upon your screens. It is also far, far, far, far more simple. The simplicity is this: run your well-organised clinic, and do your Work. Work for PULL, and do not be pulled away from that by your own thoughts of ‘tragedy’. If you were able to see the fuller picture, we’d say, ‘yeah, sure, tuck in – look at that, and chat about it’. But here’s the thing: your perspective of your world at this time is as broad as the dandelion’s view of the world. It can only see the garden – so it is not really well-placed to commentate on the city down the road.
So, pipe down?
So relax… Draw in… Get heart-centred. Do your work. And do it to the very best of your ability. That really is enough to use up all your day’s energy and more. Be good at what you do. That is your best, kindest and most compassionate offering to your vibrational landscape right now – especially if you take joy, relief and pleasure in your work. Respond to this time with heart-centred wisdom, in the space of your own home. Do your work, well.
Ty. Helpful. I’m grateful.
This is your STO. Focus on it. Let others do theirs. Do your work, and do it well. Apply diligence, care, humility and passion to what you do. Take nothing for granted. Appreciate every single opportunity to make a difference in this world. While you still have breath in you to contribute even a flutter of good, cease lamenting the wrongs and ills of others. Stop that now. Do your work, well. And know what you are doing: making a difference. Be grateful for that. Be humble. Be diligent. Be heart-centred as you go. Do your work, to the very best of your abilities, clear and centred on what you are seeking to contribute.
Let me tell you about my work of yesterday, replacing ‘attack thoughts’ with ‘thoughts of love in the Neutral Now’.
It was such a good practice. Basically, spotting the attack thoughts is the key first element of course, but I’m becoming more sensitised to incoherence of the Heart thanks to the Inner Balance machine, so I was pretty quick to spot the clenching in my chest. Also, the revving up to vaunt about my ‘clever, hot take’ is a good indicator that I’m having an attack thought. Overall, it’s clearly an egoic Head response. So then, you sink in to the Heart space… and the heart ALWAYS has a softer perspective.
And you know what, this practice is NOT about failing to turn to see ‘what’s happening’ in the world. It’s about using the spotting of difficult things as a prompt to direct thoughts lovingly. Here are some examples, some of which are very simple or apparently ‘trivial’, but it’s the practice of channeling the attack thought into a loving thought:
I’m giving up attack thoughts about this lamp which just fell on my head => <3 ‘Most of the time it’s a very good lamp.’
I’m giving up attack thoughts about my overdue work which I’ve got to do this weekend => <3 ‘I’ll be fine. I’ll know when to do it, and it’ll be good.’
I’m giving up attack thoughts about Dominic Cummings and the UK government => <3 Wishing the evolution of consciousness for all
I’m giving up attack thoughts about this huge spider rocking a trapped fly to death => <3 ‘It’s nothing to do with me. I’ll leave nature be.’
I’m giving up attack thoughts about Dominic Cummings and the UK government – again => <3 Love for all the families and key workers affected by corona virus. Gentle love to all.
I’m giving up attack thoughts about US police attacking protesters => <3 Love for all the families caught up in this; soft prayerfulness for the bereaved family of George Floyd.
And the effect? Less exhaustion. Less chafing. Less yo-yoing. More peace in my Heart. An understanding of how to respond to what is seen, in a productive loving way, without using the pain or error of others as an excuse for me to spin in to egoic reaction. My love and my neutrality are my vibrational offering to this complex reality I think I see.
**15minInnerBalanceMed – 85% high coherence; 3.7 av coherence***
This was a good practice. How? With these thoughts:
“Oh! What’s occurring? I’m breathing in to my heart space, and now I’m breathing out. My heart’s inflating like a big red balloon. I’m loving myself with oxygen. Ooh, memories of our 9 mile walk yesterday… Landscapes rolling ahead of us, bathed in sunshine. G smiling – at me. “
Every time I thought about ‘what’s going on in the world’, my heart coherence dropped out on the IB app – within the millisecond.
In other words, you can not hold thoughts of disunity, fear, sadness or loss, and simultaneously be in a state of heart love. How does that knowing make you feel?
Astounded, really… because it calls on us to take such a different approach to responding to what we see in the world. It’s such an ask.
It’s such an opportunity to learn about how to contribute at this time. Your frequency is your offering. Each one is a broadcasting antenna. Broadcast the message of peace, unity, love and light. Why do you think Gandhi spent full mornings in meditation before he set out for peaceful protest? To set his frequency to peace. It takes focus, dedication and practice to be both aware of injustice and disharmony, and simultaneously to pulsate to the frequency of justice and harmony.
Sounds like vibrational mastery.
Exactly that.
Some ACIM?
Sure. …..
Ok so I feel hesitant to share because the random selection was about God, and so was the second… and I’m hesitant to talk about God here, I realise. You know, now that this is open… Can we discuss this?
Great conversation topic. What would you like to say?
I think, it’s been a while… And many of my beloved teachers seems to use different names. Like Source or Source Energy or Creator. I’m both shy to say God, and also sensing that even I – after all these years – still have a desire to say, ‘Yes, but not like God-as-bearded-man-in-the-sky.’ I’m listening to a lot of Gospel, and again, words are complex in this time… Oh it feels like an old conversation I moved past years ago.. And yet.
We are glad you brought this up. Part of the new paradigm involves a complete ‘pivot’ in what is meant by these words. It is imperative that now, right now, words are not a barrier to people’s journey towards love. However, there is a bump in the road when God is not referred to at all – or some other Source force term for that matter. You all need to know you are not alone. You all need to know there is powerful love for you, right here, right now.
Source Force. I like that.
Well, run with that.
I’m just thinking. Do I need to study ACIM again?
You could start teaching it… You are teaching it. You are teaching: have love for all things, starting with yourself. This is all that we are asking of you. And also… one small other matter: you are not alone. Do you have any sense of how much love is being directed at your planet at this time? Do you? Do you think this battle for ‘health over pandemic’, and ‘justice over police state’ is going unseen? Do you?
No. I imagine it is not.
So your prayers for peace, do you think they are for nought?
It takes faith, right?
It takes powerful presence. Sit tight and fast on your spot on the planet, anchored and grounded. Then, zoom your focus out in to the ether so that you can see the planet from outer space – and imagine your world absolutely swarming with beings of love who will filter out the hate. The uprising is about finding ways to unloose and release the hate and frustration. Let that occur. Release all that is there for the release. Settle in to what is to come. Your Michigan sheriff – he is the future revealing itself. Align with the future to come. As Abraham explains, your imperfect present is the manifestation of old thinking. Focus on your current thinking to create the future you wish to see. In fact, just remember, your current thinking is creating your future reality, so ease up on thinking about chaos. Think on your harmonious future. Be there. Be there. Be there.
Ok. I’ll play it like a game, ok? Riffing on the harmonious future theme; goosing up my reading of ‘what’s occurring’ to see it more softly…
I am thinking on our harmonious future.
See, envision, envisage, sense the world you wish to experience. This is prayer.
It was going so well… I was relishing ‘focussing on the Bright Lighters’ in my world, all the way til almost bedtime.
I made a list of Bright Lighters that came in to my day:
Lee Holden, whose online qigong class I do every morning on the patio
Jacinda Arden (and other women leaders responding to Covid-19) Ref
My brother-in-law whose birthday it is today
My G who gleams
My adoring sis (adoring of all, and so loving to her vast tribe)
My noble bro (such astonishing qualities of nobility, strength and love)
My brave and doting Dad
All the invisible Bright Lighters
Rob Greenfield (environmental activist I’ve been watching)
My End of Life Doula UK colleagues – oh, man… beautiful souls
My darling AS, heartfully, wisely teaching me about the Karen meme and white privilege – as we discuss racial violence/hatred and events in NY city and Minneapolis
My beloved L, checking in tenderly on the family with such care, wit and warmth from her lockdown pod
The brilliant cast and writers of Gavin & Stacey which we’re watching through (I’d never seen it!)…
And then, just before bed, I thought I’d just briefly ‘check Twitter’. I glimpse what’s going on in Minneapolis where people are protesting the unspeakable murder of a black man named George Floyd by a police officer. A black CNN news reporter being arrested while reporting on live TV. A white guy in a gas mask and disguise, calmly smashing shop windows with a hammer near where people are protesting… hours after their ‘president’ wrote on Twitter, “When the looting starts the shooting starts.” And in London, a young pipsqueak of a white woman police officer (‘Karen’ + police powers) striding up to a black man in the street and cuffing him within 60 seconds for no good reason. Before I know it, I’m chucking my phone down and walking out the back door, saying “Evil, it’s pure evil. I can’t stand it.” – and sitting crying in the garden.
Last night, after I’d turned my phone off in tearful protest, I plugged it in to charge, and it automatically started to turn itself back on, producing the familiar white screen and Apple symbol. And for the very first time I noticed the significance of the Apple with the bite taken out of it. What happened in the garden of Eden when Eve (huh!) took a bite from the apple from the Tree of Knowledge? The fall of humankind, arising from this one act of transgression, the original sin. And so here I am, and many others, looking at the world through machines labelled with the symbol of the original sin.
So… as Nessa would say, “O! What’s occurring?”
Hell? [ooooh typo alert! I meant…] Hello?
Spot on, dear soul. Is it hell, or is it heaven, here on Earth?
Oh man… I know, we need to DECIDE and act accordingly… I’m just tired.
Stephen Jenkinson said in an interview recently, “After 65 harrowing years on this planet, I can say…” Life is harrowing.
We know. We know.
Did you say, “We’ll leave you to it”?!
Calm… Reboot. There is much to discuss. You need your Heart in the right place to hear us. At the moment, you are tuned in to Chaos FM, and we are here trying to chat to you on Peace FM. Change frequency, and we will gladly discuss all these matters. And they do matter.
Ok. I’ll do a meditation.
No, not yet. Not in this state. That’s like trying to jump on to the motorway in 2nd gear. Get up, get a drink, properly shake this state out for a bit. There’s no rush. We’re right here.
***15mInnerBalanceMed – High coherence 48% / Av coherence 2.4***
Wow, well I just sat helplessly in low/mod coherence for the first half of that! Amazing to see how my heart had locked into frazzle. What got me out of non-coherence eventually was:
Getting my mind in to Neutral gear – not Reverse (ruminating on past) or 1st gear (nudging in to future planning) – just the Neutral Now (nice phrase)
Repeating over, ‘Now I am breathing into my heart space; now I am breathing out of my heart space.”
So. Let’s see if I can tune in to Peace FM…
Try taking another random page from ACIM.
Holy moley… It could barely be more perfect for today. Ty.
Lesson 23 of A Course In Miracles
Lesson 23: I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts.
…3. The world you see is a vengeful world, and everything in it is a symbol of vengeance. Each of your perceptions of “external reality” is a pictorial representation of your own attack thoughts. One can well ask if this can be called seeing. Is not fantasy a better word for such a process, and hallucination a more appropriate term for the result? 4. You see the world that you have made, but you do not see yourself as the image maker. You cannot be saved from the world, but you can escape from its cause. This is what salvation means, for where is the world you see when its cause is gone? 5. … As you look about you, repeat the idea slowly to yourself first, and then close your eyes and devote about a minute to searching your mind for as many attack thoughts as occur to you. As each one crosses your mind say:
I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts about _________.
Hold each attack thought in mind as you say this, and then dismiss that thought and go on to the next.
I read ACIM through in 2009-2014. It changed my life. I had forgotten some of its principles. This is good revision for me right now. Thank you.
You will be startled at the power of your focus when you recall yourself to be the subjective hallucinator, not the observer of some objective reality.
Just now, on your break, you spotted a rabbit bounding out of the woods. You picked up the binoculars from the kitchen table, and watched the rabbit as it sat munching grass in the sunshine. Suddenly, the focus of your attention was not ‘the kitchen’ with its washing up to do and the busyness of domestic life; the focus of your attention was ‘rabbit in sunshine’. In other words, through an act of shifting your gaze and magnifying the sweet object of your attention, your present moment reality shifted in to ‘pure innocence’.
This is the purpose of A Course in Miracles – to help you learn to shift your entire gaze/reality from vengeance/lamentation/binary to forgiveness/appreciation/neutrality. That’s all. It’s a return to innocence.
You are currently offering yourself many opportunities to flex this ‘muscle’ of perspective-taking, without feeling you are abandoning the ’cause’.
You noticed the self-styled Environmentalist Activist. We are not suggesting you become passive, but we are suggesting you become passivist.
Do you mean pacifist? Peace activist? Which one here?
In truth dear soul, we are suggesting ‘passivist’. Where your ‘pacifist’ definition means ‘anti-war’, we mean passivist. Where you ‘pacifist’ definition means peace-loving, we may mean pacifist – but largely, you confuse ‘pacifism’ with reacting against something.
The principle is this: when you are anti- anything, you are growing that thing by your attack thoughts. When you are pro- anything, and able to bring loving appreciation to that Wanted without having thoughts of attack upon those who do not concur with you, you are achieving a miracle. So we say, notice and dismiss your attack thoughts first. Magnify the ‘rabbits in sunshine’, second. Third… see how your reality transmogrifies.
Ok. But this: I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts about _________. I think some dear to me would challenge the righteousness of ‘escaping the world I see’ when I have the ‘privilege’ to just turn off Twitter and live a good life.
Trust us. You need to step in to Heart-centred living.That is the basis of the Pivot. You have seen today, with an actual biofeedback machine, that when you focus on ‘the world you [think you] see’ out there, you see hell, and your heart gets locked in to incoherence. (Reread The Power of Now if you need to.) We need you in coherence – this is the part you are being asked to play. You. And others of course. But not all – and that is not for you to worry about. Or be perplexed about. You personally are not called to be a Journalist. You are called upon to be a Journaller: that is an internal journalist. So go inside. Report what is there. Accept the invitation to inhabit the ‘calm interiorised mind’.
The monks ‘escaped’ to the monastery for a reason: to be able to pray for the world without being knocked sideways by the ‘reality’ of it. Today, we are asked to level up by being in the world without being knocked sideways by the ‘reality’ of it. You do that by finding the peace inside of you – by finding the monastery inside your own self. And resting there. You want an act of activism? This is it.
Radical Love means so much to love the world that you endeavour to live within the potential of its pure positive peace, rather than to add to its challenges by resonating with fear or anger about its apparent disunity. You willsee the Unity of humanity, and its power to Love, and you will do this as an act of service. Drop your thoughts of attack, precious soul. They come only from the blessed egoic mind. Introduce the language of the Heart to your days – and learn only to give airtime to the thoughts of pure positive wellbeing. That which we broadcast we disseminate. Think thoughts of love, you radical being.
I am giving up attack thoughts, and thinking thoughts of love in the Neutral Now
Well I can tell you, ‘tending to my attention’, and managing to bring neutrality to my awareness of ‘the news’ had an unexpected result: it gave me a sense of dignity.
I realised across the day, how very much I’d become accustomed to hurling myself at hoovering up the news about the rights and wrongs of politicians. It all started with Brexit – when for years I couldn’t take my eyes off it on Twitter, because I so wanted to spot signs that Brexit was going to be annulled somehow. Then with this Pandemic – what with this country having the highest mortality rate in Europe, I’ve been scanning the Twittersphere to find signs that we were responding effectively at last. Not to mention all the other stuff I’ve read about behind the scenes shenanigans.
Well, enough.
I take my energy back. I take my attention back. I will place it where I see the signs of PULL emerging in this world. And magnify that.
That truly is the best response you can give to these times. In fact, it might be helpful to know that the higher the opportunity for PULL’s emergence in the world, the more explicitly and rampant will run its ‘opposite’… for a while. Here is the test.
Can you, individually and collectively, place your powerfully magnifying attention on what is wanted rather than what is not wanted?
Sounds simple? It’s advanced level consciousness, right here, right now. It feels ‘right’ to resonate with and rail against the Unwanted – because you think that pointing to the Unwanted will make it go away. Equally, you believe that if you (jointly and severally) don’t point to it, no one else will see it. It feels like a civic duty to highlight the Unwanted. It feels like an act of love. And we know, it comes from a place of love to point out the injustices, the brutalities, the hatreds, the cheats, the under-cutters, the overpowerers. We know, and that is understood.
But know that as you shine your magnifying glass on the Unwanted, you give it energy, you give it power to grow.
Can you trust – and we get it, it’s an act of huge faith in these bifurcated, polarised times – but can you trust that if you magnify the love, the selflessness, the new role models, the united collaborators, the wise ones, the enlightened communities, the compassionate innovations… you will help the Wanted to grow?
“Oh, but when I point to the Unwanted, I feel alive! It’s so visceral – I know I’m making a difference!” you say.
And to this we say: Get used to the peacefulness of the paradigm you are headed towards. Do not mistake it for the land of Nothing Doing. Your greatest service to your self and to others at this time, is to learn to resonate in peace.Sure, we get it, fire crackers and electric shocks are tantalising in a physical world. But know that the frequency of peace is subtle. And its fruits are boundless.When you truly can ease in to that peace paradigm, you will start to see the plants growing and the birds communicating – and the wonder of that (and so much more) will bring you to your knees.And in time, people will pause from tasering each other emotionally, and ask you – the Peace Freqs – what you are doing. And you will start to show them.
Time for practice.
***15minInnerBalanceMeditation – 87% high co – 3.6 av coherence***
That’s more like it. 🙂 I Imagined my heart inflating and deflating like a bright heart-shaped balloon as I breathed. Lovely.
Open the letter.
Ok. [Yesterday, I pulled out my beloved copy of A Course in Miracles (ACIM), and spotted inside it a letter I had apparently written and posted to myself in 2016!]
Oh wow! It was a letter we wrote to ourselves at the end of the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Course – and the teacher posted it to us 6 months later. It starts,
“Dear Arabella,
I am writing this to you, dear soul, on the last session of JW’s MBCT Course. I hope this find you well, thriving, at peace {sic}, in flow and sensing the blessings of Life… ”
It’s really beautiful. I’ve put it back in the ACIM book.
And if you open ACIM book, just randomly, what does it say to you?
In choosing salvation rather than attack, I merely choose to recognize what is already there. Salvation is a decision made already. Attack and grievances are not there to choose. That is why I always choose between truth and illusion; between what is there and what is not. The light has come. I can but choose the light, for it has no alternative. It has replaced the darkness, and the darkness has gone.
2. These would prove useful forms for specific applications of this idea:
This cannot show me darkness, for the light has come. The light in you is all that I would see, [name]. I would see in this only what is there.
Yes! This. This is the antidote to pointing out the Unwanted! In choosing salvation rather than attack, I merely choose to recognize what is already there. It’s time for me to give up ‘attack and grievance’ against these people whose judgement and motives I’m so ready to lunge in to. I know what happens when I point to the ‘shocking’ and the ‘disgusting’ behaviour in others – especially public figures. I feel clever. That’s the truth. I feel smart when I apply my brain to identifying, and evidencing the wrongs of others. I may not say out loud my attacks very much, but when I do share my apparent insights with others, I feel like the shiz. I get a kick out of it.
What if I applied my brain with as much vigour to the Wanted as I’ve done to the Unwanted? What wonders I could achieve, in terms of highlighting the New, and the Peace Paradigm, and the Evolution of Consciousness…
Why have I allowed my brain’s attention to be ‘hijacked’ by a seeming circus show of my own illusioning? Enough. No more attack, no more grievance. This cannot show me darkness, for the light has come. The light in you is all that I would see, [name]. And now, to focus on the bright lighters.
There we are. What a great phrase: ‘to focus on the bright lighters’!
Yes, why not? Look towards the light, right? Stop focusing on the dimly lit souls, and great special-interesty on the ones beaming brightly. Even if I feel less ‘clever’ in doing so! 😉
Yes! You know where the Bright Lighters are in your world. Focus on them.
Today I’m on a refresher course on Advance Planning for End of Life. Run by a bunch of Bright Lighters.
Man, I’ve been focussing on those I’d see as Dark. a) ACIM reminds me they are not. b) What a waste of focus!
I would almost feel happy to stay working with #IamRelishingWhatIs&WhatIsComing for ever more. It is an amazingdoor opener to all things coherent, appreciative and receptive. It is the answer to all my desires to move from Head to Heart: relishing happens in the heart sphere, with the mind engaged to support and magnify the moment.
Yesterday I relished so many simple things, present and coming – lingering and basking in the enjoyment of them. I relished:
qigong on the patio in the sun
a tidy pop-up desk ready for running my online training
bringing to mind the folks I’d be working with across the day
glimpsing the sight of peaceful people on my mindfulness zoom session
seeing my first HUMAN SOCIALLY since before lockdown – literally since 14th March – 10 weeks and 4 days ago! CM came up here and we walked round the woods, carefully socially distanced.
moments sitting in the garden during the working day and relishing the sun on my skin
contemplating the summer stretching onwards
telly with A and G – eating delicious home cooked food
{catching videos on Twitter of the #BooForBoris event, and appreciating the awareness of people’s active, collective response to what has been an unspeakable week in UK politics. You’d think from this blog that I’m unaware of politics. Actually I follow v closely, and my Head is frankly aghast – but I keep this space free of it. My heart knows better than to entangle itself…}
Meditation time…
***15minInnerBalanceMed – 44% high coherence – av. coherence 2.0***
Man, that was a tough practice. Why?
Feeling the pressure of time. Feeling behind. Feeling rushed. Feeling you have a lot to squeeze in to the day. Feeling like you have a training session to run in two hours, and getting pumped up for that.
I don’t want to feel pumped up for these sessions. That is zazz. I’m done with that. I wanted that feeling of coherence…. 🙁 So, today?
You can’t talk about politics here and then hope to get coherence. It doesn’t work like that. Not in these days. Your politicians are not acting for you, for peace, for collaboration, for unity, for selflessness. So don’t look at them. Seriously. We’re glad you brought your addiction to Twitter-gazing up here. Drop it. Seriously. If you truly want to ‘level up’ with coherence – by which we mean alignment to the grand What Is of increased consciousness – keep your eyes on the prize. Tend to your attention, as a farmer tends to the most fragile newborn lamb, or the horticulturist tends to the delicate seedlings. Tend to your attention. This means: check where you are placing your attention. Is it on peace, unity, love and light? Or is it on the apparent failings of your fellow humans. Their ‘failings’ are a gift for you in that you can practice your non-judgment, your neutrality, your capacity for universal forgiveness. Return to ACIM and remind yourself of its principles.
If you will place your attention on those you see as doing wrong, you will need to be sure to practise the principles of forgiveness. As that is hard, we suggest instead you place your attention on that which is reminiscent of peace, unity, love and light. Do not fritter this special time away, chafing against the old which is collapsing. Turn your magnifying attention to the blossoming new. This takes care and focus, but the fruits are worth it, for you and for the all. Love all; have clear boundaries. Love all; have clear boundaries. This is sovereignty. Peace now.
Ty. I am humbled, chastened. Yes, it was time we had that conversation…