Create 42: I am breathing in love; breathing out power

I feel today like I’m breathing in love… Like I’m focussing my knowing on that Love that exists in the purest form, that Love that centres its attention on each of us jointly and severally, that Love that knows us intimately and adores us more for it, that Love that knows this is all but a very arduous soul school… and it’s as if I’m breathing that Love in, into my heart.

And then it’s like I’m breathing out power… Like I’m blowing out in to a huge balloon, a balloon that represents my bubble of protection and power. My boundary gets bigger and stronger with each out-breath. The deep sigh of the exhale affirms my psychological space to be, think and act. And to defend my own wellbeing. 

Speak to me of this moment in time? My world is so full… I’m on the edge of what I can handle emotionally and physically. It’s like I could lie in the garden on the lawn under the sun for a full two hours doing nothing but letting the exhaustion drain into the ground.

So note your body’s call for ‘earthing’ there. When did you last have bare feet on the earth?

Maybe three or four months ago.. I could set up my office grounding mat… I will!

Secondly, you are listening to CMyss [The Power of Holy Language – audio programma] at the right time. She is talking about this power of which you speak… and the fact that certainty is associated with stepping into empowerment. Yesterday you had a good conversation with G around setting boundaries around the amount of training you do. How did it leave you feeling?


Excellent. There we go. Breathing in courage. Breathing out relief. It ‘worked’. 🙂

So today, breathe in that universal love, and breathe out the power within you, like a dragon. If you are truly centred in love for any person, you can tell them your truth unflinchingly.

So love the clients who are kicking the heck off, and then bring in the power of your truth. That’s all you’re being asked to do, sweet soul. That’s your work. To love those who are crumbling under the circumstances at play, and to act in your power according to the parameters of your role as a problem-solver. With that intake of love you can distinguish between the person, and the problem they are experiencing or creating. This is really important stuff. Step out of rescuer, persecutor or victim. Come to calm. And be the surgeon gently attending to the problem. Relish the unpicking of the knot. It’s not easy work! But with love in your heart, ‘problem people’ turn into ‘people with a problem’. Can you work with that?

That’s such a helpful, mature and compassionate distinction. I’ve never consciously used that term, and I concur – they’re not problem people. They’re people with a problem… a problem which professionally-speaking, I can help them untie, if they want me.

Breathe in love; breathe out power… the power to problem solve, to support, to love unconditionally and to gaze upon all beings with a powerfully positive regard.

There’s no problem that can’t be fixed… though the fix will often look different to the one the people supposed would work.

Hold that knowing. And remember the power of your confidence that there is a way out of every tangle. And that the actual exit is not even the good bit. The LEARNING undertaken on the way out is the person’s SOUL WORK.

Look at your most challenging clients… [NEXT section is CONFIDENTIAL]

The headteacher… doing the soul work of learning to be taught by a wise young starseed child and her indigo mother.

The indigo mother… doing the soul work of learning that she holds the power to teach, to hold authority to account, and also to forgive; and learning how compassionate parenthood can change the life of a young being in a way she would never otherwise have known had it not been for her powerful child.

The white manager… doing the soul work of learning her privilege and really seeing the inequality of the world, as taught her by her black colleague.

The black colleague… doing the soul work of learning to use the power of her voice to create safe and dignified personal boundaries in an acutely discriminatory world; and learning that her universal human needs are worthy of being fully met.

Wow. Yes. It’s not about the ‘outcomes’ so much as the soul work on the journey. On that basis, a mediation doesn’t even have to settle to be a ‘success’.

The SOUL WORK is the business at hand.

May I deeply learn and absorb this and have endless compassion for those doing this tough work. May I never endeavour to rush them, or push them… or least of all, sadden them in any way as they do this work. Show me your ways.

I am breathing in love; breathing out power
