Playing ‘I did a good thing…’ – my notes:
- I put my phone away (it’s trouble)
- I decided to cease looking to others for cues to feel SATISFACTION (aka enough-making) but to decide for myself. I’ll do my own enough-making.
- I accessed a good tweak: the phrase ‘I am doing a good thing.‘ =>
- present moment affirmation = +HRV
- no matter the future, right now I am doing a GT
- so different to egoic ‘look at me’ doing a thing
- self-approval rocks
- satisfaction in/from the Act itself not just from social … frottage?!
- does this self-approval dwell in the hara?
- I accessed another good tweak: the phrase ‘It feels satisfying…’
- To know I’m keeping to my schedule
- To sit here on this sofa prepping for the day
- Knowing I’m going to help people today
- To see how my acting skills support this work
- To lightcast, right here and now, to those in need of LOVE and ATTENTION today
- To settle into the Work of this day knowing I am contributing to this universal Love Uprising
- To bring about the delicacy of qigong to my day
***End of notes***
And what has your learning been, through working with ‘satisfaction’ and ‘self-approval’?
- It needs a lot of practice
- It’s a good antidote to What Is Going On
Do you want to talk about what is going on?
I do. Briefly. Without getting journalistic here. I think we are all … astonished. It feels like the whole country is being gaslit by the government – between Covid-19 (this is lockdown day 90 I believe), and their poor response to BLM protestors; and their vague response to the far-right rioters; and their plans to shove through Brexit (our ecomony dived 20% in April)… More info is arising about the darkness behind well-known figures. It’s clear it only takes <1% of a population to be psychopaths for them to hijack a whole nation.
Ok. Thank you. Let’s work with the word ‘hijack’. What does it mean?
unlawfully seize (an aircraft, ship, or vehicle) in transit and force it to go to a different destination or use it for one’s own purposes.2. When you take control of a conversation others were having and make it all about you, this is an example of a time when you hijack the conversation.
Good. Let’s run with the concept of ‘hijack the conversation’.
As in, the Mail, and the way it hijacked the conversation on immigration for years, and then tried to turn an innocent eye on the far right rioters on our streets…?
Who could have imagined that after 124 years of spouting right wing, xenophobic and racist bile, the Tory loving Daily Mail would help incite violence by a group of right wing, xenophobic and racist Tory loving pillocks?
— Paul Delaney (@coaimpaul) June 14, 2020
There are always two parallel conversations: the one fuelled by love, and the one fuelled by fear (from which hate arises). The fear-based, egoic conversation is always louder. In terms of volume, noise and apparent presence, it drowns out the conversation based on love. This is the seeming hijack.
What you can take with you is the knowledge that you are always invited to be a conduit for the Conversation Fuelled By Love. You can choose not to have your attention, your ear, your eye hijacked by fear. You will feel ‘satisfaction’ and ‘self-approval’ when you choose to speak the Language of Love at all times.
We are talking here about accessing and activating the Inner Approval System. It is directly connecting to your Inner Being – which always, only, speaks the Language of Love.
So when you feel, I did a good thing, and I am feeling satisfied, know that you are responding to your Inner Approval System, which is your route in to your Inner Being.
I long to connect more deeply with my Inner Being.
Then seek out your IAS, and really work it. Watch how G mows the lawn and then gets pleasure from sitting and looking at the freshly cut lawn. He has done something good and kind for his Inner Being; he has met his Heart’s desire. We say to you right here, right now: what does your heart desire? How can you, sweet soul, meet its needs today? Yes, today.
I believe my Inner Being would like to Play House today – clear the decks, simplify, clear, empty inboxes… so that tomorrow (or tonight) everything feels orderly and fresh and rebooted. We want to Reboot ahead of next week.
Excellent. So here’s the reality check: what happens when thoughts of lack, sadness, loss (we know, your car died last week), despair about the government, frustration about others… start to filter in? What’s your antidote here?
“OTBS…!” [On The Bright Side – I wrote ‘OTBS’ on a post-it and stuck it by my kettle during a very hard year… It was almost as good as much of the therapy I was also receiving, in helping me rewire my thoughts and my brain-state.]
Spot on!
“{But… politicians!} On The Bright Side: I am playing house”
Such a good way to get into the IAS space, and find S-A-T-I-Sfaction. Enough making! Satisfaction guaranteed! You will always find satisfaction and self-approval when you let OTBS be your guiding light.
Know what you want: to reboot for next week, to play house
Know how to keep in that IAS space: by using the OTBS turn of phrase.
Thank you. I want to note what a big week last week was.
You did so well.
I did do ok, didn’t I? Here’s some feedback from my SP training:
- Respectfully presented in a safe space with a knowledgeable facilitator
- Lovely training leader and very insightful personal experience
- The facilitator was very open about her own experiences which gave real insight into the topic being discussed.
You did a Good Thing.
I did a Good Thing.
‘Life is complex at the moment by OTBS… I did a Good Thing.’
‘There’s a lot of build-up of stuff from this week, but OTBS, I am rebooting for next week.’
Your world will revolve to spin around your most dominant thoughts. Truly. So let your dominant thought and feeling be ‘On the bright side…’. And the bright side will become the dominant side of your life.
Beautiful. Thank you.
On The Bright Side: I am playing house and rebooting for next week – according to my #IAS #OTBS