Presence 23: I am in the light-hearted state #LuckyMe

Embracing the Other led to some wondrous occurrences. I threw myself more whole-heartedly in to my cases. And my word, people responded. On the day of the last dialogue, I had a client phone me in a whirlwind of anger, powerless, distress and righteous indignation about the way his case was developing. Our ensuing conversation arising from his 100% openness and directness with me, eventually made it clear that he and his ‘opponent’ were actually, astonishingly, on the same page.

Then yesterday, a Saturday, I went for a 2.5 hour walk on my own, and could only spent the time pondering a really heart-breaking case of familial estrangement. Earlier in the week, the older relative had sent me two confused and impassioned emails, which only gave the heart-breaking impression of their living in another reality, in which all was pain, fear, danger and blame. I didn’t know how to respond, let alone what ‘message’ to convey to the patiently-waiting younger party. In the end, I threw myself into healing prayer as I walked through woods and fields, bringing all the ACIM insights of ‘complete perfection of each of us’, and claiming complete healing and forgiveness across all directions of space and time, in every line of the family. Eventually, feeling some of the weight lifting, I contacted the younger party to let them know that things weren’t quite moving forward and that I recognised the poor mental health involved – which seemed to be a consolation in itself. They were happy to wait for me to have a phone call with their older relative, to see if I could discern a ‘message’ to convey. I sat down in a field to write to write to the senior party, to ask for a phone call – though I feared such a call might just cause the person to spin further, their state of mind having seemed so fragile in their last emails. I had nearly written my email when a dog appeared seemingly from no where (ahead of its owners out for a walk) and barked at me keenly. I had no choice but to get up, and walk briskly on. I would send my email when I got home. I got home, and was about to finish and send the email when I remembered washing needed hanging on the line, so I took it out. As I was finishing hanging the washing, ping! I received an email – from the senior party, the subject of those ardent prayers of earlier. With ringing clarity, it said, “I have a message for you to convey…”. Not only was it a clear message for the younger party, but it was ringing, redolent, interwoven with love, clarity, forgiveness, self-awareness, optimism. The fear and blame had just ebbed away entirely. I nearly fainted! I have been working on this case for six months or so with no progress… The turning of the tanker this afternoon astonished me. Was it…due to the prayers?

When you saw that sticker in India that said, ‘The power of prayer’, something awoke in you. You have played to a certain degree with this ‘power’, but only now are you clear enough of charged emotions,  and steady enough in your world, and loved/loving enough, and receptive enough, to begin to work effectively with this immense and unfathomable power. 

‘Week 2′ in the Presence Process talks about the ’cause and effect’ of our thinking, depending on whether it is IN TIME (=> victim / victor mentality; reflections and projections; reactivity or ‘shaking the jar’) or IN PRESENCE (ie. outside of time => response). 

Your work yesterday – ‘LightCasting’ as we call it, as opposed to ‘prayer’ as such – involved your working outside of time. When you work outside of time, at the timeless soul level, many new opportunities arise. You know this. You carried out this work with your own family lines. Are you starting to see how, when you truly embrace the Other as a sibling to yourself, with a desire to bring about interpersonal forgivenesses as part of the emerging unification of souls, you are carried forward by the ‘tools’ of this work? 

Yes. Also, I sensed how this intense qigong training is awakening my energy skills. The prayers felt very physical. in that the healing was through my hands as much as through my words or heart-state.

That is why it is called LightCasting. The hands are the active ‘orbits’ in this work. 

Can you speak to me about keeping myself in balance in this work?

Complete humility. Understand that it is an honour to be a channel for this work; a privilege to be held with utmost respect and reverence. Take it gently. Learn your craft. Seek teachers, but do so with quietude and humble enquiry. 

I have longed for ‘connection’ with the unseen.

It was always available to you. Through the Presence Process and qigong, you are learning to be still enough to ‘chime’ with the magnificent, and yes magical, world unseen. Keep pure of thought, and high of energy, and remember that your qigong is part of your ‘psychic hygiene’ routine. This is how you remain in shape for this work. 

And today? It’s a sunshiny Sunday, and we’re off for lunch and a walk. (I’m so lucky.)

There you have it. To bear witness to your own good fortune is to surf the high frequency waves of Good Thinking. 

Let’s play, {I’m so lucky because…} It’s fun, it’s light, it’s for gentle mulling around. Crucially, remember the HeartMath Inner Balance device goes to good HRV when you feel positive in your heart? Be in that ‘light-hearted’ state? Ok? 

Yes! Got it. Lucky me.

I am in the light-hearted state #LuckyMe


PS. New order of ceremonies for DoDs:

  • Read book (now: ThePP)
  • Meditate
  • Read previous post
  • Write next post.

Why? To get fully in the right state of mind before I come here.