Sometimes we need to talk to you in private.
Thank you. I appreciate – and want – this. Please go ahead. May God help me listen and respond. May my heart and mind resonate with you, highest power of my being.
You are tired. This needs to stop. You need to refresh yourself.
How should I do this?
By kvelling over yourself. By being proud of yourself. By acting in ways that make you proud of your days. You have been learning about rewards, and motivation. You are learning, now at this important time in your life, to summon your Will for good.
My mindfulness work and habit trackers are helping me with this. I’ve been thinking again about magic morning routines.
Yes! The river forms new pathways through rock by the soft daily chafing of its waters.
I can energise myself to form habits.
Form habits of immaculate self-care, so that you feel free and liberated by afternoon-time to be the creative soul you are! Your mission this year is to ‘share tools’. This requires the creation of pools of empty space for writing, filming, posting. To create pools of empty space, you need rigorous morning routines of self-care so that you can really bask in the peace and creativity and focus of the afternoon.
What are the Magic Morning habits? Please share them with me while simultaneously granting me the understanding of Rewards, so that I can summon by best morning energy to undertake the routine activities which will support creative, connected, tool-sharey afternoons.
MEDSAN Morning Offices of immaculate self-care – in any order/timings
- [Kitchen (you tidied up the night before)]
- QT – private! this is your summoning time! your prayer time! (Medsan)
- Shower + Dress + Laundry/Room tidy (medSan)
- Brunch + Lunch prep + Supps (meDsan)
- Walk + qigong (mEdsan)
- MBAdmin – comms + finances (medsAn)
- Network – website / brochures / marketing (medsaN)
Reward for the morning: Sit down at 12 midday for creative / client work of sharing tools – which will result in the ‘mutual positive regard’ you are actually nourished by.
Reward for the afternoon: An evening of delicious food, relaxation, socialising, media, social media and unwinding for the next day.
***20minMed – healing, prayer, connection***
Thank you for the reconnection to prayer… It’s so physical. Please God, may I absorb this knowing…
A directed morning of MEDSAN Morning Offices
is rewarded by
a creative, connected afternoon of ‘mutual positive regard’
is rewarded by
an evening of unwinding, receiving, being with loved ones.
Grant me power in my system to perform the MEDAN Morning Offices.
MEDSAN Morning Offices of immaculate self-care – in any order/timings
- Med: QT – this is the summoning time / prayer time
- Ex: Walk + qigong
- Diet: Brunch + Lunch prep + Supps + Kitchen tidy
- Shower: Shower + Dress + Laundry/Room tidy
- Admin: MBAdmin – comms + finances
- Network: Website / brochures / marketing
- And now we are rooted
Reward for the morning: Rooted now, I sit down at 12 midday for creative / client work of sharing tools – which will result in the ‘mutual positive regard’ you are actually nourished by.
Reward for the afternoon: An evening of delicious food, relaxation, socialising, media, social media and unwinding for the next day.

I’ve done a gantt chart to work with. And a google doc for my bedside.
And I’ll track the outcomes on