Presence 54: I am declaring “Mais oui! May we…”

Praying my way through four tube station changes in London was so sweet. “May I feel relieved and peaceful when I arrive at lunch, even though the train and tubes are running so slow. May we all feel relieved and peaceful in each others company today.” So comforting, so gentle, such a helpful set of priorities.

And I loved “May we…” as a prayer launcher – partly because it sounds like “Mais oui!” (But yes!) – so excellent. And largely because I like the prayer that encompasses us all. “May I” can feel a bit relentlessly self-orientated. But I truly do wish for us all (in the room, on the tube, in my family, in the country, in the world) any good thing I might wish for myself. Not just for altruistic reasons – but for selfish reasons, in the best way.

Take this prayer for example: “May I experience peace in my heart”. The prayer can only go so far if others around me are peace-less in their hearts. Whereas the prayer “May we all experience peace in our hearts” is actually more likely to grant me a peaceful experience than the “May I..” prayer. I’m an interdependent human. The good for others enhances the good for me. It cannot detract from it – especially as we are in a creative world of abundance.

I’m going to play with Mais Oui – and we can discuss it tomorrow? A few words from our sponsor?

We love Mais Oui. Feel how it spirals you up the Emotional Guidance system. Feel how it allows you to …. cease backbiting. 


No worries. But you did ask us to address it earlier. Backbiting – your term not ours – drags you down. It is the ultimate Mais Non! … in the negative, low vibe manner. “May we all…” is a way of wishing improvement and development for another, and noting that you too could benefit from such improvement. Backbiting of course is a hard magnet for karma. In others words, it pulls into manifestation in YOU that which you have crucified the OTHER for. Beware. Take care. Use “May We” instead… and do it DIRECTLY to the person. “Darling xyz, MAY WE do it like this instead?” Be brave. Dialogue! 

Ok. May We. Got it. Thank you. More tomorrow.

May we learn together in the groups this morning and this afternoon. (I’m training.) May we feel good in each other’s company. May we be inspired by each other. May my colleagues and I collaborate effectively across the day, always supporting each and appreciating each other. And may we all love ourselves unconditionally so we don’t need to “look for love” from each other, but have margin to love all that is. Amen.


Next day:

Well, I fell in to grievous ‘complaint’ mode after someone wrote a stinging, dismissive comment in a feedback form yesterday morning (“I’ve forgotten half of it already.”). At lunch time, I railed and lamented about corporate cultures… blaming the firm for dabbling in weapons… I unleashed my sadness and grief on both AS and G… Then I went for my lunchtime walk… and remembered this line from TPP p213:

“We are now ready to make a causal impact on our unconscious definition of love. This unconscious definition of love is responsible for all the unpleasant circumstances we manifest whenever we “look for love,” which is what we are doing most of our waking life. Our unconscious definition of love manifests as conditions that make it impossible for us to experience unconditional love.” (The Presence Process p213)

Clearly, I realised, I had been ‘looking for love’ (approval, lauding, applause, validation) from the participants of my training. (Again.) I determined to ‘look for love’ within myself for the afternoon training session (same firm, different group). I noticed that I slowed down, I was more present, I didn’t burn my candle so brightly – and I felt more centred and whole afterwards. Needless to say, I got excellent feedback.

People will reflect back to you whatever degree of self-love you are currently manifesting. That is basically all life is: your brothers and sisters holding up a mirror to you, until you learn to love yourself better. 

And stop seeking love externally…

Mais oui all love ourselves better.

Merely by heeding the Heart’s prayer, you can tend (notice that word ‘tend’ – like cultivate, grow) your capacity for unconditional self-love. Your Heart has and is the source of unconditional self-love for you. And all beings. Tend to it’s prayers. 

Ok. I’m going to do my mediation now, and focus on the Heart. Ty.


So apparently my Heart is awash with home truths for me.

Self-betrayal feels like one.

Easy, gently, softly… What else. 

I saw myself as a tiny boat hooking on to other bigger boats… and the invitation to become a big boat, navigating my own course, and dropping anchor when and where I want.

That sounds like self-owner-ship

Haha. Love it. The Self-Owner-Ship on the high seas of freewill. Tell me more?

Your version of ‘self-betrayal’ is the next person’s rendition of R&D, or sensible business growth. You’ve managed to create a portfolio of clients who give you paid work, on a freelance basis. They do your marketing/busdev/admin for a small fee, and you get to spread your risk across various sources of income. 

We know – what you’re exploring is moving from B2B work to B2C work with SoD. That’s excellent! And you are moving in exactly the right direction. You’re moving cautiously, and leaving behind your old strategy of throwing the whole bucket of stuff at the wall to see what sticks. 

What is your Heart’s prayer? 

I’ll ask. Heart says: Worried about investing too much time and energy in other people’s projects, because it wants to reserve time and energy for the SoD. This is bcs I’m spending today with a colleague brainstorming the future of our collaboration.

And your Heart’s not in it? 

My Heart’s not in it….

But has it given you all you need for the SoD? 

Yes. Or some of…

So what’s your Heart’s desire? 

To build my SoD. THAT is my “Heck, Yes!” I’ve got a new case coming in, and I’m going to offer – not to ‘mediate’ in the traditional sense – but to teach the parties (one refuser/demander in particular) the skills to resolve the dispute themselves.  This I feel good about. My H2D course… I feel good about. That is my own Ship.

So say Mais Oui to your Heart’s desire, and ALLOW everything else to feeeeeed in. All you are doing with these blessed, beautiful colleague (CM) is excellent learning for the SoD. Be soft and sensible. Keep heeding and focussing on and trusting in your Heart’s prayer for your Own Ship. See it. Feel it. Sense it. Own it. Receive ALL incomings (not as distractions or non-additions to the dreams) but rather as gifts directly from your Vortex to help build the Ship of your Own. Play that game!

Say: Mais oui! May we all work together to build the SoD!

Ok! Got it. Ty. xxx

I am declaring  Mais oui! May we…




Presence 53: I am heeding the Heart’s prayer

So the Power of a Positive No book (William Ury) is spot on for me. It states the three ‘A traps’ for not saying no: accommodating, avoiding, attacking. Yep… Those resonate. So I’m going to pick up the No sandwich Ury talks about: “Yes! No. Yes?

I want to pick up the last part of TPP’s Week 8… in which MB suddenly (as far as I recall) introduces prayer. Beautifully. And it’s a good reminder for me…..

There is no awareness of peace without authentic forgiveness, and there is no authentic forgiveness until we integrate the resonance that arises in us when we place our attention on those who still anger us.

Prayer is the tool for neutralizing arrogance and regaining an awareness of peace. Arrogant people won’t pray for help in this regard. Let’s therefore pray for the strength, compassion, and emotional maturity to be able to truly perceive our predicament. Let’s pray for the capacity to forgive ourselves, so we too may be forgiven for our hurting of others, and so we too may have the capacity to forgive others authentically. Let’s pray to be shown the opposite of arrogance, which is humility.

Only through prayer do we realize that the people in our experience we have chosen to condemn and punish by withholding our forgiveness are our saviors in disguise.

Forgiveness can’t be forced. Neither can it be accomplished mechanically because it’s “the right thing to do.” This is why we humbly get down on our knees and ask whatever we understand our source to be to assist us in this matter.

It doesn’t matter what faith we hold: prayer is prayer. By asking for assistance in this humbling manner, we dismantle the fortress of arrogance and neutralize the venom of anger. Humility extinguishes arrogance. Only arrogance renders us unwilling to pray and ask for forgiveness.


Tell me more about prayer today…

Or rather… May I learn about prayer again today. And every day.

There are two types of prayer. Prayer from the Heart and prayer from the Head. The latter is the type that drains your tanker; the former is the type that fills it. Head prayer is a shopping list, an order, a deviation from responsibility. Heart prayer is an articulation of the soul’s desire and the spirit’s free will. In Heart prayer the Head is educated as to the will of the inner being… if the Head can learn to be still and humble enough to listen to the prayer of the Heart. In truth, the Heart is in prayer all day long. A first port of call for learning about true prayer is simply to practise stilling the Head (mind) long enough for it to be able to tune into and listen to the Heart’s constant still, small voice. Sweet, no? 

What is my heart praying for right now?

Listen. What do you hear? 

Golly. It seemed to be worried about my driving today. I’m picking up our new car – a gift from my darling sister – and collecting my beloved ASV and bringing her home for the first time since Sept. I have barely driven since Sept…

And so what is the Heart’s prayer? 

I think it is this: May I drive with care and consideration today. May I call on the protection of the angels of the heavens and of the roads. May I be blessed with good judgement today. May we be looked after at all times. 

Beautiful. Listen again. 

Oh dear… the Heart is wary of Covid as I travel by train to London and then mix with others….

And so what is the Heart’s prayer? 

I think it is this: May I be held in complete and perfect health today. May my presence bring love and healing with it. May all beings rise towards perfect health today. May London and the whole world be blessed by light, love and health. 

Beautiful. Listen again. 

‘We’re not going to be ready’. Here ‘we’ is ‘Me & my Heart’. I realise that a lot of my actual ANXIETY simply arises out of my Heart’s unheard concerns….. That means… I could offset a bunch of my anxiety by:

  • tuning into my heart at the beginning of each day and
  • listening to its concerns and
  • prioritising addressing those concerns, while also
  • humbly asking for assistance….

Heart knows best how to look after you.

Speak your Heart’s prayer again…

I think it is this: May I take care to ready myself without rush or procrastination. May I caretake myself kindly and gently today, so that I feel reassured, ready, complete and confident of the steps ahead. May I be ready early. 

Beautiful. Now this is Unconditional Self Love.

You are ready for the Presence Process Week 9: 


(Activate with Third Water Session)

Our Conscious Response for the Next Seven Days is:


Blending the Positive No, with the Heart’s Prayer (the Positive Yes), you are discovering new ways to practise Unconditional Self Love. There is real progress here.

I had a little meltdown in the shops yesterday… 🙁

You had been ignoring your Heart’s Prayer…


Heed the Heart’s Prayer. Act upon it as if it were your Wise Guide leading you out of the magical deep dark forest (because it is). Trust its guidance with all your might. Bend your mind (Head) to drop its wild ravings, and accept the wisdom of the Heart’s Prayer. Train your Head to stop, to listen, to reset the compass not according to the Head’s Fearful Thinking, but to the sweet, soft, intuitive, wise, caring, gentle, all-knowing, disarmingly brilliant Heart’s Prayer. 

Thank you. <3

I am heeding the Heart’s prayer

#May_I……  #May_We……