Create 40: I am keeping things rolling towards my vision

My beloved is not well… Poor angel, he had to take himself into hospital at 4am this morning… Still there, though hopefully home in a few hours…. <3 Understandably, here is a lot in my heart and head at the moment…. I won’t go into it all here now… I am however keen to hear from you and about your guidance on these themes…

There is a word to consider today: synthesis. Is you can solidify and synthesise your path, you will have more scope to respond to the rolls of life. 

Yes. I hear you. It takes the power to say No… I’ve been saying Yes to a lot, even if it’s not the One Jam vision. In fact, what have I even done on the One Jam vision this week, or month? I haven’t even responded to the email asking for ConRes training for managers, which is the heart of H2D. I need to FOCUS. And get things rolling. Rolling, rolling, with decisions…. One Jam. Focus.

Softly now…

How about this… 

Write down the 10 steps to One Jam, and steps 11-20 to One Jam plus…. 

Yes. Ok. Ty.

You need to get things in order. And then take the decisions accordingly. 


Just received this text from G…. :

Thanks. I’ve just been seen by a consultant, they’re going to keep me in overnight and monitor [……] Then outpatient appointment in about eight weeks to test [……]  The car is in the road near the entrance to A&E if you need it. [……] but much better than in the night. Going to nap some more. Love you ? x

Oh my word… My sweet one. I’ve messaged back to suggest that I get a taxi in this afternoon, to take him some overnight things and pick up his car.

Realisation: A full 24+ hours without my beloved. I have been blessed with his company every day since we moved in together two years ago, except for the few nights when I (never he) was away for work or to visit family. Certainly every single night in the last c. 50 weeks of pandemic. What a gift his presence has been during these months… How much his steady, loving, generous, caring presence fills my days and my heart. Thank you, mighty universe, for this beautiful man.

Yesterday, because G wasn’t well, I did the weekly shop for the first time in bally yonks, and he dictated me the shopping list in order of collection via aisle, with directions <3 <3 <3:

Oh  my heart… {I’m having a good cry now…} I know it sounds silly but… idk… what, do I watch The Voice on my own tonight???? I’m so intertwined with this beautiful man… I’m not sure what is ‘us’ and what is ‘me’. I so love our routines…. but largely because of they are with him!

Dear soul…! ‘Keep things rolling.’ Remember that from a few lines above. This is your moment to KTR [keep things rolling]. Ok? 

Yes… :(((

KTR. Not blindly, or harshly, or FTW. But with vision and clarity and trust. Your momentum is what will keep you level. Keep moving gently. USE the blessed routines you’ve developed with G. They are there for you to use as scaffolding. 

What can I do for G?

Hoover the house, order his birthday presents, look after your own good self… Organise yourself and carry out tasks that will lift the frequency of your sweet home. Use this time alone to catch up, and to write down your One Jam steps, as a draft, using flipchart and post-its. Brainstorm it… And then Take Decisions. Some will be uncomfortable, but it’s time to focus. 

This I am learning. I am reading the book on pensions………………….

I need to save half a million pounds in the next 20 years to be able to retire on a minimum wage. I have WORK to do!

So focus, gently, on the vision at hand. Take decisions. Keep things rolling. These means not allowing others’ professional paths to hijack your energy. Do you see? 

I think so.

It’s serious business. And we know, it’s complex. You are a ‘professional services’ provider. Meeting others’ needs is what you’re all about. BUT, before being that provider to your clients, you must meet the needs of your own soul’s contract for this life. That’s a delicate balance to achieve, we’re aware of that, and it requires much ‘wakefulness’. Staying awake is the order of the day. So when we say ‘keep things rolling’ we don’t mean keep on punting back the tennis balls others are firing at you in your work. We mean, take your own tennis balls, and start serving them over the professional net yourself. 

My serve.

Your serve. 

And what should my mantra be today?

I am keeping things rolling towards One Jam

I like it. It makes me feel good.

Lean into KTR with your VISION held clear. 

Just like Reality Transurfing talks about.


I am keeping things rolling towards my vision


Quick Qn: Is it about selling my business ultimately…? Is that the end goal?

No harm in that. Overall, it’s about providing value, isn’t it? If money is energy, and you wish to earn energy, you must create an energy exchange. What makes people ‘want’ the energy you offer? 

They want it if they can benefit from it? Like a clothes shop provides the benefit not just of:

  1. Products for ‘physical-warmth-and-non-nakedness’ but also of
  2. By-products of ‘psychological-social-status-seratonin‘.

What benefit can your business [SoD] provide? 

  1. Services: mediation and training in interpersonal comms, but also
  2. By-products: Peace of mind, negotiation skills, power to step down disputes, saving on legal fees, bonding oxytocin, healing of past and present trauma, relief dopamine.

Are you leading on that offer? 

Not yet. Will do!

I think of that Paul McKenna book, I can make you thin. He doesn’t hold back on his offer/promise, does he?!

Being clear about your offer is a good start. Ensure it is not an empty promise, and you are in sturdy territory. 

Who is speaking now?

Your ancient inner wisdom.

You’ve been round the block, I guess….

Were space and time a reality we certainly would have been round the block. 

Hey, you said ‘ancient’..!

Timeless. Eternal. Infinite. 

Ok. Cool. Amen.

Let’s KTR towards the vision. I notice that reacting to incoming tasks is so tiring, whereas building the business according to the broader visions is something different. Give me the power and inner strength to focus on the latter.


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