Today I am calling my energy back in…
This is the theme I woke up to this morning: calling the energy back in. It actually comes from Dr Joe Dispenza and his thoughts on the way meditation draws our mind out of the past and the (predictable) future, and centres us in the ‘generous present moment’, which is the only place where we can call back the energy we gave out in trying to control the past/future realities. (See his book here)
It is my hunch that sharing my MEDS journey here, will help me to focus in to my daily present more fully, and give me the best outcomes possible from this period of centred self-care and recuperation. I recently came across Gretchen Rubin’s ‘FourTendencies‘ and identified myself as an Obliger type… willing to pour energy into meeting others’ needs, but with a tendency to bail on one’s own needs/plans/desires. The antidote for self-sabotaging behaviours for the Obliger, says Rubin, is having ‘systems of external accountability’. She gives the example of the woman who signed up for piano classes with her children, because she knew her children would help ensure she kept up her practice. Or the college athlete who never missed a track practice, and went on in adult life to be unable to persuade herself to go for a run at the weekend: that person perhaps needed to join a running club, where she would be missed if she didn’t turn up.
So, I share these words, and my daily tracking, here that you might help me hold myself accountable to myself on this next journey into wellbeing and self-care, and in my act of ‘calling my energy back’ in to myself. And that, if the MEDS idea appeals to you too, you might join me on the path as well. Let’s experiment with it together, and see what new things we can learn about looking after ourselves – and each other.
30m Meditation: Sounds and Bowl (via Dewdrop) at 10am
Plenty arising… Sadness and anger in the heart. Good to sit through it.
YOQI Qigong Daily Energy Routine 17m at 2pm… It’s been a difficult day to get going (ie. out of bed). I was in London delivering high-pressure training for 2 days, and today am really spent. (That said, #OTBS (On The Bright Side) – the day of training (on mental health in the workplace) reinforced my desire to begin this blog and get the MEDS project going. This was particularly so when I caught sight of the fact that one of the firm’s partners had written down in huge letters: “MEDS…” I thought, ‘Hey, that’s my idea she likes!’ and realised that my (proprietorial?) reaction perhaps meant it was time to take this project forward and share it properly. So, the tiredness of yesterday was not wasted or for naught . ?)
I love Marisa of YOQI. She really knows her qigong stuff and has a lovely spirit to her. This ‘flow’ was very gentle and focussed on gathering energy and ‘zipping it up’ inside the body. The cat took up residence in the qi field while I practised.
“I am calling my energy back in.”

Coffee with cream.
Brunch: Leftover meatballs, cheese, borlotti beans. A bit dense! Need to get some veg in the house..
Evening: Pizza out with the family… all the carbs and glutens… Never mind. I’m so off the wagon at the moment. And it was the preference of the young! A happy evening.
Screens off: 10.30pm – yes!
Lights out: 11pm 🙂
Wake up the next day: 5.30…a bit early, from a stressful dream… listened to an Abraham-Hicks recording to relax and got up at 6.30am.