Peak 33: I am Love’s ambassador

Today for my trip to London to speak at a conference on my journey mental health and social prescribing. A new switch-state role came to me… With all my heart…

I am Love’s Ambassador

What is this switch-state ‘role’?

This role marks the act of moving forward into the world in a state of connectedness with your higher consciousness which is drawn from the pure, positive energy of Source – in simpler words, Love. So it’s like you are a dodgem car linked up to the plane of love energy overhead. You are propelled forward by your personhood (free will, decision-making etc) but your actions and words are charged by that overhead consciousness.

Any guidance on how to keep connected to this love field?

Locating your thought in the present moment is how to remain connected to that Love field. It’s a simplified thought state (no multi-tasking kickbacks here). No over-thinking required!

How do we anchor our thinking in the present?

Playing “Now I…” is a good way to guide the mind back to the present.

“Now I am lying in bed resting”

“Now I am getting up to have a shower”

“Now I am standing in this room training 12 managers”

And simply applying the same, “Ah, I see” observer mindset to each scenario, so that moving from one ‘Now’ to the next ‘Now’ to the next ‘Now’… becomes seamless without surges in emotional reactivity. Each now becomes just as curiously interesting and benign as the next. Like a monarch would say, “And today we have 500 people coming for tea…and today we have a state visit from a neighbouring monarch… and today we are opening a new hospital…” She has learnt to balance herself in the face of any eventuality. No dismay, no overexcitement. Curiosity towards and appreciation of each ‘Now’ arising. In this regard, potentially, she maintains access, undisturbed, to the field of love… which is refined in its subtle, tender high vibrational state. The field of love is like the rabbit in your garden: delightful, beautiful and easily dismissed from our field of vision should we stumble towards it.

So that idea would be to say, “I am Love’s Ambassador and now I…”?

Or, “Now I am {abc}. I am Love’s Ambassador.”


In affirming the Now state thinking we access the Love’s Ambassador role. Not the other way round.

Setting the ‘Now’ state thinking sets the frequency of love?

Setting the Now state thinking invites the Love field connection to establish itself. It’s like the dodgem has to come to a halt in order to connect to the overhead power field.

Thank you. Beautiful. Anything else for today?

Balance. Keep the game balanced. Nothing in excess. Subtle. Gentle. Fun.

Coming Home to Divine Presence, Tiara Kumara 2019. Illustration mine.

I am Love’s Ambassador

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