What I liked about ‘being a purveyor of fairness’ was that it gave me a bit of a ‘lens’ throughout the day. I noted how often I was energised or triggered by matters of un/fairness. Channelling that energy into the ‘purveyance’ of fairness felt gentle and gave me patience, hope and purpose.
On top of that, I had my second plant-based day, kicked off with more celery juice. Yee-ha! I’m feeling better already. Interestingly, my desire for meat, dairy, gluten, sugar or fat is pretty low. I’m enjoying getting back into the chop-chop-chop rhythm of cutting fruit and veg across the day, and also the ‘indulgence’ of grazing every 90 mins or so.
I found these helpful infographics on Medical Medium protocols. I haven’t started the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie yet – maybe that’s my step for next week.

And look at some of my meals from the last couple of days!:
I’m pleased, proud and starting to feel my body wake-up… Rising up!
You’ll enjoy your Tao Te Ching reading for today (Chap 4).
I like this tiny extract very much:
‘Tao (The Way)…can round off sharp edges.’ (4:4)
May The Way round off my sharp edges today. I am going to the funeral service of the beautiful little girl who passed away two weeks ago. Help me remain soft, present and fluid to the reality of the day… Let me take no ideas, no fixed words, no consolations. I have nothing to ‘do’ but be present, in love and softness and sadness.
And when I work today, may all sharp edges fall away. May I act clearly and gently and simply – a purveyor of fairness with rounded edges.
This is the only way to live sustainably today. Any time our sharp edges catch on someone or something, the jolt of disharmony shakes us up and drains us.
I often feel and have felt, especially as an Aspie being, the ‘electric shock’ of communications with others.
Know that rounding off your own edges helps reduce this electric shock, or jolt.
Like an eel that can’t be grabbed..?
More like a butterfly that rises out of reach, gently.
This rising up theme. It came to me strongly this morning as I felt inclined to succumb to depressive feelings about the suffering of loved ones, and the sense of fear about my own work. “Must ‘Rise Up’!” I said to myself.
Rising up is a powerful theme. Naturally it alludes to the physical act of getting up and at ’em, but what is really underlying this is the knowledge that you can orchestrate your own frequency.
Soooooo many people are struggling to keep their frequency up – even/especially people really committed to doing the Work (as I see it via FB, for example). Is there some kind of negative frequency belt holding people down?
There is an invitation in place. An invitation to abandon the set of beliefs and behaviours that were appropriate for an earlier age. Sometimes, as people release the old for the new, they feel the pangs of birth, but mistake them for the pangs of, as-it-were, a ‘death’.
So, embrace the pain?
Breathe through it, in a deep state of self-soothing and self-centring.
Like my amazing sister in her hypno-birthing state during labour?
Indeed. ‘Up-breathing’ it was called, that steady breathing designed to allow and support awesome expansion. (Remember: ‘contractions’ were called ‘surges’ precisely because the body isn’t contracting, it’s expanding for most of labour). Try it.
The up-breathing? 3 in; 8 out… Or something similar?
Yes. Rise up, breathing. Diaphragmatic in-breaths. Long, controlled, sustained out-breaths. No ‘sharp edges’. Rounded breathing. Fluid and looping, like The Way.
I am rising up, breathing