Presence 39: I am in charge of my self

I am self-possessed: Can we talk about this?

Of course. 

What is self-possession?

Self-possession is the state of being whereby your own inner being is holding the reins of your thoughts, behaviours and speech. 

You mean the Abraham-Hicks meaning of ‘Inner Being’?

The only meaning of Inner Being. Your inherited self. The self you inherited from your soul at the moment of your conception. 

Like a kind of Mini-Me Soul you get to take into the physical plane?

Better said, the part of you that holds the walkie-talkie to your soul throughout your life. 

I do know that Abraham says if we feel out of sorts it’s because we’re basically in cognitive opposition to our Inner Being. So… what is my mind resisting and opposing to create this current drama? Is it ‘Doesn’t Care’? FWIW, G just came in and gave me a kiss… and he made a lovely fry-up this morning. He may say not a word about my obvious heartache, but he is trying to express that he cares, I think. And then I doubt. And then I look out of the window and I see my farmer neighbour (E.) who lives on his own at getting on for nearly 70, and I pull myself together. Now… that walkie-talkie. What are you hearing it say?!

The Walkie-Talkie to your Soul says:

Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last
Just kicking down the cobblestones
Looking for fun and feelin’ groovy

Aha, the easeful receptive state…

‘Less thinking, more feeling’ right now… That ‘felt-perception’ – what’s there? 

……. Rage. Old rage. It’s trying to come out.

Ok! Now we’re talking. (And you were going to visit that emerging rage on G instead of letting it integrate? Cool stuff to notice all this!)

It’s uncomfy! And I thought I was done with all this, which is why I thought it must be G’s ‘fault’ if I was feeling this bad. :/

We hear you. It’s ok. You’re doing really well. But there’s further to go. What kind of rage is it? [Listening Space clean language question]

Bolstering? Bolstered? Something about bolsters.

Inside or outside? 

In my ribs.

Does this rage have a shape? 

Spiky ball, like one of those medieval balls on a chain on a stick.

Does this rage have a sound? 


Look around the room. Is there an object that you would like to explore with regards to this rage? 

The TV remote control. It’s like I’ve been at the wrong end of the remote control – reactive, bossed around (not by G btw – more, work), uncontrolled, not self-possessed! And now I’ve had enough. I want to grab the remote control…. and start to use it on other people. That would have felt like the words of a megalomaniac to me before, but I’m feeling it’s not so much about bossing others around as…. knowing what I want, asking for what I want, staying in place rather than running towards. Grounded. In charge of my own freewill. Lead by intuition.

And if you had that remote control in your hand, what would you know?

That my mind has power, is creative. That I have options. That I can tweak and amend my life, until I see what I want on the screen in front of me.

And what difference does knowing this make? 

It tells me that I should take more advantage of the ‘remote control’ in my hand/[heart], instead of complaining about what’s on the ‘screen’ in front of me.

It reminds me that though the ‘programming’ is strong from the mainstream ‘channels’, I don’t need to be locked to them. I can choose my own channel, my own programmes.

In fact… I can even scroll through the media channels and programmes until I find the one called ‘Does Care’. And engage with that. Where is the channel/programme/community which ‘Does Care’… about the reality/timeline/[heartspace] I am living in?

This [heartspace] business you’re inserting in…?

We are reminding/informing you that the reality that is your locus of remote control, is in your [heartspace]. Thus, ‘self-possession’ occurs not in the head but in the heart. 

This morning I was internally keening: ‘But I opened my heart up to him!…. If that is unreciprocated, then I can/will/must close mine again!’ Show me how this fits.

When you gift ‘control’ of your life/happiness/wellbeing to another, you vacate your heartspace, and have them unwittingly inhabit it instead. When they don’t perform to give you the love you failed to give yourself, you feel ‘heart-broken’. That is giving someone else remote control of your heart. 

When you inhabit your own heartspace, and hold the steering wheel of the vehicle of your own life/happiness/wellbeing, you can not be heartbroken. Now you hold the (not-so-remote) control for your own reality. 

Heart-centred and self-loving. This is the definition of self-possession.  

Beautiful. It’s so intangible. How can I work with this?

Play with the tangible notion of the remote control. You’ll remember earlier in the year you played with the notion of the sound engineer’s switchboard, with tweakable buttons. Use the remote control to play with your reality. Start to learn the power of directed thought. This is the heart of self-possession. 

Have an effect, rather than be affected…

Nicely put. 


Day Notes

Holy moly, this Phil Good video is spot on for me today!!

And I mean… ffs…today we used the term ‘walkie talkie’ for the first time today and look what he says of the Arcturians:

Ooh, fancy that! 

Stappit! No, don’t stappit!! Continue it. ❤️


Next day:

Can we just pick up and finish off? Yesterday, in the video above I noted PG receiving the message he needs to clear out and align the lower chakras, as that is how he will make contact…. Feels v aligned to my sense of holding my own remote control, right?

Your lower chakras are all about home: where is home? am I safe in my home? Survival… Shelter… Rootedness… Who do I let into my home, and who is my home designed to keep out? The Door of your House is Key. Do you sense that? The Door of your House, refers to who you let in and who you don’t – psychically, sexually, emotionally, intellectually. You will always know if you’ve let in a ‘Space Invader’ by the way you feel: closed, cringey, angsty, resentful, impatient. You will know you’ve let in a Friend by the (sometimes overwhelming) feeling of relief, connectedness, mirth, uplift, joy. We are talking about leveraging a new degree of discernment – or at least harnessing the time-old empath’s Knowing, and acting upon it. The child can not keep the space invaders out of their psychic space; the self-parenting adult can. 

And clients?

Clients need to stay outside the Door of your House. We’re sorry about this, but you have tried letting everyone in and ‘hosting’ them [ouch] but it is too draining. They leave the Door open behind them and let all the warm air out of your house. They burn up the energy you need to do your work. So if you really want to be a good practitioner, you need to have stronger boundaries. 

Noted. I hear what you say about ‘hosting’. Not so nice…

You are a kind and thoughtful host. But you have not always been a discerning host. The Door to your House is sacred. Notice it more, and who/what you let in. Hold the keys, and the electronic remote control to that door. You will benefit from this. You will feel more In Charge of yourself, which also means more ‘charged up’ and energised.

This is sovereignty: being in charge of yourself, solely and completely. THIS is mastery of the lower chakra. 

Ty. I will work with this. Beautiful, beautiful – and so helpful.

I am in charge of my self


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