POSTURE: ‘When we have our body and mind in order, everything else will exist in the right place, in the right way. But usually, without being aware of it, we try to change something other than ourselves, we try to order things outside us. But it is impossible to organize things if you yourself are not in order. When you do things in the right way, at the right time, everything else will be organized. You are the “boss.” When the boss is sleeping, everyone is sleeping. When the boss does something right, everyone will do everything right, and at the right time. That is the secret of Buddhism.’ Zen Mind p27/8
I read the chapter (Posture), picked my favourite quote (above) and then meditated, for how long I don’t know as it didn’t feel necessary to use a clock. I guess 15 mins?
In the back of my mind, I set the intention to be imbued by the words ‘You are the “boss.”‘ And in so doing, I was able to note in myself some renewed uprightness, togetherness, poise. Just glimpses, but enough to remind myself of the feeling – and my heavens, isn’t that feeling of internal orderliness and organisation just the direct opposite of feeling hounded by the outside world’s demands?!
Our body and mind should not be wobbling or wandering about. p28
So, what is the term you would use for the opposite of the ‘wobbling or wandering’ body-mind?
‘Centred’ and ‘Grounded’ comes to mind.
And the body is representative of the mind?
It feels like if we embody the mental state we seek, we are half way there. The embodiment signals clearly to the mind and the mind responds.
And today you would embody..?
“The boss” I guess! I’ve got a huge amount to do today…
Like the boss…
And feeling ‘Centred’ and ‘Grounded’ – no embodying ‘Centred’ and ‘Grounded’ – seems a good route to giving the nod to the body-mind to ‘self-organise’.
Like the boss… ‘When the boss does something right, everyone will do everything right, and at the right time.’
I’m reminded how, when you are the mother of small children, you are the boss… in their eyes. Now it’s time to be one’s own boss, in one’s own eyes.
You are the “boss”
Later in the day:
Ngl. Today (just like ‘light touch approach’) yesterday, have been extremely difficult. Today, I felt as bad as I’ve felt in a good year. 🙁 Quite unwell, tbh.
Is it because I’m inviting these lofty concepts into my headspace? Is it the dissonance between the imperative instruction and my actual sense of self?
Anyway, self-soothing eventually reared its kindly head as a way forward to destabilising myself. And so I’m here.
Like the boss you are.
We didn’t suggest you waltz around like a boss character from Dynasty. We suggested you become ‘centred’ and ‘grounded’. Looks like that is exactly what you are doing. Excellent work.
This is me (on the long way round way to) becoming centred and grounded:
Sifting and sorting. Seeking contrast. But also learning to guide the Drive emotional system, so that it reins itself back in a bit.
TMI… for today.
Centred and Grounded = Excellent self-soothing. You’re doing beautifully. Keep ordering things internally:
‘usually, without being aware of it, we try to change something other than ourselves, we try to order things outside us.’
All is well.