Presence 29: I am revelling in the Goodliness of the Good Machines around me!

Thank you for tuning in. 

If being ‘tuned in’ is the upshot of meditating, then bless meditation.

It is worth noting that your practice has developed over this year. 

It’s true. More natural again… Less resistant. More… tao-ey?

Indeed. Tell us about yesterday. 

Well, thank you. Of course, your invitation to look at my Goodliness was a stepping stone for me seeing the Goodliness in others. Oh my word, how hard everyone is working… on being a Good Machine. In retrospect, I’ve seen it in:

  • my MHFA trainees, bravely preparing to support friends and strangers
  • the over-working employees at the universities I’ve been working with
  • the dedicated coding trainees, dealing with rampant nerves
  • my colleagues who may or may not communicate well – & who do good all day
  • my beloved daughter snr, propping up the family with her btful messages
  • my beloved daughter jnr, working hard to be an advocate in an unjust world
  • my siblings + spouses, supporting us all with loving words of support
  • my beloved G, working above and beyond to create miracles for clients
  • my brave disputing clients, all of whom are seeking the Right Path forward

Good Machines, one and all. And how easily our attention gets hijacked by the few selfish behaviours of a selfish (and sometimes psychopathic) few.

When you witness, and bear witness to, the Goodliness in another, you magnify it tenfold. The magnifying power of attention is not to be under-estimated. 

(I just love this word, Goodliness. It has echoes of Godliness, but takes out the worrisome notions of piety, or any flipside ‘sinfulness’.) So, if I were to go about spotting the Good Machines at work, you’re saying it would magnify… the Good?

It would magnify the capacity for Good. Causality in time is a dualistic notion, ie. ‘I notice x and thus make it bigger.’ The fact is, all possibilities are present at all times, and they exist to the degree of our consciousness of them. Do you see that if you commune with the personhood of a friend or stranger, you become aware of their divine characteristics? Your communion with that person did not make their characteristics so; but rather by resting your attention on the person, you were able to tune into the innate perfection of that person. Likewise, by tuning in to a person’s Goodliness, you magnify it in your consciousness. Why is this an important distinction? Because your role (and this goes for each person) is to tune up your consciousness of the perfection of All That Is. And that is a proactive practice. If you sit at home and wait solemnly for the world to prove it’s ‘not a shitshow’, then you will be disappointed. On the other hand, if you go out into the ‘shitshow’ and look at it carefully, holding the possibility – nay probability – of Goodliness in mind, you will be astounded, and relieved, and consoled, and reassured, and restored to yourself. 

Yes! I love this. I will spend today looking out, carefully and expectantly, for the Goodliness of others. And I will allow the spotting to enliven and console and delight me. (It makes me realise – I used to recoil from others’ goodness… as a teenager… It made me annoyed – jealous maybe…?? Anyway, that’s something for unpacking another day…)

Mostly, you are all Good Machines learning to deploy your hidden gifts and talents of Goodliness. Revel in this. 

I am revelling in the Goodliness of the Good Machines around me!

Presence 28: I am flowing in the fun of my Goodliness

[Current Quiet Time routine: 

  • 6.45 Get up and get coffee
  • 7am Reading a) book (TPP) b) last DoD
  • 7.20am Meditation – Conscious Continuous Breathing for c15mins (w Insight Timer sometimes, often no timer at all, just silence. I know when I’m done)
  • 7.40am DoD
  • 8am Finish -> phone / FitBit / Qigong, 20 mins barefoot in the garden / Shower / Bf+Scrabble with G / Work at 10am] 

Well, I learnt that unless we are prepared to give up backbiting, gossiping and criticising others… our love remains pretty conditional. 🙂 This last dialogue gave me a good opportunity to observe how I have got back into the habit of speaking of the shortcomings of others (mainly to my beloved G.) as a way of ‘letting off steam’ or, I’m abashed to say, to entertain him.

The energy is felt… 

By the person I’m maligning? Gulp.

You can state your hopes for another, by all means, affirming the route of most potential you see ahead of them. And you can feel excited and aroused by those possibilities. That energy too shall be felt. 

Wow. Of course. I forgot.

See, feel, envision that person finding peace, creating unity, unleashing their love, radiating their light. Let that be the manna of your mind. 

(Ooh. Lush phrase.) Yes, this is the real deployment of that Unconditional Love, isn’t it? Endlessly seeing ourselves and each other in our highest lights, in our most evolved forms…

You asked yourself this morning: ‘How might I do most good?’ and then, in recognition of the fact that good isn’t so much done as revealed, ‘How might I bring about most good?’ We have an answer to that question. 

Oh yes?

Yes. It is to do with … godliness. 

Oh is it…? And your meaning of godliness?

Each person is invited to SEE the good in themselves, and make it ‘available’. The word which might be more helpful to you is ‘Goodliness’. 


Goodliness is about being aware that all humans are basically Good Machines, walking about this earth with greater or lesser awareness of their true nature. 

Not something our current government throws its weight behind…


Priti Patel on 'Do-Gooders'

It is the role of the Old to act as a catalyst to the New. Thank the Old for drawing attention to the absurdity of its out-dated values.

But what about people who get caught up in the jingoism and egoism…?

You know that answer to that. 

Let them be, and thank them for being a catalyst to the New. The fruits of hate and division will never be sweet like the fruits of love, collaboration, trust, faith in unity….

P.U.L.L. [peace unity love and light] is subtle, nuanced and endlessly rich in experience. Let people arrive at an appetite for PULL in their own time. There is no time, so there is no lack of time either. What does the Tao say? Flow on… Flow on in your own unique interpretation of your own Goodliness – if and as it feels fun. No one needs your righteousness or de-haut-en-bas-liness. You know that. Good Machines are disco dancers on the dance floor, not hermits in the cave. 

Flow in the fun of your Goodliness. 

Very tender and good. Ty. May I flow in the fun of my Goodliness today. May we all. May all beings revel in their Goodliness.

I am flowing in the fun of my Goodliness today.