Create 11: I am focussing on what is ‘done’ (not ‘to do’) 

I got interrupted by a call in my DecksF@st yesterday… about half way through answering 130 emails… I didn’t return to the emails after or even get near to creating in my artist’s studio (nearly wrote ‘autist’s studio’ – now there’s a happy place). And this morning (Sunday) I’m feeling like it’ll be a 7th consecutive ‘work’ day… And I’m losing the confidence to create. Like, I want to blitz the last 70 emails and then zone out – not then start to develop the Eventbrite work.

Slow down, sweet soul. You move too fast…

“You got to make the morning last
Just kicking down the cobblestones
Looking for fun and feelin’ groovy”

Yeah, where’s the creative groovy gone? 🙂

Catch 22. You’re turbulent of heart, mind, body, vagus nerve… so you’re going to wheelspin, and take longer to clear the decks, as you’d wish. 

Your phrase ‘autist’s studio’ – return to that. 

Yes, I guess that would be the place where I can just focus on the gentle joy of ‘creating’ in present moment awareness. It’s very Taoist. Effortless ease. Total absorption. It’s where I am now. It’s where I used to be when I wrote plays… It’s imaginative and fun and free. It’s safe and also somehow ‘unattributable’ in that it’s not about ‘performing’ or ‘presenting myself’ – it’s ‘for the fun of it’.

Feels good, eh? Feels ‘groovy’ even? 

Yes… It does. It’s a lovely feeling. 🙂

You need safety and accountability in your ‘attributable’ work. Your paid for work. We can help you with that. Your Done Lists. They are your route back to seeing how much you achieve. Yes, by all means write to do lists. But really, really – your Done Lists are how you will assure yourself of your incredible competence, your astounding executive functioning. Can we invite you to return to them? 

Yes! By all means. So shake up the Day Book again?



OK. I’m back. I’ve done that. My small notebook is now a ‘jotter’/brain dump/capturer of things that will be converted to Done. My A5 notebook is now the Day Book, shaped to capture ‘what was done’ across the day and, as a result of each activity, what Feelings arose and what Needs the activity met. Like a Housekeeper’s Ledger, but of action and impact.

This is good ‘neuroceptive housekeeping’. It’s also good ‘interoception’ as you keep checking back in on your internal state, and learn how you can up-level your internal state by the actions you take to care for yourself, and you clients and colleagues. Excellent work. 

Thank you. Let’s see how we go. I just heard a stat on the radio that 80% of people with autism experience mental health difficulties.

You can help them, and yourself, with your tools and techniques. 

Thank you. So therefore in sum…

Today’s Creative impulse: Shake up the Day Book system so that it can be more of a Done Book, using the A5 notebooks, to track all you do/achieved/received and how it makes you feel – and what needs your actions met. Also, turn the small notebook from Day Book to ‘Jotter’ or brain-dump, to-do capturer… to take concerns out of the conscious headspace in to a safe waiting space. 

Amen. THIS is neuroceptive housekeeping. Ty. Anything else to think about today?

Go practise the practice of focussing on what is now done! <3 

Amen. Will do. Ty.

I am focussing on what is ‘done’ (not ‘to do’)


PS> Learn to appreciate your powers of achievement, and honour them. This way they will develop according to your soul’s will, just as you always hoped. 

“I am honouring my powers of achievement” Thank you. I will plant that in my heart right now, as a seed that might flourish in me. Blessings be to us all. <3

And it went like this.. ♥️:

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