I am asking myself, ‘What if it all Worked out Wonderfully?” [WWW]
Definition of wonderfully
1: in a way or to an extent that excites wonder, astonishment, or amazement : AMAZINGLY, REMARKABLY
2: in a way or to an extent that is extremely or unusually good or pleasing
Interesting to remember that wonder means to marvel – and also, to feel uncertainty…
Give the opportunity for WONDER-FULLY to mean exactly what it says on the tin: amazingly, remarkably, extremely good/pleasing; exciting amazed admiration, rapt attention, the sense of something ‘awesomely mysterious’; a marvel, a miracle.
Yes! I played yesterday with alternative ‘WWW’ wordings, each giving a different vibe or inner warmth:
“What if it all Works out Wonderfully?”“What if it all is Working out Wonderfully?”“Wow, it all is Working out Wonderfully!”“Wow, it all Worked out Wonderfully!”
It’s a real discipline. How many times do you need to immerse in these phrases to override the default mode brain and rewire the pathways?
10,000 times – like the 10,000 things of Taoism – each single one needs to be seen, loved and cherished like a child in its own right.
You are invited to PROCLAIM the wonderfulness of all things… and of how, actually, against the narrative it is so tempting (word used advisedly) to swallow up and perorate upon, everything truly is working out wonderfully.
Last night, we watched a film about the human rights abuses and aberrations of justice at Guantanamo Bay – The Mauritanian (2021), about the torture, and then 14 years of detention without charge, of Mohamedou Slahi. The only way I can make sense of these things is by going back to my understanding of life before life and after death. (See: Your Soul’s Plan et others)
That’s exactly so. Pull the lens right out, way, way beyond the natural (or unnatural) life span of the human life on earth…
… and incorporating the karmic service we offer each other in this life via the roles we play out for each other.
Souls like Mohamedou Slahi are here to offer great service to the evolution of consciousness on this place, and yes, often via their intense suffering. It has ever been thus on this earth paradigm, no? From Jesus to Baha’u’llah; from Haiti to Syria; from Yemen to Theresienstadt.
Yes, my goodnesss.
Heavens I just watched this 20 minute documentary: My Brother’s Keeper (2021). Mohamedou Slahi reunites (in Mauritania) with his Guantanamo Bay guard and friend, Steve… who unbeknownst to Slahi went on to embrace Islam after Slahi’s release, so inspired had he been by Slahi’s faith. It is a remarkable documentary. And Slahi is such a man of love (and humour) that my heart just melts.
I have also been watching Homeland, where the lead American character, an Al-Qa’ida prisoner of war, also accepts Islam. It’s fictional, but these programmes are reminding me: when you come close to the essence of religion, it can transform you…
I had this thought. If I am to carry on my life ‘without religion’ (as I have for the last 12 years now), I may need to pray more – not less – than the average practising devotee. No? If religion provides the trodden path towards a ‘holy’ life, non-religion requires us to tread the path ourselves, more consciously, not less. I am not speaking about this lightly. If someone read this off the cuff they might think it trivial and trite… But I know I’m pointing myself to something of value here. These films have re-minded me of something I once knew, as a younger person – that my heart could benefit from now… if it truly yearns for ‘wonder’.
True wonder exists where the lens is fully pulled out, to include all that is life lived now on this plane, and equally, the consciousness of all else that indeed makes life the dynamic soul school that it really is.
Yes! Amen. And so today?
Keep wonder-lusting!
Ha! Really?
I am wonder-lusting 🙂