Yesterday InnerBeingFM was saying:
- Giddup, geddonup..!
- Get dressed, go out!
- Blow cobwebs away and let the sun in!
- Mmm, we’re heading out into the sunshine for a walk
- [and halfway through the walk] Mmm, we’re heading home after a good walk
My Inner Being clearly wanted movement yesterday.
What do you want, need, foresee today, dear Inner Being?
Today’s grand opportunity is… Let’s go in for a sec and you’ll hear…
I heard: To do hard things. Unflinchingly. Under ‘exam conditions’.
Exactly so. To do hard things. Unflinchingly. Under ‘exam conditions’. This is what you learnt about yourself on Friday. Powerfully so. This truly is your route to freedom: to capitalise on the gradual realisation that you can do whatever you set your mind to… not so much in a ‘reach for the stars’ approach (though there is much to be said for that) but in a PRODUCTIVE / CREATIVE approach. You can cut down and grow up whatever you want in the garden of your own world. You are the creator of your reality, not via magic, but via ‘say so’. How powerful is that?! How ridiculously powerful are you humans?!
In your 2 x 3 hours of work today, there is nothing you can not strike off your list. And you don’t even need to arrive with a list – you can start by writing your list, just like you’d do after reading your exam question. You have truly completed your ‘Life Studies’ revision, and you are ready to show off your knowledge and skills, day after day after day.
Breathe in; breathe out – and go.
I guess there was a real feeling of power, euphoria and gladness in my heart last Friday. I produced some good, bold innovative work, and I communicated some decisions that served my true nature and inner purpose. I came forward and was truthful. It felt good once I’d done it. I can do it again, and again. It will get easier, I imagine, to make and communicate clear decisions that serve my inner being.
There you go. Excellent.
I can do hard things. Unflinchingly. Under ‘exam conditions’.