Let’s imagine your soul is the portion of you that acts as the connector between You and Infinite Intelligence. When you sit in the Present Moment, you have access to that part of your consciousness, all the more so when you still your mind, and quieten your thoughts and open your heart to the love around and within you. This is when ‘conscious communication’ happens. Unlike the mediums you’ve been watching in Surviving Death, your role here is not to ‘open’ to other souls’ consciousness, but to tap into to your own, on a very pure, transcendent level, without mental interruption. The result is what MB describes as ‘vibrational transmission’. What does this give you? A knowing. Over time, you trust the ‘creative impulses’ you receive in that knowing, more and more clearly. This is you ‘acting on intuition’, or ‘acting on creative impulse’ as you put it. For this to really work in your favour, and to give you the ‘celebration’ you seek, you’re going to need to practise this, pretty systematically. You will build trust in those ‘creative impulses’ as you act on them. As simple as that.
Your soul has access to all kinds of support mechanisms which come into play the second you act on those creative impulses. Your feeling of disconnect comes from feeling you have to act on your mind‘s impulses first. Wrong. That is not the case.
You are working with ‘human needs’ at the moment. We see that.
Yes. NVC. “I feel … because I need …” Here…
Consider your need for conscious communication with your source. Well, switch to the right channel, and it’s there waiting for you. Alternatively, stay tuned into the World Service, and that’s what you get. Tune into Spirit FM and that’s what you get. You dismiss this latter transmission because it’s very, very quiet (especially compared to the blaring World Service) but it’s there. Vibrational transmission takes getting used to, and you only get used to it by practice.
Consider the term ‘searchlight’. Imagine that your mind is sending out a searchlight for your soul’s consciousness, and that your soul’s consciousness is sending out a searchlight for your mind. When the two meet, you have tuned into the ‘channel’ you seek. Your job is to ‘execute’ the messages. Feels scary? You’ll get used to it. It’s nothing so ‘special’. It’s just a different way of living your life. And believe us, your body will thank you for it. You’ll work far more effectively with your autonomic nervous system. Just cross fade, dear soul. Cross fade into intuition-led living, and out of reactivity mode. Trust your intuition. And act on it.
Ty. Ty. Ty. May I absorb all this. And may I learn to communicate clearly, and hear well.
I realised, I used to pray in pain. Since my emotional pain healed, I prayed less. Almost to nothing. Teach me to pray in the spirit of collaborative communication. For good. To pray without pain is a new adventure. Let me pray creatively. May I learn to learn with you.
I am acting on intuition!