I am grateful for yesterday’s….
- Productivity (emails, marketing, reading, prep) – albeit in bed all day with tiredness
- The cancellation of my work capability assessment at the last minute – what a relief
- Sense of colleagues in my work
- Cottage Pie & online Scrabble <3
- Watching ‘A Northern Soul‘ on BBC2
It’s been a roller-coaster of a few days. Where are we now?
Settle for a little bit… Go inside… Feel what’s there. Rest there for a bit. Retune, recalibrate, reconnect. What’s there?
Gosh. “DESIRE TO MOVE (FORWARD)” Really strong. Unexpected.
So, that Desire To Move is a manifestation of readiness brewed up over time. A sense of potential. A sense of engines revving. A sense of being ready for chocks away.
Well, that’s good, isn’t it? I really want to capitalise on what I’ve achieved this year. It’s been a full-on year. Huge achievements, surprises, gifts, opportunities. I’d like to streamline it. I’m ready to cease feeling tired, overwhelmed and confused. I’m ready to start feeling… yes, streamlined.
What do you need to do, be or have to feel streamlined?
Um… I think I need control over my own destiny a bit. Partly, I’m tired for working hard for not enough money. It’s not sustainable.
Is this about setting up an entity? (eg company)
I just don’t know, mate. I need guidance.
Guidance: ‘Clear the decks.’
This means: Radically simplify your life, surroundings, patterns, plans, expectations.
So, no plans for now. Just clear the decks. Radically simplify.
It’s fine to capitalise on this year. Capture it, but don’t let it lead to proliferation.
Proliferation – the spiralling out of endless new bespoke work etc…
That’s right. It’s time to ‘repeat the gaze’. In other words, narrow down the activity.
What does my best 2019 look like?
Slow down. First… clear the decks, capture/capitalise/close 2018.
Like winter drawing in. The leaves falling. The tree preparing to bear itself again. Ready for a fresh burst of leaves in the spring.
That’s the ticket.
How? How do I do that ppppuuuuussssssshhhhhhh? I’ve got a room to clear…. So many personal possessions to let go of… Decisions to make on what has had it’s time.
That’s right. Hold the vision and get very peaceful inside. Less pushing. More releasing gratefully. Many belongings and ideas have had their time. Let them go. Time for mediation…

That was lovely. Really grounding and beautiful. It gave me the opportunity to work with ‘clear the decks’. I saw a mindmap on my wall of everything I’d like to do to bring ‘closure, celebration, capitalising..’ to 2018. I realised my underlying need is for ‘relaxed organisation‘. I must say, playing Switch20:20:20 is brilliant for this. These days sometimes I’m going for Switch20:40 – typically 20 minutes up and about in the body, and 40 mins of seated work. It breaks my ‘rabbit hole’ tendencies and supports me to plan and execute tasks in do-able chunks. So, ‘relaxed organisation’ is in the spirit of ‘inner softness is the precursor to inner strength. I realised in the mediation:
OLD ORGANISATION style: withdraw / hide / avoid… then put on a suit of armour, rev up the engines (fuelled by caffeine and sugar..) and attack the tsumani of overwhelm! Pppppuuuuuusssssshhhhhhhh!
NEW ORGANISATION style: settle the ANS; move into PSNS (parasympathetic nervous system); visualise the organised outcome; reach into inner softness; let inner strength start to make itself felt; move forward in a relaxed, trusting, gentle manner.
So, let’s wind up.
Action 1: Create the 2018 Clear The Decks Mindmap (Closure, Celebration, Capitalising)
Action 2: Settle into ‘relaxed organisation’
Today I am settling into ‘relaxed organisation’.
MEDITATION? YES – 17 mins with Mindful Movement (above) |
SLEEP – IN BED WITH MY BOOKS BY 10pm? YES / NOScreens off: Lights out: Wake up the next day: Total sleep: |