Yesterday, playing with the ‘warm-hearted state’ was reassuring and connecting. I experienced some beautiful family time, and the afternoon together felt expansive, welcome and warm.
This morning, I’ve been awake since 4.44am. (Before that I woke at 2.22am.) Sitting reading prayerfully in the kitchen, I experienced a sensation of presence. What was happening?
Just the light letting you know it saw you.
It flicked off/on three times, and then a fourth later when I picked up my book again.
Sometimes you forget how electric is the field of your thought, dear friend. You know that there is a great deal presenting itself for reading and interpretation on your plane.
Why the veil? It’s so tiresome sometimes…
The veil is present to draw out deeper skills. Remember the descriptions you heard yesterday of two people’s experience of learning to type – one with stickers placed over the letters on the keys, and the other with a shield over the entire keyboard for the hands to slide under? The result – two excellent touch-typers.
I am learning ‘blindly’, but I keep thinking how great it might be to have the definitive, up-to-date textbook, or be able to talk to the tutor.
You do, you can. Part of the learning is about ‘trust’.
Trust in..?
Trust in the flow of gifts granted, in answer to your every stated need.
‘The flow of gifts granted.’ Please explain. Is that akin to ‘every prayer is answered’?
Think of a letter box. Sometimes, you order parcels which are bigger than your letter box – yet you don’t sit next to the letter box waiting for the parcels magically to squeeze through! In fact, you anticipate the knock on the door, and then you open the front door when you hear the knock, to have the parcel delivered into your hand.
Are you saying I don’t hear the knock or open the door?
We’re saying that sometimes, if you but opened your door, at the time of the knocking or later, you would find gifts galore stacked up on your front doorstep.
All you requested is brought to you. Not all of it do you let into your ‘home’.
Why not?
Self-worth factors, in the main. You can’t see it’s for you. It looks like it’s a parcel with someone else’s name on it. Or… you’re so busy efforting and puffing and grunting with determination, you don’t hear the door knock, and the parcel ends up ‘returned to sender’ for the time being.
So, what is the remedy?
You’ve put several requests out there, though you haven’t clearly articulated some of the really important ones yet, but nonetheless, as Abraham would say, there’s a lot in your vortex! Let it in.
The art of allowing..?
The art of allowing. How can you allow the good stuff in if a) you don’t think you deserve it, and b) you haven’t admitted you want it (ie by stating your preference)?
I’ll admit I’m hazy in my requesting, sometimes.
Leading by truest preference is the key to creating heaven on earth.
That’s deep. Yes, what even would ‘heaven on earth’ be for me?
I guess a playful world of joy, love, uplift, mercy, acceptance, community, communion, mutual respect, softness... universal warm-heartedness!
Nicely articulated.
‘Do no harm!’
And instead…
Create only love and joy and harmony.
I thought earlier about the notion of ‘connectedness with soul family’. Any comments here?
Oh, dear soul, you’re deeply connected with your soul family! At all times! You are surrounded, connected, in constant communication. Never forget how the human being is actually created. Each one is so very much more than the human vessel you experience yourself to be. You remain in true connection, both on the physical and spiritual planes, with your soul clan at all times.
Is there anything I can do to attune better to my ‘tribe’?
Your authenticity is in seedling form in terms of the next phase.
Yes, I’m really stuck with the theme of authenticity… Help, please!
It is done.
You’re so playful with me… When do I see it?
No-one likes a time-based question.
Ok. That’s cool. Thank you. I’m getting it: gifts granted… listen for the knock at the door. Open the door…
What you are yet to fathom is the never-ceasing torrent of beneficence breaking as waves upon you. You could find ways to sense the blessings of God upon you in clearer ways. It would free you up to relax more. As you relax more, you attain equanimity. As you attain equanimity, you settle more into an awareness of ‘divine presence’. And as you settle more into an awareness of ‘divine presence’, you need ask for less. You become more and more aware of the perfection of all as it is. You stop praying for this and that. You avoid striving for this and that. You certainly give up rejecting, judging, othering… You start to become truly independent of spirit. You become free to see reality as it is – miraculous, soul-feeding, heart-filling.
May this be so, with all my heart. Is the phrase something like ‘I am counting my blessings’?
Thank you for that suggestion. It is on the right track. Try I am realising my blessings. Or I am realising I am blessed. Or I am realising blessings. Or I am heartened by blessings.
That’s it. Maybe just ‘heartened’?
Get over yourself with the word ‘blessings’.
It feels a bit ‘insta’…
Haha. Heavens upon you, dear friend!
Ok. I give in!
I am heartened by blessings