Today I’m almost completely frozen with anxiety. I’m going to meet the future king of England this evening and I haven’t got my outfit sorted yet. I’ve been in denial… ‘It’s not important. I’ve got things to wear. I’ll go into town and buy stuff before I get the train…’
Help. I’m bringing softness of thought, but it just turns to inaction. Where’s that ‘sovereignty’?!
The calm interiorised mind sets you free from external considerations. Your choices become much simpler and less wide-ranging. Your purpose becomes much more direct and simplified.
Yes! I remember this from the writing of Tiara Kumara. Oh heavens, grant me a calm interiorised mind this day and every day. What else should I know or recall?
Peace begins within. Peace begins within…
Thank you… Peace begins within… This is all good learning. May my thinking settle and soften. May my gaze turn inward and rest upon the peace within me.
I am developing a calm interiorised mind.