Peak 51: I am simple-hearted

On pondering the question ‘What is the alleviation of suffering?’ yesterday, I came to think this:

  1. It starts with ourselves. We must alleviate our own suffering as an act of learning and good psychological hygiene, before we start dabbling in another’s suffering!
  2. Less is more. Listening is a large proportion of the alleviation of suffering in my neck of the woods. Creating space for people to alleviate their own suffering via leveraging their own expertise on themselves is an undervalued art form.
  3. Endeavour not to create suffering – in self or others! Prevention is better than cure when it comes to our own footprint on the world. Let our actions, words and behaviours be simple-hearted.

And what does ‘simple-hearted’ mean to you?

Without additional/secondary/unstated baggage, agenda, purpose, intention. When in a simple-hearted state you can be present to what is actually occurring. You have no ambition, aim, idle hope for the moment to be or become something different or ‘better’. You are able to appreciate what is.

***** Pause for a walk *****

I’ve been reading this audiobook on my new morning MEDSAN walks (which I started a couple of days ago – E for Exercise). This book, which I’d promised myself months ago as a treat for finishing some project or other, is blowing my mind. This section here, where I’ve just got to, at this time-point is about to be key:

The part of the book I’m about to embark on? Treating Epstein-Barr Virus. Oh Lordy… Is THIS what I’ve been living with all these years?! Before the time-point above, the author has been talking about the symptoms and experiences of Epstein-Barr including:

  • “Mystery illness”
  • Doctors declaring you healthy in response to clear tests, despite symptoms
  • History of childhood throat infections
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Neurotoxins
  • Brain fog
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Hair loss
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Excess adrenal activity (the virus feeds off adrenaline, so provokes its release)
  • Attacking the vagus nerve
  • Attacking the nervous system
  • Palpitations
  • PTSD symptoms
  • Exertion intolerance (there’s this term for it?!)
  • The virus sitting in the body and activating/reactivating in four phases over years and decades
  • Getting worse in response to stress / burnout / negative emotions

All. Of. This. Describes. My. Experience. For. Years.

So…?! Is this what I’ve been living with..?!

The simple-hearted person hears the advice and heeds it. Her first step is to advance the long project of simplifying her life. Her second is to follow the advice given at the time point above.

Ok. This next section of the audiobook on how to treat the symptoms is now for tomorrow’s walk. Oh heavens, may I HEAR. May I be granted strength and focus and faith enough to ACT. May I develop the requisite simple-heartedness to simplify my life and follow the treatment steps.

I affirm and declare now…

I am simple-hearted.

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