Peak 58: I am peaceful

A perfect, beautiful child was born! I was able to bear witness to the 48 hour process – all bar the last half an hour which took place in theatre. Wow – what power, strength and poise I bore witness to in my sister. What mighty resilience of spirit and determination! And then, to meet this new soul, and watch her bask blissful in the love of her astonished, doting, melting parents… I am truly blessed to be present to the beginning of this brand new Life.


On my way to the birth, after Peak 57’s writing, I left the house open-eyed ready to ‘bear witness’. Barely had I left the house when I came across a car with a big “Teach Peace” sticker – in the exact form I’d be playing with for my pre-2019 visioning in late 2018. I regretted not taking a pic of the car, but bizarrely a friend posted the words with the very same typography on FB the next day, so here it is:

As I walked on to the hospital, I reflected on how I’d let my 2019 mission statement of ‘Reach Peace; Teach Peace‘ slide out of sight. It felt too intangible – and also, “who am I to teach others about peace..?” But I noted the nod from the universe and considered, ‘maybe it’s time to talk of my work at least in terms of ‘making peace’…’

Later that night, while the birth process was in a settled lull, I returned to the flat for a nap. On my way in the taxi, I caught sight of the lunar eclipse… and when I got to the house, I leapt out to take photos. I was there on the street at the 10.30pm peak of the partial eclipse!!

Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse

There was a bollard in front of my best view, which I kept trying to keep out of the pic… until I looked more closely at it… (see orangey eclipse in the distance). That word ‘Reach‘ making its appearance!:

At that peak eclipse moment, it felt like the message was underlined: ‘Reach Peace; Teach Peace.’ Game back on.

As a phrase, it does sum up all I’d like to achieve in terms of a) my internal state and b) service in the world – even if it’s just the fact of being able to be present to others (in conflict) in a state of peace to help them align to the energy of peace.


[The next day]

Your thoughts on the above? Help me hear you clearly please. I love you. I am listening.

Settle in now. You are not alone. You are always accompanied. You are held. You are loved. Let softness enter into this dialogue, and listen with a gently inclined ear. These words come in floatingly, do they not?

They do! They do… What is it that I can learn today, this day? My beloved sister, brother-in-law and newborn niece are coming home from hospital.

Then focus on them. Today is not a day for thought and intellectualising. Today is the day to put on the ‘pinny’ and use the hands and voice to serve, reassure, help and assist, very gently. 

If you want to work on this theme, ‘Reach Peace; Teach Peace’, let it be in your practice of holding an inner state of peace. Can you remain conscious of your inner being, your inner state? Can you lead with inner peace, rather than external action? 

I think so… I can at least try.

Your ‘efforts’ are appreciated, yet starting with a vision of yourself in a state on inner peace, connected to your inner being, will propel you further than making efforts to ‘try‘. Everyone can play with imagining themselves in one state or another, and affirming that imaginal state. The body reads the imaginal state first, and responds to it. 

It’s really as simple as saying ‘I am peaceful’ today, isn’t it?

It is. And that is the state the baby needs, today on her third day of life. She simply needs to be around peaceful people – especially after the cacophony of the hospital. Her parents need the reassurance of peace too. 

Ok. That’s simplified things. Thank you. Soft breath in. And out…

I am peaceful


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