Peak 65: I am flowing oceanwards

Yesterday, I had a sense of Tao, and applied it several times. We had a lovely day out walking in the woods and then shopping in town – something I/we rarely do – but we got lots done including a spontaneous haircut (to mop up my own spontaneous self-haircut last week) and buying an entire outfit. Maybe that was down to being prepared to ‘go with the flow’.

My concern is how I’m going to follow my own flow, and not sidestep in to G’s or anyone else’s, next week, when I start my August cleanse. I so very much need this cleanse to work and to be able to stay on track with basically eating plants – Gluten-free, sugar-free, low-fat vegan (as raw as poss). It’s about the opposite of G’s natural diet…! And his diet always looks/is soooo delicious.

List reasons to be optimistic that you can follow your chosen Gluten-free, sugar-free, low-fat vegan (as raw as poss) protocols.

  1. I’ve been alcohol-free for 6 months – so I know I have willpower
  2. I’ve ordered a huge Riverford organic fruit and veg box for next week
  3. I’ve got the juicer out and worked out I can juice the day before so as not to wake people by early morning juicing
  4. My daughter is on board with the protocols too
  5. I’ve changed my ‘working hours’ settings on my email signature so I really can take the mornings for extended MEDS – and shift AN to midday.
  6. August has very few meetings booked so I can be based at home
  7. I’ve started using a Food Diary this week
  8. I’ve got a list of recommended foods to tick off daily
  9. I’ve got the supplements I need, mostly
  10. I’ve already started making vegan choices from time to time
  11. I’ve just ordered the crunch training frame that helped me so much before
  12. I have a rebounder which helps lymph drainage
  13. I have an amazing walk route just outside my front door
  14. I’ve talked about the protocols with G
  15. I’ve still got more Medical Medium audiobook to listen to, and can download others
  16. I’ve got access to my knowledge of qigong – brilliant for self-healing and settling the mind
  17. The Tao thinking can help my flow round others’ ‘tempting’ foods (You do you, and I’ll do me)
  18. I can plan (and prepare!) my meals ahead each day and not leave things up to suggestion – last-minute choices rarely work out well.
  19. I’ve done this before – and the results were do positive and energising. I just need to give it a week!
  20. I know my organs will give up a bunch of toxins readily and happily
  21. I have a lot of motivation to regain good health

Ok. I’m encouraged. Thank you.

So, next question. Please expand further: how does the Tao help me observe self-control and mastery over food/drink choices?

Let’s take this line from the Tao Te Ching:

‘the constant void enables one to observe the true essence’ (Ch1:5)

When we reach for, or crave, food and drink, we are seeking to fill the ‘constant void’. Eventually we learn, deeply and reverently, that leaving the void empty allows us to ‘observe the true essence’. Why would you want to block the true essence? For the same reason one shields one’s eyes from the sun – it feels blinding. Learning to be comfortable remaining present to the true essence of life is like learning to sit still on a chair at school. It is the foundation to advanced learning. 

Man, that’s beautiful. So, when I crave a burger like someone else is having, I can remember to use that moment to hold the sense of void and look into the essence of things.

Allowing pain, yearning and yowling craving to come to the surface for release is profoundly healing. 

Argh! Ok. Yes. I remember. Thank you. In the past, I’ve managed cravings my avoiding ‘tempting’ situations until I’ve got a handle on things.

Temptation: there’s a powerful word.

Like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden…

Understanding that so-called ‘temptation’ is an invitation to ‘flow round’ might help you. Sitting with the ‘Profound Mystery’ (Ch1:10) disinclines us towards snap decisions and judgments. 

In endlessly ‘flowing round’ like water, can’t one become a bit too detached from reality and Teflon-like?

Not if one has one’s inner eye on the mighty Ocean downstream. 

Beautiful… So what’s my phrase for today?

‘I am flowing oceanwards’ – this is to remind you that you ‘flow around’ in your progress to the sea wherein all mystery lies. 

Yes – as opposed to swimming towards shore and dry land!

Indeed. The mystery increases and solidity diminishes. You are safe. 

I am flowing oceanwards


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