I can see yesterday’s dialogue was a really important one. Thank you. I made my IWD Commitment on ‘helping people dialogue’, and set up a folder for holding myself accountable to that Commitment. I also set a slot in my Switch120 schedule and a hashtag, #HealthyDialogues. I can see it as a ‘campaign’ – rather than an unattainable commitment to ‘forever’. Thank you for the Fire Dragon calling too. With all my heart. I feel that the time has arrived to master: time, vibration, bodily strength and the power to execute that which my inner being says is good.
Let’s read.
NO TRACE: When we do something with a quite simple, clear mind, we have no notion or shadows, and our activity is strong and straightforward. But when we do something with a complicated mind, in relation to other things or people, or society, our activity becomes very complex. Most people have a double or triple notion in one activity. There is a saying, “To catch two birds with one stone.” That is what people usually try to do. Because they want to catch too many birds they find it difficult to be concentrated on one activity, and they may end up not catching any birds at all! That kind of thinking always leaves its shadow on their activity. … Relative mind is the mind which sets itself in relation to other things, thus limiting itself. It is this small mind which creates gaining ideas and leaves traces of itself. If you leave a trace of your thinking on your activity, you will be attached to the trace. For instance, you may say, “This is what I have done!” But actually it is not so. Zen Mind p62
This makes me think of G. who does one thing at a time, with exceptional care, and sends it off to the clients … without a trace of ‘him’ upon it. Whereas much of my work nearly finishes me off precisely because I see it as a reflection of me! What would happen if I truly:
- Did one thing at a time
- Sought to leave no trace of myself on it
You would be healthier, stronger, more fulfilled – and less afraid of others. You would master time, vibration, bodily strength and the power to execute.
Well, that sounds like a bargain!
It really is a case of going from 60mph to 20mph. Feels off at first, doesn’t it? Until you start to appreciate the surroundings. Until you get used to arriving at places in a state of grace, calm and readiness. Until you develop at appreciation for the powerful vehicle you are driving, and an awareness of how dangerous it can be to drive it out of control…
Simplify, slow down, leave no trace of shadowy thinking or attachment or imprint of self. Your work on this planet is to occupy a frequency of peace and calm. Learn to access that frequency at will. Holding the phrase and command, “Slow down” will help you achieve this gentle non-attachment. Be open to the learning that arises today. Know that the angels of God are constantly sending you words of wisdom to live by. Keep life very simple. One thing at a time. Slowed right down.
Thank you so much. And today’s WOT?
Dear Source of my Being,
Holy Heart of my Soul.
What one thing would You have me do today?
Check in on the older loved ones today.
Of course. Will do. I’m thinking AP & NT.
So, today…
Slow right down and leave no trace