Pivot 44: Settle into Big Mind 

Now you have done that epic trip to bring your wee girl home, it is your time to batten down the hatches, both physically and in terms of ‘thinking’. Do you remember the notion of the Calm Interiorised Mind? Now is the time. Now is the time to take that deep breath you have been longing to take for months, and to settle in to your mind, your knowing, your intuitive states. There will be rest, and in rest there is always greater insight. 

It feels like, in the window created by this devastating pandemic, I have the much-yearned-for opportunity to be like one of those writers with their rigid daily routines, and cut-off-edness from the outside world – and their ability to access their inside state and be creative and productive. What bliss. What BLISS.

And I don’t mean to cut off from people. No. I have a case online today – my first. Perfect! I can go about my work without picking up exhaustion from travel and all the interpersonal-presence shocks to my body… I will be more helpful this way. I am blessed by this. I am finding that in this crisis there is light – and so must we all, to maintain our highest frequency in service to the situation at hand.

Let’s read…

NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE: Whatever you do, even including not-doing, that is our practice. That is an expression of big mind. So, big mind is something to express, but it is not something to figure out. Big mind is something you have, not something to seek for. Big mind is something to talk about, or to express by our activity, or something to enjoy. Zen Mind p92

Ok! Excellent. So ‘big mind‘ is akin to this Calm Interiorised Mind. This is the state, friends. This is the natural Aspie state, where all is peaceful, blissful, coherent. This is the state that ‘being out in the noisy NT world’ rips me out of. I know this… And it’s not just about Aspieness, it’s about the HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), the empath, the introvert… As we go into social distancing and self-isolation mode, I’ve been loving the memes from introverts and Aspies about us being ‘way ahead’ with this etc.

It’s such a gentle, tender thing, but this situation is reminding me that I’ve been trying to mask and act as a NT to my absolute detriment. And I don’t need to.

Look at my G, and my DD1 – living (richly social) lives online. There’s no need to go into NT burnout. Ok?? Ever again? Ok?

It’s more than just a case of ‘it’s ok to stay at home’. It’s also a case of this: the work you do when you are in Big Mind state is precisely what is needed in the world. You are not needed out there frazzled. We want you to find ways to get deep into Big Mind – and stay there – because that is when you are tuned in to the frequency required to do your work well. 

Yesterday, I realised that ‘sensing the love in your heart’ is about tuning, tuning, tuning and modifying… until you can tune into the love that is always there. It’s not about looking and hoping to find. It’s about tuning.

And tuning into Big Mind – and spending the day there – is what this time invites you to do. This is the breakthrough you have been looking for in terms of collecting yourself and being true to yourself. You know when you are in Big Mind state. You know when you are in the Calm Interiorised Mind state. Bask in this pool of connectedness, dear soul. It’s inviting you in. 

Settle into Big Mind today. Big Mind is dreamy, it’s focussed, it’s spontaneous. It’s the parasympathetic nervous system. It’s light. It’s aware. It’s calm. It’s micro and macro all at once. It’s the artist at the canvas. It’s the surgeon with scalpel in hand. It’s awareness with lightness. It’s peace inside, peace outside. Hold the vibration of Big Mind today and you will truly start to reconnect with yourself. 

1 thing?

Complete the previous one.. 

Ah… Sure. Visit J. next door… Ok.

Can I say, I’m so glad to have this beautiful home? And I’m so relieved my Girlita is home. And please look after my beautiful Girlimus Maximus. And all of us. Blessings upon this planet today. Blessings, light, love and peace upon this planet today and each and every day. Amen.

Settle into Big Mind 




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