I did get pretty quiet yesterday. You know, excluding carbs is a way of sensing my emotional charge. I have tended to use them as a sedating/controlling self-medication. While simultaneously sensing my interior messaging, my meta-sense, I felt pretty emotional. I also slowed down.
The writing of Glennon Doyle that I read yesterday has really stayed with me. Two aspects in particular
- Belief in The Unseen Order of Things (as basically being that which is heaven on Earth, vs the Seen Order of Things, which would have us believe that we’re all up the Creek). [Untamed . p64 – see beautiful extract, below] I so agree. As a new definition of faith this is just perfect. And if I can add my own interpretation, I think GD is alluding to the fact that women are attuned more naturally to this Unseen order. Which is why our masc governments, urgently wrestling with the ‘Seen’, do more harm than good… Womens’ meta-sense has been pooh-poohed for millenia, by men who have not the faculty to understand. More the shame. But the world is evolving, as our the new generation of young men, beautifully equipped with connection to their meta-sense…
- The sense of ‘Not this…’ and ‘This instead’ as being our guiding beacons, in discerning our ‘truest and most beautiful story of our lives’: ‘Discontent is evidence that your imagination has not given up on you. It is still pressing, swelling, trying to get your attention by whispering: “Not this.” “Not this” is a very important stage. But knowing what we do not want is not the same as knowing what we do want. So how can we get from Not this to This instead? How can we move from feeling discontent to creating new lives and new worlds? In other words: How can we begin to live from our imagination instead of our indoctrination?’ Untamed p67.
Please, dear heavens, let me remember this.
Let’s read The Presence Process…
TRADING RESULTS FOR CONSEQUENCES (End of Part 1 – attuning to the PP)
- The invitation placed before us by The Presence Process is to learn through firsthand experience not to fear and resist the inevitable discomfort that arises from emotional processing, and not to react to emotional processing by behaving like “the world is ending.” Instead, we are invited to embrace the discomfort of emotional processing as a sign that we are having an authentic impact on the cause of our discomfort. The invitation is to willingly ride our inner dragon…
- The Presence Process is the battleground of emotional warriors
- When we use the mental body as a means of gauging the consequences of our attempts to make an authentic change in the quality of our experience, we enter another Catch 22: We ask for change. We are given the opportunity to change. We embrace the opportunity. We start feeling different. Then the mental body tells us that this strange feeling is “wrong.” We subsequently mentally interpret this strange feeling, which is actually the surfacing of our emotional signature, as a “gut feeling” or a “red flag” telling us we are headed in the wrong direction. By listening to these stories, we turn against that which is changing our experience, returning to what’s familiar and safe. Nothing is accomplished. We feel more frustrated and disillusioned than before. The mental body grows stronger, and we become disheartened. This is why it’s recommended we commit to completing The Presence Process no matter what. Take stock only upon completion of your journey through the process, not in the midst of it. Finish this process no matter what experience arises.
Thank you.
***15minMed*** [Next day]
I am deeply moved by {Not this… This Instead!}.
It is a door-opener for you, and for all, is it not?
It certainly is. I wonder how best I can incorporate it into my days…
The starting point is self-compassion. When you receive the Not this… message with tender self-compassion, it is easy to root around for the This Instead! message that is the natural counterpart and companion to the Not this... As Doyle says, ‘Discontent is evidence that your imagination has not given up on you. It is still pressing, swelling, trying to get your attention by whispering: “Not this.” Reaching This Instead! is the natural result of tuning into your meta-sense, which is your Knowing. Again, tenderness is key. In the PP extract above, Michael Brown recommends being aware of the ‘mental body’ which is very cagey about change, constantly firing ‘warning signals’. If you can discern between your mental body and your meta-sense, and follow your meta-sense (imagination, speaking to you of your turest and most beauitful version of your life) even when your mental body is firing off warning signals, you are on your way to your This Instead!.
This is such good stuff. Ok, a specific question, I am seeking to determine whether to do the Holden Qigong TCP. Can you help me use {Not this… This Instead!} to discern whether this is the right next step for me?
By all means. Tell us your {Not this…}
Ah. Well. The {Not this…} would be…
Let’s just work with it instead. <3
Exactly. Yes!
I am working with {Not this… This Instead!}
Untamed (p64) – GD on faith as a belief in the Unseen Order of Things:
‘I have learned to live by faith, which does not mean that I live by a set of unwavering beliefs or dogma that men laid down ages ago to keep their power by controlling others. My faith has nothing to do with religion anymore. To me, living by faith is allowing the swelling and pressing inside me to direct my outward words and decisions. Because to me, God is not a being outside of me: God is the fire, the nudge, the warm liquid gold swelling and pressing inside me.
In fact, my favorite idea of faith is a belief in the unseen order of things.
There are two orders of things:
There is the seen order unfolding in front of us every day on our streets and in the news. In this visible order, violence reigns and children are shot in their schools and warmongers prosper and 1 percent of the world hoards half of all we have. We call this order of things reality. This is “the way things are.” It’s all we can see because it’s all we’ve ever seen. Yet something inside us rejects it. We know instinctively: This is not the intended order of things. This is not how things are meant to be. We know that there is a better, truer, wilder way.
That better way is the unseen order inside us. It is the vision we carry in our imagination about a truer, more beautiful world—one in which all children have enough to eat and we no longer kill each other and mothers do not have to cross deserts with their babies on their backs. This better idea is what Jews call shalom, Buddhists call nirvana, Christians call heaven, Muslims call salaam, and many agnostics call peace. It is not a place out there—not yet; it’s the hopeful swelling in here, pressing through our skin, insisting that it was all meant to be more beautiful than this. And it can be, if we refuse to wait T to die and “go to heaven” and instead find heaven inside us and give birth to it here and now. If we work to make the vision of the unseen order swelling inside us visible in our lives, homes, and nations, we will make reality more beautiful. On Earth as it is in heaven. In our material world as it is in our imagination.’