My levels of early-morning, pre-get-up stress and adrenaline charge are virtually at panic attack level. Advice, please.
‘Get on top of things.’
That’s a reference to The Crown (ep 1?) – when Princess Elizabeth asks her father if all the duties/paperwork of the sovereign do not get too much. “Not if you keep on top of it all” George VI says.
Is your advice about being… queenly, sovereign, stable, crowned in my approach?
Not today. The queen archetype is also ‘benign’ and ‘merciful’ in her approach – not something you need today, except towards yourself. She is also associated with power and authority – and today you will see yourself gradually increasing that sense of power and authority, but for now we’re a step too far too summon that state.
The archetype that will bring you into alignment with yourself today is: the strict headmistress.

Ha! Ok.. (Not for nothing is that archetype the stuff of many a fantasy…)
Strictness is about ‘restricting, tightening’. Why is this important for you today? Because, in your openness and conscientiousness and beneficence to others, you also widened your personal boundaries so much that you can’t find the edges any more, and you’ve lost your power to complete.
Completely. I see that.
Now, matters (including comms) must be on your terms, before you keel over! Through an internal sense of portraying ‘strictness’ will you ‘get on top of things’ again, to your own satisfaction.
Release the ‘girlishness’ today, to get back on top of things again.
This all makes me cringe somewhat…. I hear you. I need to reconnect with the snow-plough aspect of my character: powering through; not grinding to a halt but sustaining momentum; indifferent to the height of the snow pile in front; fearless – or rather, unmoved and businesslike and focused…

Today, I shall take on the internal persona of Headmistress Snowplough.
Headmistress Snowplough won’t write a horrid list of To-Dos but rather an impressive list of Dones.
Headmistress Snowplough won’t write long emails, but (what seems to her Conscientious Alter-Ego) ‘curt’ emails.
Headmistress Snowplough won’t indulge herself or others in distractions – but will retain strict focus on ‘What’s Next’.
And she will have fun with the character! And in this way, she will…
Get on top of things.