Private 26: Spot mindweeds

MINDWEEDS: ‘You should rather be grateful for the weeds, because eventually they will enrich your practice. … Once you understand our innate power to purify ourselves and our surroundings, you can act properly, and you will learn from those around you, and you will become friendly with others. This is the merit of Zen practice. But the way of practice is just to be concentrated on your breathing with the right posture and with great, pure effort. This is how we practice Zen.’ Zen Mind p36/7.


Arising: We can all be ‘cherry pickers’ to each other. The deal is, we have to agree to get on each others’ machines, and trust the drivers to elevate us safely.

Doctors, therapists, teachers, mentors, collaborators: all cherry pickers.

This is about interdependence. right?

What Cherry Pickers does FutureYou need?

JLG 120 SX Self Propelled Boom

I don’t know. I guess PresentMe needs to effort less, and let the due process take its course..

She can also use a self-propelled cherry picker.

She made a self-coaching spreadsheet. How can she work with it best?

Find the driving panel of the self-propelled cherry picker?

The little steering knob…


Executive function.

‘Once you understand our innate power to purify ourselves and our surroundings, you can act properly, and you will learn from those around you, and you will become friendly with others.’

What is this innate power to purify myself, and how do I apply it today?

By plucking out MindWeeds. 

I did that a bit in my zazen practice. What do you mean for today?

By plucking out MindWeeds. 

Oh, like dirty li’l habits of thought and action?

Yes! Playfully so!! 

Like, procrastination… solipsism… task-dodging… cloying… recoiling…

Lo que sea. Whatever MindWeed you can SPOT (and ‘splat’) is perfect! That’s the playful game for today! 

Spot mindweeds today…! Ok.

Write em up

Spot mindweeds



Reminded by this Abraham podcast about Segment Intending. A great way to get ahead of MindWeeds – which I’ve noted are largely around ‘being too wound up/fraught/exhausted to unwind’. Basically masses of Suzuki’s Limited Mind (bcs my aspiring brain is scanscanscanning incessantly) and not quite enough internal Big Mind. Ok:

Segment Intending for this afternoon (a Sat afternoon working with a colleague..):

(Oh wow!! The colleague literally just texted to postpone for 30mins later… I was due to leave for her house in 5 mins, so now I have 35 mins for this exercise. Awesome timings.)

  • I love it when we get stuff done together.
  • I love it when we have the feeling of teamwork.
  • I love it when we complete stuff.
  • I love it when we work out everything’s probably more sorted than we’d thought.
  • I love it when souls connect and flow.
  • I love it when there’s a shared sense of purpose.
  • I love it when there’s time for everything.
  • I love it when I get some lunch in ahead of the meeting.
  • I love it when I make time for buying a little gift and that goes down well.
  • I love it when we create magic together.
  • I love it when I feel on top of my game.
  • I love it when I feel a sense of It Is Done, in advance.
  • I love it when I can look down on the timeline of past, present and future and see what amazingly good work I was participating in.
  • I love it when I can see how PresentMe is calibrating with evolved FutureMe.



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