Private 4: Where the mind goes the qi flows

Hello dear friend of my Heart and Soul.

We are your Heart and Soul. 

Ah! Excellent. Ty. I feel like we need to ‘pray just to make it today’. Our government is performing such darkness. Our planet is under such strain. The international field is at tipping point. May my being add unto peace today. Help me set my frequency for the day so that I may be effective and efficient, without either draining myself or throwing edgy, noisy, twangy vibes out in to my surroundings. May I be a source of peace unto myself and to my world.


When we called you a sovereign being we opened up a new vein of thinking for you. It is ahead for the exploration and mining. Let this be a joyful process. It is no coincidence that you should be watching The Crown. HMQEII is an excellent model of sovereignty. 

I am learning from her… uprightness. It is like watching Downton Abbey again. The poise. The togetherness. I need a strong spine to get through these days.

A strong spine but also a calm interiorised mind. You know very well that as you look outwards, you start to drain energy outwards too. Where the mind goes the qi flows. You are invited to bring your attention inwards more and more. You have discovered a little bit about planned or conscious dissociation – not the unhealthy traumatised kind, but the healthy nurturing kind. Over time, you are going to learn to dissociate compassionately. In other words, you will learn to have full confidence in the healing capacity of yourself and your clients so that you no longer need to carry their burdens with you, or go out of your sustaining qi field in order to offer them support. 

This is exceptional. I note that I am asked to do training in all the topics I need to work on.

I think I might have stumbled upon a new potential branding yesterday. What do you think.

MOST EXCELLENT. This is all you have asked for and dreamed of. TAKE IT. Receive this wisdom now. 


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