Private 8: Preface internal statements with the word and feeling, ‘Phew!’ and see what happens

Feelings of… angst. So much work and no proper break?

Easy tiger; take it gently. Getting that ‘rewarding feeling’ comes from the Driving forward and the Soothing after. 

Yes, my actual time in the savanna (eyeball to eyeball with trainees/clients in ‘performance’ mode) is fairly limited. If I think about the actual training ahead,  I’ve got 2 hours on Monday (with 4 groups of primary children!) and 3.5 hours on Tuesday with a group I’ve already done a successful session with.

It’s the prepping that takes so much time. And the build up on comms behind me as I do that.

You became a mother around this day, some many years ago. How about that as an alternative perspective? 

Amazing, isn’t it…? <3

And you had a great idea about a book, last time we met.

Yes. AC’s DoDs based on my diaries. With illustrations.

As a means to ST – Share Tools. 

Afternoon client work…. (People are often more relaxed.)

P L E A S E. 

eg 1.30-5.


Morning writing and MEDS.


VA to arrange timings/comms.


Happy nucleus accumbens? (Reward and Reinforcement)


Set boundaries around my work.


But what about jollies to London/Birmingham for clients?

n o p e the nucleus accumbens does not l i k e it

No more endless bespoke work.


In order to really get the ‘reward and reinforcement’ feeling of the nucleus accumbens, work with paying attention – and co-creating with yourself – the Sense of Relief. This is what your dear ANS is looking for because it equates RELIEF with SAFETY and SECURITY. 


PREFACE internal statements with the word and feeling, ‘Phew!’ and see what happens. 

Instead of ‘I’m running 20 mins late!’ say, ‘Phew, I have 10 mins to do the next thing!’

Use the word/feeling ‘Phew!’ to reinforce relief and reinforcement.


Phew, I’ve just done all that printing I was worried about…


Preface internal statements with the word and feeling, ‘Phew!’ and see what happens. 

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