I started my QT by updating this: My Routines & Rituals 2021
Ok, let’s soften into wonder this morning, with this meditation:
That was a sweet meditation. Innocent. Light. I appreciated it. Over to you…
This morning you added the word ‘Ritual’ to your Routine document.
Yes… it just felt right. Yesterday, our THREE MONTH Covid-19 Lockdown eased another step, with ‘non-essential’ shops re-opening, and pubs opening their outdoors areas… I guess I am aware that some of the patterns I’ve developed in this last 12 months of the pandemic are more than just ‘new routines’ – they are sacred habits which offer me peace.
‘Sacred habits’ – beautiful. Indeed, we see you dipping into the pots of nectar that your soul is fed by, just a little, every day. Isn’t that so much better than a ‘grand’ splurge every so often?
Yes. It’s almost like I’m finally self-parenting, in the way my inner child actually wants. My Mon-Fri daily routines have 10mins of this and that (meditation, tidying, qigong…) and I feel renewed balance in my life. It so suits my Aspie inner being – at last….
So ‘Rituals’. Let’s look the word up:
It’s 7.59am: “Jump up at 8 & everything’s great.” Let’s come back to this tomorrow. <3 Take the word ‘Ritual’ into your day, and let it percolate.
Ok. Perfect. Ty. xxx
I am taking the word ‘Ritual’ into my day, and letting it percolate