MEDS Day 11: Today I am still, inside

Busy day today. Lots to sort, pack and do here in the house in Spain. This evening is the farewell party. It’s already 4.30pm. A settling thought for this evening…?

Be. Still. Now.

Aghh…. Yes. OK. The internal state affects the outer. Thank you.

Today I am still, inside.



2 mins on the hop…


20 min swim – bliss


  • Breakfast: Coffee, toast, tomato, honey  😐
  • Lunch: Ham, cheese, salad, glass of fino  😐
  • Evening: PARTY – endless food/drink… – and then supper at the village bar…  :-///


  • Screens off: 2am
  • Lights out: 2am
  • Wake up the next day: 8.30am
  • Total sleep: Awake in the night with heat and wine-wake-up… 5 hours?


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