MEDS Day 72: Today I am saying “Heck, yeah!” to 2019

I am grateful for last week’s: 

  • Joyful, abundant, love-dusted, fun, easeful, happy, family-filled Christmas. What a gift to celebrate a family-focussed Christmas in a loving, collaborative relationship. G has shown me what it looks like to enjoy Christmas, to revel in it, to let it seep in to your bones and unwind you, to make space for the rites and rituals of fun and cosiness, to approach gift-giving with simplicity and pleasure, to put up a socking great Christmas tree and spend time each day admiring its twinkliness…

I am grateful for the wonders of 2018:

  •  Our brilliant girls beautifully and uniquely self-launched. I’m in awe of them. 
  • The first full calendar year with my wonderful G. How happy I am. (And as empty nests go, ours feels most fully-feathered – warm, cherishing, nurturing, fun…)
  • A successful first year of new business. We’re off!
  • Important family markers, some heart-rending, some joyous – but all held closely and carried tenderly by us all collectively as family and friends.

It’s the last day of 2018! I’m looking forward to 2019!

What are you looking forward to, dear soul? 

I’m looking forward to the things that make me say, ‘Heck, yeah!’ when I think of them. This came from Tools of Titans – the chapter on Derek Sivers who said that once you have some success, You need to figure out whether you’re feeling like “Fuck yeah!” or “No.” Because most of us say yes to too much stuff, and then, we let these little mediocre things fill our lives. The problem is, when that occasional, ‘Oh my god, hell yeah!’ thing comes along, you don’t have enough time to give it the attention that you should, because you’ve said yes to too much little, half-ass stuff, right? Once I started applying this, my life just opened up.”

What prospects for 2019 make you say, “Heck, yeah!” dear soul?

“Heck, yeah! In 2019 I’m looking forward to…”: 

  • Cosy nest
  • Next phase of business
  • ‘Automated’ days (‘Siempre, siempre’ housekeeping habits and work routines…)
  • Tracking the KPIs which inspire and invigorate me 
  • Awesome family and friend times 
  • Pretty dresses (thanks to CAC Freedom – free from Carbs/Alc/Coffee)
  • Travelling to new places for work or for remote work – or for R&R

I’m shy to say some of the things here… 

The fact of the matter is, you are rolling forward in a spirit of joy, optimism, confidence, wellbeing, curiosity, satisfaction…

I am indeed. Heck yeah! What else is there that I should bear in mind? 

What are your protocols for working? 



Housekeeping habits in the morning; ‘practice’ in the afternoon. 

And how will you track progress? 

I guess via income, but also success on the ‘fitness’/ MEDS/wellbeing front…

Ok. This is where we were heading. You finished 2018 at near burnout. You are daunted by 2019, if truth be told. What do your days need to look like for you to be ‘working well’ – ie. working to earn, but also maintaining progress on the indicators which show you are self-caring? 

Ah. Yes. Well. I know how to answer this:

  • Delivering less training (especially bespoke training which takes so much prep) and more practice.
  • More online practice. eg via Zoom – same time every day…
  • Promote the work passim, so I am less inclined to agree to free gigs as a means to new business
  • Planning and tracking – weekly, monthly, quarterly – using Action Day planner and Daybook (exercise book, A4)

What KPIs will you track on a weekly basis? 

The Fitbit stats: 

  1. Steps
  2. Total floors
  3. Total km
  4. Avg daily calorie burn
  5. Total active minutes
  6. Exercising (of 5 days)
  7. Avg sleep hours
  8. Avg hours with +250 steps
  9. Resting heart beat
  10. Weight loss

And what KPIs will you track on a monthly basis?

The FitBit stats and Financial Stats:

  1. The Fitbit Stats (month on month)
  2. Sales
  3. Expenses 
  4. Profit
  5. Drawings
  6. Total income
  7. Total outgoings
  8. Savings

And what’s it all for, dear soul? 

What it’s all for:

  1. To bring attention and awareness to the progress that is made. This is more effective for me than setting goals, which intimate and threaten me, and invite disappointment. I know this. Simple tracking helps. Like when I did Dry January in 2017 – just checking the ‘dry’ button each day was enough motivation to make me go 11 months dry… My mind loves to see progress building too – that’s very motivating for me. (I must learn how to do graphs…)
  2. This is about the MEDS Project hitting its stride and completing… so that the next project can come through. 
  3. To be able to automate life processes so well  that life is simplified enough to do the creative work of launching the next phase of the business, of being present to relationships, to enjoying all that life has to offer. 

I’m a bit frittered of attention today… in terms of this writing. I’m conscious G is waiting about for me. But I really want to say this. Last year was amazing. Even just starting this writing online was life-changing. I am grateful for 2018. It was such a rich and exciting learning curve. I learnt to relax, to slow… to absorb love, to let go of old patterns, to watch and allow my children to grow up without wanting to tear my poor sweet maternal eyes out 🙂 , to be in the moment, to take brave decisions… 

Like registering your company today. And setting up your KPIs. And working with your target slide. And counting the benefits of giving up – freeing yourself from – Carbs, Alcohol and Coffee tomorrow. 

Yes. All of that. Thank you. Anything else I should know, do or say before today finishes? 

Are you saying “Heck, yeah!” to 2019? 

I sure am! 

Well then. It’s all done. Happy new year. 

Today I am saying “Heck, yeah!” to 2019



MEDS Trackers Dec2018 (chart here): New Year’s Eve…. 
Med&Ex: Download Hour – Med | Aerobic | Qigong No
Diet: Chopchopchop – mindful, plant-based food Nope!
Sleep: Sleepstate: 9Screens, 10Books Ha!
Med minutes Ho ho!
Active minutes ?
Steps 4k?
Food: Today was the last day before CAC-Free starts, so I took full advantage of my feasting rights… including a yeehaw last chance saloon visit to the Carb Colonel at KFC! Followed by a prosecco and cider-filled NYE.   
Dry? 1/2 bottle prosecco and  3.5 pints cider!  
Screens off /
In bed (with books..) /
Sleep Window
2.30 – 9.30
Hours slept (as per FitBit data next morning) 6h28m


Tools of Titans p189

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