MEDS Day 75: Today I am sensing my heart

I am grateful for yesterday’s achievements, blessings, confirmations….

  • I had a GREAT day of planning out potential future ‘achievements for achieverisation’. My new wall calendar and Action Day planner arrived, and I set them up to make use of the focus (which I developed with the Full Focus Planner last year) on weekly, quarterly and yearly planning and reflection – but now based on lightly anticipating and then spotting, collecting and revelling in all the ABCs (achievements, blessings, confirmations)
  • I loved writing down the achievements I knew would float in without my trying, and the ones which I can lean in to and unleash gently… It was fun and I felt a sense of possibility, ease, simplicity and playfulness.
  • I’ve already lost four pounds. 🙂
  • My eldest hosted me and her sister in the evening, with an amazing rabbit stew she had made herself. We talked and laughed together. It was bliss. I love my girls so much.
  • This video from Abraham-Hicks filled my heart and spoke to all the forward-facing joy I’ve been leaning into over the last few years, and learning how to master, day by day by day. Thank you, dear Esther Hicks – you have been a life-changing teacher to me for 10 years now. I’m so grateful. This newer ability to jump into celebrating achievements, blessings, confirmations comes v much from you. And from my G. who constantly gives me great cobweb-wiping gusts of joy, pride and awe.
  • Evening: qigong while listening to more Abraham-Hicks and then great reading on Robin Amis and Seth Godin – with my mind on form… Yes! Ty for sobriety again.

So today. I’ve started a new marketing approach – sharing quotes of brilliant writers in my field on social media. It’s a way of ‘offering simple help’ in that it’s food for thought, inspiration, encouragement…  It also honours the writers I owe a great deal to. We’ll see if it flies! Any thoughts?

You are starting off the year as you mean to go on: with simplicity, humility and purpose. This is excellent. 


In pointing to the work and wisdom of others. Good. 

Ah, excellent. Yes, it’s a little less ‘look at me – help!’. The Seth Godin book is helping me reframe marketing. He reminds us it’s not a customer’s role to solve a business’s urgent problem (eg lack of customers). It’s the businesses role to solve the customer’s problem – having first taken the time to ‘see’ the customer as they are.

I’m going to the office today. I’ve got some big presentations to get done. That’s the kind of achieverisation that might intimidate a girl…

Offer. Simple. Help. 

Simplify my presentations?

If you want them to fly. If they are so big and bulky they sadden you to develop them, imagine what it will be like on the receiving end. 

Noted. 🙂 What else should I know and bear in mind today?

Last night you were touched by G’s notes on Robin Amis‘s words – especially on the theme of ‘prayer of the heart’. 

Yes! Let me go back to that. G’s notes of his meeting with Robin say:

“Prayer of the heart – 1/2 way between meditation and prayer. This was used in a different way, an inner way to transform oneself, to make one open and serviceable to God.”
“Western forms of prayer ‘inflate’ people, they get excited over results which prevents the full benefit. Inner arousal is OK, but the activity of the psyche burns it up.”
Isaac_of_NinevehRef. Isaac of Nineveh re. methods of preventing this.”

Who is Isaac of Nineveh?

Wikipedia says…

‘Isaac of Nineveh (c. 613 – c. 700), also known as Saint Isaac the SyrianAbba IsaacIsaac Syrus and Isaac of Qatar, was a 7th-century Syriac Christian bishop and theologian best remembered for his written works on Christian asceticism.’

Look at this quote…

“What is a charitable heart? It is a heart which is burning with love for the whole creation, for men, for the birds, for the beasts … for all creatures. He who has such a heart cannot see or call to mind a creature without his eyes being filled with tears by reason of the immense compassion which seizes his heart; a heart which is softened and can no longer bear to see or learn from others of any suffering, even the smallest pain being inflicted upon a creature. That is why such a man never ceases to pray for the animals … [He is] … moved by the infinite pity which reigns in the hearts of those who are becoming united with God.” Isaac of Nineveh

This is beautiful.

How does it relate to you? 

I guess, with a charitable heart, or when in a state of ‘prayer of the heart’, I am less self-focussed? Maybe then it’s easier to do the work I need to do, because I am ‘burning with love’ rather than ‘squirming with fear/concern/self-consciousness’?

You are terribly harsh on yourself sometimes, but yes, it is certainly a case of the centre of one’s intention shifting from self to other, which as we noted yesterday and the day before, is helpful in making any kind of human progress. 

How should I begin?

By centring in on the sensations of the heart. Now you have stopped sealing it over with coffee and booze, you have more access to its messages. 

Ok. I can do that. Today I will centre in on the sensations of the heart. Is that right?

Today you are ‘sensing your heart’. 

Got it. Tysm.

Today I am sensing my heart.

MEDS Trackers Jan2019: Day: Friday
Med&Ex: Download Hour – Med | Aerobic | Qigong 10:22walk:0
Diet: Chopchopchop – mindful, plant-based food YES!
Sleep: Sleepstate: 9Screens, 10Books No – Fri
Med minutes 10 – the Abraham video
Active minutes 22 walking
Steps  9763

8am – Berocca/linseed shot; muesli; tea

12 – ACV water; chicken & courgette; piece of choc

4 – peanuts; seaweed crisps; water; tea

9 – broccoli&beef; cranberry&sparkling water

Eating window:

8am – 9.30pm


Dry?   Yes! Day 4
Screens off  /
In bed (with books..)  /
Sleep Window
 23.13 – 08.21
Hours slept (as per FitBit data next morning) 7h57!


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