As I wind up the MEDS protocols, here’s an overview of where I have got to with the MEDS protocols… so far.
Meditation: I probably meditate for c10 minutes a few days a week in the mornings. I typically use Marconi’s Weightless as background music. I’m also more mindful in other ways – including sometimes I’ll do ‘moving meditation’ in the form of qigong to music (no tutor). The next step is: latching the meditation on to my daily exercise regime, so that it becomes an embedded practise.
Exercise: My current ideal pattern is 20 minutes of qigong and a 15 minute walk round the neighbourhood, every day, with at least one long a week, plus the Movements to Music class weekly. This has a massive healing/balancing/strengthening benefit for me, even though it’s all pretty gentle. The next step is a) shifting lifestyle to ensure that work/tiredness doesn’t steamroller daily exercise time b) G and I are going to get bikes and do cycling together. Yes!! I’m so excited. Cycling really does it for me…
Diet: Woo! Well this has been a roller coaster, partly from moving in with someone whose metabolic set weight is really healthy and fat-adjusted meaning he can eat heartily without gaining weight. I’m listening to The Obesity Code (still!) and gradually getting an understanding of my relationship with insulin, adrenal fatigue, stress and cortisol. I have lost 10 pounds since 1st Jan 19. I’m still pretty clear that low-carb high-fat might be a good way forward for me, combined with intermittent fasting. The next step for me: a) to get myself/life balanced enough to be able to work well with the LCHF intermittent fasting protocols and gently reset my metabolic set point b) to relax more and more, as cortisol actually seems to play more of a role than calories in my weight state.
Oh yes… and I’m still doing Dry January. Three months alcohol free. That was a big one. I’m really pleased. Aiming to keep going for a bit, and then do Damp December, like I did in 2017.
Sleep: My FitBit broke a couple of weeks ago so I’m not entirely sure where I’m at, but I did manage to get my average to hit 7hours for a couple of weeks, which I’m really pleased about. I’m retiring in good time too, generally. But I do wake up before 6.30am in general, whether I like it or not! The next step: To master the early night – not just going to bed, but reading and switching off screens, and falling asleep before 10pm… Yes!
The journey continues…