There is much relief to be had in taking a blanket approach to loving and approving of the others in our midst. The mind needs less judgment, not more. Attesting to the perfection of others is a way of swimming with the current of creation, not against it.
I am keen to get into the mode of deep thinking about my next quarter. Or light thinking. Whatever is required. Sensing, intuiting. The need is to see the path ahead, twinkling… as opposed to inventing a purple palace to build on a hill and then taking a spade to start building an entirely new path up the hillside.
What’s ripe?
Let’s read:
-42- The Tao gives birth to the One. The One gives birth to two. Two gives birth to three. And three gives birth to the ten thousand things. The ten thousand things have their backs in the shadow while they embrace the light. Harmony is achieved by blending the breaths of these two forces. People dislike the words “alone,” “helpless,” “worthless,” yet this is how Princes describe themselves. So it is that sometimes a thing is increased by being diminished and diminished by being increased. What others teach I also teach: “A violent person will not die a natural death.” I shall make this the basis of my teaching. (The Tao Te Ching Chap 42)
The line ‘A violent person will not die a natural death’ reminds me that over-exertion and efforting are not conducive to human health. We can do a violence to ourselves by straining, pushing and over-cooking our own puddings.
The line ‘sometimes a thing is increased by being diminished and diminished by being increased’ brings me to the recollection that maybe I can achieve more in this next ’12 Week Year’ period by doing less.
Peak ‘activity’ has been reached?
Well, I urgently need to take urgency out of my life! 😉 That’s for sure. I need to become super-grounded, super-anchored. How?
Your focus has been on growth; now you can focus on consolidation.
Yes! Consolidation of the year so far would be really good.
So what’s the Vision? ‘Tactics’ follow.
I can only guess that it’s linked to the Reach Peace; Teach Peace mission of this year…??? :-///
Why the long face?
The sense of challenge about it.
Both to attain peace, and then to – in any way – ‘tell’ others about it… :-/ Who am I? etc…
Who are you not? etc Who else are you waiting for to do this work instead of you? Why do you think doing this work makes you special? Is it not apparent from earlier dialogues that the Reach Peace; Teach Peace mission applies to all people? This is not some special messianic role for you, dear being of light. It is the work of the age. Each may enter into the spirit of this work in their own way, or not, or choose to go against it. The fact is that everyone most certainly is choosing one of those options. There is no passive way.
Tcho. I needed that. Thank you. I need to repeat this bit and hear it hard:
“Is it not apparent from earlier dialogues that the ‘Reach Peace; Teach Peace’ mission applies to all people? This is not some special messianic role for you, dear being of light. It is the work of the age.”
So, maybe part of leaving behind my awkward sense of selfhood is to explore the work of others who are Reaching Peace and Teaching Peace?
Yes! At last! Super! :-))))
Ok. This is good. This is a big leap – and a bursting of a big cumbersome bubble.
May my attention turn to those who are reaching peace and teaching peace. May I become a curious, diligent student of their learning.
Suddenly, my vision for the Quarter of Consolidation is this:
The Reach-Peace-Teach-Peace Mission is the work of the age and so my Vision is to:
Offer a service to assist people to Reach-Peace-Teach-Peace on their own terms (Professional vision)
Learn from the Peace-Reacher-Teachers around me (Personal)
And next I can work out ‘Tactics’. Phew. Good. The pressure of ‘performance’ is sliding away. I am in detective, student mode instead. My curiosity is rising…. and I have some good new phrases…
I am curious about the Peace-Reacher-Teachers in my life