A brief one today. It is the wedding day of our beloved ones. I’ve had good time in the last 24 hours to contemplate the co-co consciousness proposition. I think there is so much for me there. Much to channel into my vision of my next 5 / 10 years.
-45- Great accomplishment seems incomplete, yet its use is not impaired. Great fullness seems empty, yet it will never be drained. Great straightness looks crooked. Great skill appears clumsy. Great eloquence sounds like stammering. Movement overcomes cold, stillness overcomes heat.The calm and quiet set right everything under heaven. (The Tao Te Ching 45)
I like simply the notion of ‘calm and quiet‘. I think that will be helpful for me today. Some reading I did this morning reminded me of the power of being in the neutral state – with the polar opposites of positive / negative being a somewhat old-school, 3D ‘conundrum’:
Shoshanna: Manifestation from a neutral point of view is creation at its purest form. Creation at its purest form is neutral. God energy, Source energy is neutral. So when a human being can come to a point of neutrality in the manifestation process, it is at its purest form.
The idea of manifesting from a positive or a negative point of view is a third-dimensional point of view. It is a third-dimensional manifestation imbued with attachments, imbued with desires for a particular result. When the human being can come to a place of complete neutrality, that which is manifested is perfect for that experience. Does this help you?
Yesterday, G saw ‘CCC’ written on my wrist to remind me of ‘Co-Co Consciousness’ (Peak 108 phrase). Is that “Cool, calm and collected?” Maybe that’s my phrase for today?
Beautiful. You can see yourself as a gear stick in neutral: cool, calm, collected – and ready for movement. You will all be bearing witness to the love of your beloveds for each other. Bring them your collective light. Bring them your Collective Light. That is the role of the wedding party: to hold the couple in Collective Light. The best way to do that is to be poised, anchored, settled – so that the light can radiate through you all. Cool, calm and collected is fun, also, for those prone to heat, fizz and dispersal!
Ha! Well as TTC 45 says above: Movement overcomes cold, stillness overcomes heat. Let me be still inside today, so I can add to the Collective Light. May my loved ones be eternally blessed in their love for each other. May we be blessed by bearing witness to their love. Amen.
Hello dear voice of my inner guidance. I’m happy to be back to myself, and to the sources that inspire and comfort and reassure and inform and centre me.
I’ve just read the 10 year anniversary (2015) new preface of A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. He reminds us of how the caterpillar becomes temporarily dysfunctional before transmuting into the butterfly – and how the same goes for society when it’s shifting from ego-dominant consciousness to awakened (present moment) consciousness. There can be a resurgence in the ego consciousness, but ‘eventually, the ego brings about its own demise’.
I’m reflecting today on how, while for two decades I have pondered much on the phenomenon of the unravelling of society as it shifts paradigm, for a while I became mute and shocked and didn’t act on what I knew…
[Interrupts] Not factual, dear soul, though your self-deprecation is acknowledged. You have always been an urgent mimicker of your own internal intuition. What is occurring now is a willingness to engage that knowledge on the ground in the human landscape.
Meaning… The way that people who ‘know’ are coping with that knowledge is changing.
Tbh, I have been overwhelmed a bit over the last few years…
We told you 2012 would be a game-changing year.
That is true. I didn’t know that what it would do was accelerate the dysfunction and breakdown and unravelling. :/
So important to focus on the increased up-function, break-through and up-ravelling!
Man, this is so true. Can you imagine if I started – really seriously inside my soul, head, mind and words – to start singing my praises of the societal Awakening I’m aware of?! …If I took my attention off the disintegrating caterpillar and refocussed my sight on the emerging butterfly?!
I know, through my conflict resolution work and my mental health work, we really are learning to COLLABORATE, to CONVERSE, to COMMUNICATE… better than ever before! I see the next generation, and they break my heart in to renewed forms with their powerful love and insight. I know that love overcomes hate, and indignant hate never impinges for a second on the original flow of hate.
Let’s read…
-44- Your integrity or your body: Which is more important? Your body or your possessions: Which is worth more? Gain or loss: Which is more harmful? Thus it is that the miser will pay much. The hoarder will suffer great loss. Be content with what you have and you will not be disgraced. Know when to stop and you will be preserved from danger. Only in this way will you long endure. (The Tao Te Ching 44)
To me, this relates to your notion of a couple of days ago: CONSOLIDATE. Stop inventing new wheels. Capitalise on what has been learnt, accrued, developed, achieved, established.
Sit back on your heels.
Ok. I get that. Yes. ‘Know when to stop.’
And when to start. Apathy is gone. Right action – without striving – is invited.
How will I carry out the blog/interview idea?
Building up gently. Offer articles to magazines – thus get a real sense of ‘researching’. Own your themes: MEDS and MEDIATION/RESOLUTION
Aha. Yes. ‘I write about mental health and conflict resolution’?
If you like. Or more positively..?
I write about collaboration, conversation, communication, contemplation, cooperation…?
So, I know that I’m seeking to anchor myself into this reality, and yet, really, the best Peace-Reacher-Teacher learning comes from channelled sources. I’ve been seeking to steer away from that matter in this online version of my diaries, but I’m prepared to remain anonymous here for the foreseeable in order to be able to speak my truth. My truth is that the channelled material available to us is quite literally out-of-this-world. And tapping into it again, because I didn’t so much for a while, gives me Peace. These are my Peace-Reacher-Teachers.
And your human Peace-Reacher-Teachers?
G, without a doubt. And I’m sure many others. But largely, my tribe (country?) is frazzled and fried from applying heartfelt, compassionate, critical attention on the echo chamber of 3D division in our politics. And so am I.
I know I have been flickering away from my human Peace-Reacher-Teachers. Like Deborah (Healing Space) and Maria (Nourish) and Jeremy (Qigong). I’ve been trying to focus on my ‘work’. I keep putting ‘Book appointment with [xyz amazing Peace-Reacher-Teacher]’ on my to do list and then prioritising other things.
The result being: I’m trying to carry out my resolution work and interpersonal life while carrying around trauma and exhaustion…
The 5D teachers remind me of the bigger picture however. And that makes it easier to drop ‘work’ and prioritise Work.
[This article] is a case in point. Beautiful. Deep. Light. Nourishing and reassuring to my soul because it talks about ‘that which I sense and intuit yet no one in my surroundings is talking about it, so I start to feel crazed’… until I read these writings, and feel ‘Yes, this is it, and I’m not alone, and I can learn from these deep souls’.
So how can you ‘convert’ this learning to your 3D world?
I can certainly learn from the human teachers and share that learning, openly.
For example in my public/professional blog.
And what of the fact that this will be ‘unpaid work’ for you..?
Ergh… You know me so well. Well, I think that such public writing will bring new clients to me. So, it will be my marketing strategy. To interview expert Peace-Reacher-Teachers, and highlight their knowing.
Leap of faith, no?
Yes! Huge. I can start to see it though… Let’s read:
-43- The most yielding of all things overcomes the hardest of all things. That which has no substance enters where there is no crevice. Hence, I know the value of action without striving. Few things under heaven bring more benefit than the lessons learned from silence and the actions taken without striving. (The Tao Te Ching 43)
Uff! My oh my…. ‘I know the value of action without striving.’ Perfect for me today… I’ve actually been awake since about 4am in a state of high internal panic and psychological labouring (here on ‘holiday’!).
Is this to correct me about the idea of doing interviews with the Peace-Reacher-Teachers? Is that idea too ‘strivey’?
Wheel-spinning is always an option to be selected or deselected. Confidence, vision and compassion to self and others always calms and reduces striving. It is helpful to know that love reduces the sense of impending doom. And the reduction in the sense of impending doom reduces the wheel-spinning. So injecting love into our thoughts and plans is key.
And how do we ‘inject love into our thoughts and plans’?
Injecting love into thoughts and plans is done by assisting our inner nervous system to enter the parasympathetic state as often as possible so that we become accustomed to acting as a channel for the vibrations and frequencies of love. Does that make sense to you?
Yes, very much so. Like when having a good massage, or meditating in a group… we slide into that relaxed held state. It feels blissful, or ‘heavenly’.
Blissful and heavenly feelings mean that you are vibrating in the state of the higher frequencies. Doing this as often as possible assists the body to relax into channel mode on a regular basis. It is really valuable to learn how to step out of the sympathetic state at will. Really valuable. And your Peace-Reacher-Teachers will teach you how to do that. Trust in their teaching. Know that this learning is crucial for you if you are serious about continuing your work in the ‘resolution’ field. You can really only enter this work on a permanent basis, if self-care and de-traumatisation become a permanent part of your self-care schedule. Take this seriously, and your ability to do the resolution work will soar.
Wow. Ok. So actions so far:
Reconnect with channelled Peace-Reacher-Teachers here (anon)
Reconnect with human Peace-Reacher-Teachers (Deborah, Maria, Jeremy, Eliza…) as a subject and student
Learn from them and write it up on professional blog – like a curious detective – reboot the blog with the focus on teachers and my learning, not on me jazzhanding / vaunting.
Keep this self-care, detraumatisation, parasympathetic practice going permanently.
Let these actions occur without my striving.
The way I see this 5D work, and the non-striving, is something to do with the phrase ‘New Earth’. Can we meditate on this?
Man, there is so much trauma in me. Time to release it. Tried to do TRE, but people starting to wake up. It’s windy out. Every time someone goes to the loo a door slams hard enough to shake the roof… This is all learning. (eg. should have followed instinct to see Deborah for TRE session before leaving for Portugal.) Non-striving is NOT passivity. Lao Tzu talks about the ‘value of action without striving’. That is, there is value in action! Just ensure you act in a state of assurance.
Jesus… If I hear another door smash shut, I am going to weep. I’m like a coiled spring. Help.
View from here – Entering New Earth
Entering New Earth involves:
walking firmly through the storm
crossing the darkened room boldly
taking action
saying no
saying yes
Entering New Earth (5D) is an AFFIRMATIVE action, not a vague idea. Any affirmative action requires composure and vision. Hold vision. See a door. See yourself entering it. Walk through it. Close the door behind you.
Slam the door behind you?
If you like! 🙂 Enter. Enter. Enter.
Ok. I hear you. Without striving, efforting, wheel-spinning, vaunting or jazzhanding, we enter New Earth.
We are all entering New Earth. That is the work of the age, isn’t it?
There is much relief to be had in taking a blanket approach to loving and approving of the others in our midst. The mind needs less judgment, not more. Attesting to the perfection of others is a way of swimming with the current of creation, not against it.
I am keen to get into the mode of deep thinking about my next quarter. Or light thinking. Whatever is required. Sensing, intuiting. The need is to see the path ahead, twinkling… as opposed to inventing a purple palace to build on a hill and then taking a spade to start building an entirely new path up the hillside.
What’s ripe?
Let’s read:
-42- The Tao gives birth to the One. The One gives birth to two. Two gives birth to three. And three gives birth to the ten thousand things. The ten thousand things have their backs in the shadow while they embrace the light. Harmony is achieved by blending the breaths of these two forces. People dislike the words “alone,” “helpless,” “worthless,” yet this is how Princes describe themselves. So it is that sometimes a thing is increased by being diminished and diminished by being increased. What others teach I also teach: “A violent person will not die a natural death.” I shall make this the basis of my teaching. (The Tao Te Ching Chap 42)
The line ‘A violent person will not die a natural death’ reminds me that over-exertion and efforting are not conducive to human health. We can do a violence to ourselves by straining, pushing and over-cooking our own puddings.
The line ‘sometimes a thing is increased by being diminished and diminished by being increased’ brings me to the recollection that maybe I can achieve more in this next ’12 Week Year’ period by doing less.
Peak ‘activity’ has been reached?
Well, I urgently need to take urgency out of my life! 😉 That’s for sure. I need to become super-grounded, super-anchored. How?
Your focus has been on growth; now you can focus on consolidation.
Yes! Consolidation of the year so far would be really good.
So what’s the Vision? ‘Tactics’ follow.
I can only guess that it’s linked to the Reach Peace; Teach Peace mission of this year…??? :-///
Why the long face?
The sense of challenge about it.
Both to attain peace, and then to – in any way – ‘tell’ others about it… :-/ Who am I? etc…
Who are you not? etc Who else are you waiting for to do this work instead of you? Why do you think doing this work makes you special? Is it not apparent from earlier dialogues that the Reach Peace; Teach Peace mission applies to all people? This is not some special messianic role for you, dear being of light. It is the work of the age. Each may enter into the spirit of this work in their own way, or not, or choose to go against it. The fact is that everyone most certainly is choosing one of those options. There is no passive way.
Tcho. I needed that. Thank you. I need to repeat this bit and hear it hard:
“Is it not apparent from earlier dialogues that the ‘Reach Peace; Teach Peace’ mission applies to all people? This is not some special messianic role for you, dear being of light. It is the work of the age.”
So, maybe part of leaving behind my awkward sense of selfhood is to explore the work of others who are Reaching Peace and Teaching Peace?
Yes! At last! Super! :-))))
Ok. This is good. This is a big leap – and a bursting of a big cumbersome bubble.
May my attention turn to those who are reaching peace and teaching peace. May I become a curious, diligent student of their learning.
Suddenly, my vision for the Quarter of Consolidation is this:
The Reach-Peace-Teach-Peace Mission is the work of the age and so my Vision is to:
Offer a service to assist people to Reach-Peace-Teach-Peace on their own terms (Professional vision)
Learn from the Peace-Reacher-Teachers around me (Personal)
And next I can work out ‘Tactics’. Phew. Good. The pressure of ‘performance’ is sliding away. I am in detective, student mode instead. My curiosity is rising…. and I have some good new phrases…
I am curious about thePeace-Reacher-Teachers in my life
And suddenly, here I am in Portugal! I’m sitting out on a veranda at 8am next to a blue, blue sky, with birds gabbling in the trees around me. We’re all here for a family wedding – we really are all bringing the love. #BTL
We have an entire glorious week here. I’m interested to know what insights might arise during the week. It’s the end of my ‘Quarter’ (end of Sept) and the opportunity to reflect on how the last 3 months of 2019 might look for me. I’m reading The 12 Week Year on audiobook too. I’m ready to make 2019 Q4 ‘count’. I am reaching out to the edges and depths of my internal wisdom for guidance on this.
I cannot overstate the outer turmoil in our political landscape at the moment. The division, the spitting hatred, the trickery, the illusion-spinning, the psychopathy. May my – may all our – actions count in these days. May we learn the lessons available to us, and act upon our insights.
There is a time to sit still, and there is a time to act.
And this moment is..?
This moment is a time to sit still so that you know how best to act.
Granted. I really can sit still this week (amidst the moving about!) and let the inside voice do the talking. No more wheel-spinning. No more walking about this planet with unprocessed trauma in my body.
Let’s read:
-41- The wise student on hearing the Tao diligently puts it into practice. The average student on hearing the Tao keeps it one minute and loses it the next. The mediocre student on hearing the Tao laughs at it loudly. If this student did not laugh it would not be the Tao. Therefore, the ancient proverb says: The bright path seems dull. The path that goes toward seems to lead backward. The even path seems up and down. The greatest whiteness seems soiled. High Virtue seems like a canyon. Abundant Virtue seems deficient. Vigorous Virtue seems limp. Simple Virtue seems faded. The greatest square has no corners. The greatest vessel takes long to complete. The greatest note is hard to hear. The greatest image has no shape. The Tao is hidden and nameless; yet, it is the Tao alone that supports all things and brings them to completion. (The Tao Te Ching Chap 41)
Stenudd reflects that the Tao is ‘laughable’ to the mediocre student in the way that new science breakthroughs are laughable to the sceptics at first. He also unravels some of this apparent ‘deficiency’ in the Tao:
‘Tao in its yielding humility seems dim, whereas we expect great truth to shine like gold. Its progress seems retreating, because it makes little noise and shuns the spectacular. Its course seems curved and twisted, because it accomplishes its goals indirectly and discreetly.‘ (Ref)
There’s learning here for me with regards to our undertaking actions that ‘count’. We are invited to accomplish our goals indirectly and discreetly. What’s notable to me is that the Tao / Way is not about being goalless. We can take aim and hold intention; we simply ensure that our actions are not noisy or attention-seeking.
So the focus is on the delivery not the deliverer?
Yes, I guess so. Or on the ‘delivered’ – the outcome? Imagine if my goals involved undertaking a project which did not have my name on it… I say this because so much of what I do, I append my name to, so that people can attribute due credit to me.
We know how confusing the notions of anonymity and acclaim/acknowledgement are to you. We see this in your day-to-day thinking. You dart between the two.
Think of Amelie, and the fun she had in anonymous love-bringing…
In the end she sought love in her actual real life though, no?
Yes… Ok, answer me this! How on Earth (and I use that term advisedly) does one actually do the following?: ‘The wise student on hearing the Tao diligently puts it into practice.‘
Shine the light on others to reveal their goodness, their perfection.
No more griping, back-biting, quipping, complaining about others. Be clean of tongue.
Attest to the perfection of your loved ones, and then your care for others’ regard of you will diminish and vanish away.
Is this something I need to be proactive in, or is this a slant to apply in the moment? And how to undertake this without being fawning, annoying or subservient?
Curiosity about the way the divine is revealing itself through each individual is sufficient.
And what form might that take?
The mirror reflects the light it sees.
But not the darkness…?
0 + 0 = 0
Darkness is a non-factor then…
An important thing to remember when the ego seeks to reflect the darkness it believes it sees in another: the ego can only speak of itself.
‘The bright path seems dull.’ Darkness on the other hand can seem enticing, glamourous…
Hear the innocent church bells ringing out in the village behind you.
Pretty, sentimental, but not enticing, I guess?
‘The bright path seems dull.’
It’s true, one part of me loves to gripe and quip about others… It’s a way I make myself interesting or vital or clever (ie. non-dull) to others. It’s my favourite vaunting tool – and it must be a real dampener for those I’m with. Also, I must tire myself when I do. Resting in others’ perfection is something I need practice at.
Attest to the perfection of your loved ones.
Good practice. Very good spiritual practice. And a calming way to get out of my ego mode, so that I can better be in a blue-sky thinking state. Thank you for this.
I am attesting to the perfection of my loved ones.