‘Taking the Softer Option’ feels like:
- Getting things in order ahead of time, not at the last minute
- Saying no, though it feels hard to, when doing so creates more time for recuperation
- Choosing the gentler route and therefore…
- Having more margins for ‘resonance’ as a result
- Getting into the Zen way, and out of one’s own way
- ‘Sitting soft’
- Little and often
- Being kind to ourselves
- Self-compassion
- “Response-ability” (G’s concept)
- Floating
- Preparing in advance
- Preparing in advance in the spirit of faith
‘Preparing in advance in the spirit of faith’ is like downloading the instruction manual ahead of time and following it. It looks like magic powers. You can tap into this ability to prepare, to arrive ready, whenever you like, dear friend. It’s not magic though it feels like it to you.
This is about overcoming doubt and fear I guess.
Low serotonin chemically reduces our sensation of status and pride in ourself, and thus it reduces our confidence. Being ahead of the game in terms of preparing in advance is a really helpful way of sidestepping this serotonin matter. It works.
So being super-organised…
…Gives us a sense of joy-pride-awe. The trick is to shout out to yourself (and others where appropriate) ‘I am ready!’ sooner rather than later. Own it. Claim it. State it. Loudly, mentally or verbally. Again. And again. And again. Each day. Affirm and confirm this truth: “I AM ready.” Because you are. Recognising and stating this fact again and again reassures the subconscious mind, and teaches it that ‘readiness’ is you easily reachable state.
I am ready for today…
I am ready for this workshop…
I am ready to complete my to do list…
I am ready to be happy…
I am ready