In the UK, non-essential shops (eg clothes, books) re-opened yesterday – a significant step towards unlocking lockdown.
We see you trying to find some tweets to sum up the ongoing wrong-doings by your government. It’s ok. Let it be. We have more important things to talk about. Can’t you see that as the 3D paradigm crumbles in paroxysms of polarity, the 5D reality is starting to come into focus? Can you retune your gaze to focus on 5D instead of 3D? The equivalent: if you had binoculars in hand, you’d need to adjust them from looking at your shoes, to looking at the eagle on the tree across the field. The equivalent: if you had a radio, you would need to retune the frequency to shift from playing the BBC news to playing the songs of the angels…
Take your eyes off the 3D reality. We know: it’s a compelling show. It’s hard to drag yourself away.
But trust us. Trust. Us. The 5D reality is now ready for your viewing.
Thank you. It’s true – I’m an almost compulsive viewer of that 3D stuff – though less so than before in a sense… Anyway. I know we’ve covered this before in many myriad ways, but I need to ask you for a revision on the 3D / 5D realities. 3D I get: it’s the here and now of the physical plane, with all the contrast writ large, and the polar opposites on max volume, and binary thought pinging around, and egoic thinking (whether of hate or fear or sadness) running the show. Right? And 5D again?
Anything that resonates with PULL is emanating from the Fifth Dimension.
Aha. Ok.
Any thought or state of awareness that causes your heart to step into coherence… is emanating within the Fifth Dimension.
A reality which appears to require your ‘trust’ and ‘faith’ for you to accept it as possible… may be an emanation of the Fifth Dimension.
Got it.
The perspective on life taken by your Inner Being and your Inner Approval System: that is an emanation of the Fifth Dimension.
It sounds ‘out there’, the term ‘Fifth Dimension’. We know. For this reason we can change the language. You experience 3D as ‘hell on Earth’ and 5D as ‘heaven on Earth’. We’re just talking about the negative aspects and the positive aspects of any ‘now’ moment. They are the same side of one coin. Your CONSCIOUSNESS is the hand that flips the coin either one way or the other.
And you are saying, flip the coin over so Positive Aspects are on top?
As simple as that. In any one moment of now.
Again, and again, and again… flip the coin over so Positive Aspects are on top – no matter what apparent conditions seem to be telling you.
That, dear friend, is an act of radical consciousness.
Switch perspective, from ‘this is hell’ to ‘this is heaven’ ad infinitum?
Exactly so.
In the so doing, will heaven on Earth shimmer more clearly into consciousness not only for you, but for others. Heaven on Earth (5D) is in slow fade-in. By stating you can SPOT IT, you’ll help others believe in it too. Spot it, passim.
Spot Heaven on Earth…
Again and again.
Thank you. This is good. I feel it. So for today, is it ‘switch perspective’ or ‘spot heaven on Earth’?
Got it. Thank you for this. At this time… No, at all times: it is good to feel accompanied!
I am switching perspective and spotting Heaven on Earth <3