Go in, and commune with your Unseen Crew.
Thank you. What can we learn about today, on this windy June day?
You’ve been thinking about energy.
And… telekinesis. I saw some new videos of people using qi to move things.
Qi + Intention.
Aha. Good point. I welcome your commentary.
Relax then, and sit back. We have plenty to say on this topic and your willingness to hear and receive is a great boon. One day you will look back on this process and admire your ability to listen, with a balanced and receptive mind. For one so young.
Thank you for that. And for all of this.
It is an imperfect science, this energy work, as the mind – a vagrant being if ever there was one! – is the conduit and agent. However, and this will please you to hear, if you can master your mind you, can master the energy work, and/or, if you can master the energy work, you can master your mind. In other words, if kept playful, energy work is a good discipline.
I have been loving doing qigong every morning. I feel like I’m building up some new understanding. I would love to deepen and develop my practice.
Ah, an intention. Qi + Intention => Move Worlds.
Ha! Yes. Yes. This. What is your advice?
To slow down. Slow… right… down… in your practice. You tend to use qigong as a form of ‘exercise’ for your body, your muscles, your figure. That’s fine, but it’s not actually qi gong – which means ‘energy gathering’. Exercise is energy expenditure. Qigong is energy cultivation. Spend two hours doing laogong activation exercises, and you will see what we mean. (And you’ll be spinning pens in no time! Just joking…)
This is a helpful observation. Thank you. I see that I’m playing on the very cusp of qigong’s actual potential. And I’ve been practising it, on and off, for 12 years now…
Qigong is a mind and matter activity. It takes time for that to become clear. Community helps make this clear too.
I’d like to spend more time in qigong community…
Ask yourself what this energy cultivation is for. Is it for your physical health? Is it for your work in the world? Is it for sharing with others for their wellbeing? What is it for?
I feel, it’s partly for physical healing and wellbeing, and partly for raising frequency so we can be lighter in this world… It’s for psychic protection and spiritual connection. It’s to connect to other realms too?
All this is true and yet, if you can believe it, you are also invited to apply your finely honed qi to places in your conscious field where it is needed.
Like ‘holding’ the planet in my hands..?
Like ‘powering up’ places, people… LightCasting.
Oh lordy… Is this LightCasting an actual thing? [The word first came to me about 5 years ago at a time of praying for much healing.]
Of course it is! You asked to be a Channel of God’s Peace. Peace flows, as light – and light can be cast where shadows exist.
So, busy not yourself with spinning pens as much as with light-casting where light is needed. You have separated yourself from the Judgment Zone that is your Twitter Feed – but you know what you saw. ‘Busy yourself’ with casting light on the darkness you sensed. Til now, you have added to the darkness with your judgment – you were too close and too hurt by what you saw. Now, you have stepped back, you can be more useful. Yes, you know there is darkness. Enough said; enough seen. Protect yourself, and then cast light wherever you have judged. That is the least you can do to pay back the debt you owe for your judgment. Cast light where darkness exists. That, sweet friend, is valuable energy work.
But who am I to say ‘that’s darkness; here’s my light’?
You are given the powers of discernment for a reason, you physical beings. Casting light is not an act of judgment – it is an act of mercy. Are you free of darkness, precious child? No? Well, know that as you are merciful towards others and administer your care (in Light) to them, then equal goodness will come round to you. Know this, sweet being of Light. All beings are One. To see an Other in Light, is to expand the Light of All. Illuminate all areas, this is the work of your generation. Enlighten all places. This is your mission, should you choose… For you all. Those singers you see [I was watching Glastonbury videos last night] – they are enlightening, or they are darkening. It’s hard to tell which sometimes. Shine your light on them, and see them as whole, blessed beings. Fret not about whether they are light hats or dark hats: know that all are blessed beings doing their best. Shine your light on the all that is, and rejoice in the oneness of all things. We are all one. We must shine light upon every element of our Self. We must love every element of our Self. Does this help you understand LightCasting? LightCasting is: to see all things in their best light.
Your clients in conflict: cast light upon a scene in which they have forgiven each other and themselves. Make this the new alternate reality, with that powerful imaginative mind of yours.
I hear you. Ty. So our phrase is…?
I am LightCasting.
Yikesies. Ok.
You wanted to know about energy work. This is what it is. Generate good energy, and hold All in it.
Qi + Intention => Move Worlds.
Ty. I will work with this.
I am LightCasting.