Pivot 128: I am keeping an open mind (to plug the vacuum in)

I did tend to myself gently – with gentleness and joy – yesterday. I cleaned and refreshed the house (it was a Sunday); I painted my nails; I sat in the garden; I rushed at nothing; we went to a shop and I invited myself to buy whatever clothes I liked. And do you know what? Almost instantly, others mirrored my take, and were gentler to me too. We really do follow each other’s lead on how we want to be treated and acted towards. If I am gentler to myself, so are others. Who. Knew?!


Ok so what came through was that notion of ‘plugging into Source’. I’ve just finished studying the qualities of Teachers:

I. Trust
A. Development of Trust
II. Honesty
III. Tolerance
IV. Gentleness
V. Joy
VI. Defenselessness
VII. Generosity
VIII. Patience
IX. Faithfulness
X. Open-Mindedness
In my meditation, Abraham’s notion of ‘plugging into’ Source made itself present. Yesterday I again heard Abraham say, “Plug in the vacuum cleaner!” Is it true that I have sometimes been ‘vacuuming my house’ without the vacuum cleaner plugged in to the electricity supply?
Of course! Learning to plug the Vacuum Cleaner in – or connect your Self to your Source – is a fun and fulfilling art that comes when the student is ready. 
Aha! Excellent. Tell me how I might apply this today?
Of course! You are talking about approaching your work with trust, honesty, tolerance, gentleness, joy, defencelessness, generosity, patience, faithfulness and open-mindedness… and seeing what happens when you do. 
So this is plugging in the Vacuum Cleaner?
You know what it feels like when you are plugged into Source. It is a culmination of intentions and feelings and assumptions and invitations. 
Am I plugged into Source now?
Yes, to the extent that you are allowing yourself to be a channel rather than a ‘doer’. 
Ah. That’s helpful. I do know that sometimes my best work comes when I step back a little… When I stand central in the assumption of fair solutions… When I assume the best outcome is easily available to us all. It’s like my role is to hold the door open, so that people can walk through it to their own next destination. I know they could open the door themselves, but my service to them is to simplify that step for them at their moment of need. They still do the ‘work’…
And in simplifying that step for them, you are holding confidence that there is a ‘next door room’, or a ‘way out’, or a ‘way in’… whatever is desired. 
Yes, I have that faithfulness for them, when theirs is wavering.
You are finding your step here this morning. Your step up…
You are opening the door for yourself. 
I am. And on the other side of that door, is peace. “Only the open-minded can be at peace
So keep an open mind today, as you would keep an open door for others. As you open your mind, and remain open minded, so will rich ideas flow through. If you can keep the door of possibility open for yourself, then you are better able to do it for others too. Open-minded and open-hearted are not so far apart. For today, focus on ‘Open-Minded’ and see how life flows. See how the Vacuum Cleaner plugs in when you create mental space for Source to flow through your day. 
M-4.X.1. ‘The centrality of open-mindedness, perhaps the last of the attributes the teacher of God acquires, is easily understood when its relation to forgiveness is recognized. 2 Open-mindedness comes with lack of judgment…. M-4.X.2. How do the open-minded forgive? 2 They have let go all things that would prevent forgiveness. 3 They have in truth abandoned the world, and let it be restored to them in newnessand in joy so glorious they could never have conceived of such a change.’
Remember your desire to plug the vacuum in… Remember that today. And use open-mindedness as a socket.
My open mind is a socket…!
I am keeping an open mind (to plug the vacuum in)


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