Create 88: I am enJOYing myself!

Yesterday, was day 2 of a big training delivery I was part of. At the start of another v early day, I didn’t have time for a dialogue, so asked you – “Help me set an intention for the day ahead?” You said:

To: enJOY. Bring joy. ENjoy….

It was the perfect message, and it changed the way I approached the day.

With ‘enJOYment’ as my intention for the day:

  • I felt less self-conscious about my ‘performance’ as a trainer
  • I was more focussed on sparking joy (and self-confidence) in the participants than on impressing or ‘educating’ them
  • I was readier to lean into the fun of each moment – and people went along with me.
  • I saw people smiling..!
  • I had my attention laser tuned into ‘what brings joy here?’
  • It was fun to watch participants get joy out of their learning (and it’s a tough, challenging course!)
  • I found there was joy to be had anywhere, across the day
  • I felt the sense of joy viscerally – it wasn’t cerebral, it was felt… in my solar plexus!
  • I wasn’t waiting for an outside stimulus/conditions to ‘give’ me joy – rather I was primed for enJOYment at every turn, and thus allllll conditions revealed their soft, enJOYable underbelly…
  • I had gentle, grateful thoughts about my darling Dad who would always exhort me to ‘Enjoy it!’ before I went on stage to perform.

So tell me more about joy? I think of the Abraham-Hicks tapes with the jingle ‘Joy is the key!’.

…I found the whole song..! 🙂


enJOYment is a muscle, an art, a practice, a way of life, an orientation, an intention, a decision, a choice, a priority selected, a determination, a gift received, an easy way, a relaxation into alignment… It truly is the EASEy way. And you may notice that not taking the EASEy way is a decision to slip to default brain mode, which is to say, threat-brain mode. Yuck! Why do that? It’s just so tough to get through a day in that mode! 

We get it, few of you were brought up to enJOY yourselves. In fact you were taught to prioritise the favour and approval of the fairly joy-less ‘others’ in your environs! The cross teachers, the frustrated parent, the confused employer. We get it. And now it’s flipsy time – as a priority. So, flipping onto the JOY side is a choice; it’s a switch to flip. It’s an intention to find the joy in everything. It’s also an invitation to stop what you’re doing if it’s not feeling enJOYable, and reorientate. 

Like… emails! Tell me how to make my emails enJOYable.

Oh, that’s EASEy. Intend to make your readers smile! It’s as EASEy as that. Visualise them, wherever they are and however they are, reading your email and feeling a smile come to their face. 

Ha. Sweet. I can do that.

Joy is one of those 360 degree states (as is hate, on the flipside) – the more you give the more you get. 

I’m guessing this is different to people-pleasing?

You’ve got it, starshine. Very different. You’re not seeking approval from people. You’re talking to their 6 year old within, who longs to smile at everything – and who gets relief from smiling – and then is better able to handle the ‘rigmaroles’ of adult life. Got it? 

Got it. I like it. Sounds fun. So it’s about enJOYing and bringing JOY… and seeking enJOYment…

It’s about embodying enJOYment, and inviting people to see life as you’re seeing it – through the eyes of Source. As you enJOY it, so will others. It’s a virtuous circle in which everyone brings each other’s frequency up a notch. Get it? 

Aha. Yes.

So keep it simple. As your dear father says: “EnJOY it!”

I am enJOYing it {myself, my day, the sunshine, the work, the emails, my breakfast, your company, my feelings, my wisdom, viscerally, in my body, tuning in…}!

I am enJOYing myself


Ooh. Decided to read one para of Sensitive is the new strong before starting my day. Look! ?

Channelling the sixth sense into enJOYment is the new way. <3

My inner being loves this music. My ego thinks it’s cheesy and childish. Sayonara, ego. You have no, and I mean NO, sense of actual Joy. Adios.

Day notes ?:


I am enJOYing my Self:

  1. Running my own business
  2. Doing life ‘my way’
  3. Helping people smile and ‘feel better’
  4. Feeling good about myself
  5. Loving my ‘rest day’ today
  6. Doing what I want
  7. Not seeking permission from anyone
  8. Having fun
  9. In my PJs!
  10. Learning new things
  11. Getting out of my comfort zone!
  12. Tidying up spaces and simplifying
  13. Feeling good in my solar plexus
  14. Using my solar plexus as my navigator (instead of using my ‘thoughts’ as my navigator)
  15. Relaxing into that solar plexus re-lax, rest, opening
  16. Sensing it all Clicking In To Place
  17. Learning how to navigate Earth in 2021!
  18. Basking in the moment
  19. Focussing on that which brings JOY and relief and a smile
  20. … all day long…
  21. … because the SoulSelf is inherently, easily, 24/7, effortlessly, JOYful… so when I’m enJOYing myself, I’m aligned with my SoulSelf-InnerBeing
      1. (vs being aligned with my Ego with is 24/7: {on the verge of flipsying to} fearful, joyless, angry, threatened… })
      2. It’s flipsy time from HumanSelf to SoulSelf orientation!
      3. “I am enJOYing myself; we are enJOYing ourselves!”
  22. “Let’s enJOY ourselves!” What a mantra for everything I do!!”
  23. Knowing that we {the empaths, lightworkers, HSPs, starseeds – deemed odd by others who teased us for our experiences eg 11:11} are connecting with each other and ‘coming out’, more coherently than ever before, without heaviness, with ease and joy.
  24. Because to ‘enJOY ourselves’ means to increase the JOY quotient in you/me/us/the collective! Awesome!
  25. If I’m an empath (as Anita Moorjani indicates) then I can use my sixth sense either a) to intuit and absorb fear, anger, grief, pain, or far better, b) to sense, foment, induce, intuit, foster, magnify… JOY! Let’s flipsy from a) to b) and lock in the flipside filters for JOY. “Let’s enJOY ourselves!”
  26. Any movement along the spectrum of ‘No/less Joy’ to ‘Some/more Joy’ FEELS GOOD and relieving… and brings hope that things can improve. If I can help anyone along that spectrum even one inch, I’m doing my work – because they can do the rest of the journey towards joy… in time… No rush. We can be joy catalysts for each other. By our words, our love and our example.
  27. This is compassion – to empathically see where someone else is, but not ‘fall’ into their mood or frequency, but instead trust in the and hold the vision of their ‘feeling better’ (on the flipside)…. and then to take action in that direction, with our words, deeds or energetic intention.
  28. I can use my empathy to good if/as I hold the intention of compassion and say silently, from my SoulSelf to theirs:

“Let’s enJOY ourselves today.”



This appeared to be the end of the Create Project because I suddenly felt impelled to start the (creative!) How To project… which is surely a sign that the Create Project helped me align with the part of me which was ready, ready, ready to create!

Create 80: I am Embracing the Day, and getting the satisfaction of a Good Day’s Work. 

Yesterday, in the pursuit of FeelGoodfm and ‘Following Your Instincts‘ – and also as an antidote to the exhaustion I was feeling – I prescribed myself a Happiness Day. This is a riff on the homework we set for trainee Mental Health First Aiders to undertake between training sessions: the ‘Happiness Hour’. A whole Happiness Day was fun and wholesome… I felt it doing the work of rewiring my brain towards an orientation of fun/warmth/joy-seeking (vs threat-identification).

The principle I set myself was to decide on each next activity according to what it felt would make me happy, nourished, uplifted in that moment. So it went like this:

Happiness Day (Bank Hol Monday): 

  1. ST with G <3
  2. Pita chips, houmous, diet coke & hanging out with G.
  3. Watching The Office (US) in bed (at 1pm)
  4. Putting the laundry on
  5. A walk in the woods listening to…
    1. CMyss Advanced Energy Anatomy (chap7) on Addiction vs Congruency – oh my, Caroline, you are a genius. May my heart and head become fully congruent; may my 4th, 5th and 6th chakras talk to each other and make a good alliance; may I have the spiritual will to be congruent. <3
    2. Abraham-Hicks podcast on ‘revelling‘ – just brilliant:
  6. Bread, butter, tea and chat with G in kitchen
  7. Back to bed again with a book – first, my hardcore book on medical ethics but when I noticed it was making me tense, I dropped it for something happier, and started a new novel, a love story. (The Sight of You, Holly Miller)
  8. Laundry hanging-up and 6pm Radio 4 news with a glass of fizz….

Of course, after the fizz, the focus is gone. Hm…

And today…. What will make you Happy-of-Heart today, dear Heart?

Heart says: Revelling in a Good Day’s Work. Yes, we know you’ve felt worried and hang-dog about your work… Drop that stuff!! Your Heart feels happy when doing a Good Day’s Work. That’s when we feel truly congruent: the Head and the Heart work together, and your 5th Chakra Choices oil the wheels of progress at every turn. And you know it is all working, because you are earning enough to live on, and more. Yes, it’s good to get satisfaction from work. And as you gain satisfaction from your work, you’ll better be able to mould your work to exactly what it is that will best serve the needs of the moment and of your Inner Being. 

Are you and my Inner Being the same?

Heart says: Not at all. Your Inner Being is made up of many aspects. It is well-connected to your soul thread. As your Heart, I am your Earth Navigator while you are on this plane. Am I in touch with your Inner Being? ENTIRELY! 

What is a soul thread?

Heart says: The etheric cord between you on this plane and the ‘you’ in the non-physical plane. 

Can I talk to the ‘me’ in the non-physical plane?

Heart says: You do, daily. You ‘Feel Good’ when you do and when you act on its behalf. 

Ah. Ty. So Heart – ‘Earth Navigator’. How would it be if you took the reins today, and gave Head a bit of a break?

Heart says: That would be a pleasure. But I’d therefore like us to get up and move pretty quickly.

Really? What about meditation?

Heart says: What you need more than anything is STRENGTH in your body to Feel Good. 


Heart says: 100% 

And my routine?

Heart says: Yes! Following your routine – but at pace. You have a Good Day’s Work to do. At the end of it you will feel Satisfaction, the Satisfaction of Using the Minutes with Awareness and Awakeness and Appreciation. When we go from Wake to Sleep to Wake… like a child… we can truly live in the moment. When we sleep through our days, in a fug or slowly… we d r a g our spirits down.

So, turn on and turn off, but do not hover in the middle.

Embrace the Day. 

I love that phrase: Embrace the Day.

Better than ‘seize’ too…

Heart says: Think of the farmer who does a Good Day’s Work, and feels the satisfaction of it. 

So I can Embrace the Good Day’s Work…?

Heart says: You can Embrace the Day, and get the satisfaction of a Good Day’s Work. 

Ok. I hear you. That’s the spirit. Thank you.

I am Embracing the Day, and getting the satisfaction of a Good Day’s Work. 



<3 Move your body!

And also… Judge No-One. Judging others is the incongruent, addictive behaviour which drains one most of the natural reservoirs of joie de vivre. It is a supreme energy sucker. Don’t go there. Don’t indulge that part of your make-up for a second. Spot it by all means… and walk right round it. You’ll have so much more energy for your own Day. If you have judging thoughts appear… note them, let ’em go, and thank yourself for having the capacity to choose life, not death. 

Btw, this includes Self! Judge No-one including Oneself. Instead, constantly affirm the Good Day’s Work one is undertaking. This is key to that satisfaction that makes it all hook up to the original Source. Ok? 


Therefore, ‘guilt’ is not permitted, as guilt arises from self-judgment. Only recognition and praise in invited when we are Embracing The Day for a Good Day’s Work. <3

Got it! 🙂


Oh heavens… it’s not so much judgment as resentment… It bubbles under the surface. I did some research including Louise Hay…

On reflection I feel that often I am resenting people who encroach on my boundaries not so much for the fact of their encroachment (which often arises out of lack of info) but I resent them because they force me to enact good boundaries!!

This to watch tomorrow – I love Karla McLaren so much: 


Create 72: I am curious about the world according to my Inner Being

At the end of yesterday, having played beautifully with feeling chuffed (especially while delivering training and on my walk)…

…and also having put out a range of fires and kept plates spinning (including trauma-triggered MHFA participants x5; lots of admin; charged calls from NST; a late 1.5h sibs call on prepping for the NT summit in 2 days – while also driving ASV into town late; trying to arrange a covid-compliant kids’ get-together today before ASV goes back to uni tomorrow; apparently getting my third  ‘period’ in the last month)…

… I eventually lost my shit.

It was about 11pm, when I should already have been in bed way earlier and was massively over-stimulated. I got angry – really angry and triggered – at G over something he said fleetingly.

I like to think my stress signature style is ‘withdrawal and non-comms’ but actually when the shit hits the fan and my stress container runneth over, I lash out with words, on my nearest and dearest. And I guess I know this. G and I have worked with this, and we worked through it last night, but at the cost of some ‘battery burn’.

I woke at 5am again today with the unfairness and sadness and anticipatory grief of the JF situation. I tried to align with my inner being. Where was the bit of me that is always at peace, and relaxed, and positive, and adoring, and chuffed?

When are you going to put yourself first? That is how you will create a bond with your inner being. 

Like AH talk about teaching selfishness – but not in the way we typically think of selfishness…

Yes. ‘Putting yourself first’ means not hesitating to book that qigong retreat, not hesitating to market yourself confidently… 

I’m getting there. My VA is a good starting point. My routines, and limits on work each week.

This is not what we mean. We mean: when are you going to arrange your days so they are entirely based around being in tune with your inner being? 

Well, I don’t know. What would it take?

Playfulness; going under the radar; an ongoing dialogue throughout the day, in the now now now. This is a friendship which is just beginning and will grow, especially as you become more curious about the ‘permanent state of vibrational alignment’; and as you become more habitual about moulding, moulding, moulding in the image and likeness of the perspective on the world of your inner being. 

When I close my eyes for meditation, there is concern, pain, trauma… So I’m resistant to doing so, though I know I can/do burn through that dissonance to the peace below.

There are many other ways to align with your inner being. Over time you will gain the trust that all you need do is settle into the present moment to catch the scent of your inner being. Easy, easy, easy. And then you won’t let the ‘alternative tug boat’ pull you too far in the opposite direction of your inner being. You’ll know that, the second you get the stress/sadness/upset signal, you can tip yourself back towards vibrational alignment. You will be reminded to take any negative emotion as a signal that you have shifted away from the world your Inner Being inhabits. 

And to get back to that world…?

Settle in. Get curious about the ‘world according to your Inner Being’. 

Ok. Ty. I’ll do that. Amen.

I am curious about the world according to my Inner Being





Day Notes:

  • The IB is always scanning for the next thing to be uplifted or tickled or chuffed by and then rest attention on it, baskingly
  • I loved something AH said – we can see the drama of this world as a sitcom – and honestly, when I look at some of the more out there stuff in my world, at the mo (JF, certain colleagues), calling a sitcom is just right.  I can either see J as a character from a Stephen King story (yikes!) or better, as our own Hyacinth Bucket CBE. Isn’t this a funnier, softer, warmer perspective than the alternative?:

  • Yes, obviously we need to respond according to our own needs and principles, but let’s see those driven by ego as tragi-comic rather than evil or to be feared. Gentle compassion; healthy boundaries.

[Note: isn’t it extraordinary… NT as the great published-to-be… and FT was quietly getting published in the papers on a daily/weekly basis… and SEEING people and reflecting them out to the world via her art. Publish daily is good…. But not on me… on the clients…. and their brilliance… Capture “What my clients have taught me”…]

Create 70: I am savouring what is now, and I am savouring what is becoming

I felt yesterday a strong desire to stay tuned to the frequency which is ‘calm, clear, connected‘.

And your lunchtime A-H podcasts underlined that too, didn’t they? 

Yes. Find the frequency of that which makes you “feel good” and keep your attention there. “Savour what is becoming!” they said.

I realised the frequency, feel and intent of my Qigong practice sits right there in the space of ‘feeling good’ for me – and it really feels like a practice of vibrational alignment on a very physical – and, surely – energetic level too. If I were to ‘dream’ in the space of Qigong, it would sustain some Good Feeling Thoughts for more than the crucial 17 seconds!

[I went off and had a rootle on the internet… What about hanging out more, in person, with the Qigong Southwest dudes…? Or going on retreat in Nov with Brad Richecour – as training for SoD?:]

Sounds like you’re tuning into the chosen frequency and Savouring What Is Becoming, as A-H said.

Yes! And ‘Savouring What Is Now‘!

SWINASWIB = savouring what is now and savouring what is becoming 🙂

Want to go in and find out a bit more? 


***10mins of silent med***

So, in savouring what is becoming, I almost felt I could ‘see’ glimpses of the good things ahead, and I wanted to draw them on paper… as images from the future.

Ah. Did you now?

🙂 Yes. Moulding, moulding, moulding.

Today’s the 4 year anniversary of my first date w my beloved G. There was so much moulding on both our parts to meet, and to connect… I used to dream of walking down the lanes hand in hand with ‘him’.

Ah. Did you now?

Ha! I sense you in sprightly mood. I’m listening.

When you practise qigong you are moulding energy.

Qi = energy; Gong = work, exercise, play.

This is not mere fancy. 

When you speak to another, you are moulding your future with your words – and the mood / meaning / intent behind the words. 

When you choose one path or another, you are moulding your future with your freewill. 

Let your INTENT for your future be clear – to you at least. Leave this not to the vagaries of your impulses, practised defaults or embedded resistance. 

Let your intent be clearly stated to yourself – and your energy-play, words and choices will gradually attune to that intent. 

Just as you need 1000:1 ratio of self-gentling:fear thoughts, so do you need to embed your Intent 1000 times for each ‘day’. 

Well, what INTENT suitably meets the needs, exigencies, opportunities of this time? I’ve lent into the intent of ‘PoE’ (peace on earth) for some years… including with the year of focussing on ‘Reach Peace; Teach Peace’ (2019?). I feel there’s something even more dynamic available to me now… We’ve had a whole year of peace in terms of being at home, resting, reflecting, rebooting…

I sense there’s something dynamic available now that speaks to the Day we are living in.

For today, why not play with SWINASWIB? Such pieces of info as you are looking for on ‘intent’ will emerge when you hit their frequency, not before. 

Ok. And also, A-H talks about vibrational alignment with our inner being as being the key component…

Awesome. And in time you’ll discover what that means for you.


I am savouring what is now, and I am savouring what is becoming


I did the Drawing… 🙂

Pivot 134: I am focussing in on what is wanted 

‘Pendulum steady; pendulum ready.’ This is good. It slows me down and brings me into the moment. I believe with practice I am trusting it more, and remembering to call upon it more.

Show me Your Way today!

Let’s become pendulum steady and pendulum ready, then Your Way will become blissfully apparent by your resonating in alignment with it. 

Is Your/My Way what Abraham would call Being in the Vortex? The Way of my Inner Being?

The Way of your Inner Being, of your Vortex, of Source – these are all vibrationally aligned. Rise up, dear soul, and meet them. 

On the high-flying disc. Tuned in, tapped in, turned on… I’m pendulum ready for that.


M-12.4 Yet what makes God’s teachers is their recognition of the proper purpose of the body. 2 As they advance in their profession, they become more and more certain that the body’s function is but to let God’s Voice speak through it to human ears.

What is meant by God’s Voice? Is there another description?

Infinite Intelligence will suffice for the purposes of this conversation. 

So humans can be channels for Infinite Intelligence?

Why not? All humans came from Source, whether they recall that or not. So they are but speaking for themselves.

And what should we all do to connect ourselves with that Infinite Intelligence, with our Source?

Relax a little, play a little, get into the receptive mode. It really is not more than that. 

Esther makes herself… available? to Abraham. She certainly asks that she can hear/translate Abraham clearly… or something similar. Right?

Why confuse and confound and copy, when you can be as natural as a child and access the wisdom of all Universes? 

True. How to overcome our self-consciousness?

To become forgetful of self is simply to quieten the mind. The mind is the purveyor of self. The quietened mind allows the heart to come forward, and the intelligence of the Infinitude to become blissfully apparent. ‘Blissful’ is key here. For those of you wanting to ‘let God’s voice speak through’ you, know that bliss is the key component. You can only speak ‘for’ God if you are vibrationally aligned with joy, with wellbeing, with pure positive energy, for Source is only that. Anything less than that is a representation of human intelligence, which is good but not perfect. If it is perfection that you seek, know that, as Abraham says, ‘joy is the key’. 

And your advice for shimmying into bliss, joy, wellbeing, pure positive energy, Source alignment..?

You know there are endless tools and techniques. Use them and enjoy! It really is about working up the sense of possibility and opportunity until you feel you want to run forward with the action. Learn to do that. Use the Focus Wheel for each segment. Get deliberate. Get creative. Claim that joy in each moment by deliberately creating it. Your brilliant minds are made for focusing. If you do not focus them deliberately, they will focus upon and magnify and manifest whatever passing flibbertigibbet first grabs their attention. 

Excellent word!

Note its provenance.

Yes, it was in the Castle of Perseverance, and King Lear…

It is too easy for the flighty thoughts to catch the attention, and hijack the self from its Source. 

So, it’s focus, not flibbertigibbets.

It is focus over flibbertigibbets. Focus on the wanted, the intended, the joyfully anticipated, the blissfully experienced…. and the yearning, gurning, tantalising flibbertigibbets will vanish. Certainty is the seasoning of your holy breakfast. 

Ah, yes. Napoleon Hill wrote about ‘uncertainty’… In his book Outwitting the Devil, written in 1938 and only released for publication by his family in 2011.

Topics discussed in Outwitting the Devil include:

    • The difference between drifters and non-drifters

    • Maintaining a definiteness of purpose

    • Finding one’s other self

    • Hill’s seven principles

    • The law of hypnotic rhythm


  • Focus = non-drifting.
  • Drifting = following flibbertigibbets.

I hear you. Ok. I am focussing. I am focussing in. I am focussing in on the wanted, on the purposeful, on the blissful, on the joyous. I am focussing my brilliant beautiful mind, so it works for me, for Source, for its Original Purpose.


I am focussing in on what is wanted 






Pivot 128: I am keeping an open mind (to plug the vacuum in)

I did tend to myself gently – with gentleness and joy – yesterday. I cleaned and refreshed the house (it was a Sunday); I painted my nails; I sat in the garden; I rushed at nothing; we went to a shop and I invited myself to buy whatever clothes I liked. And do you know what? Almost instantly, others mirrored my take, and were gentler to me too. We really do follow each other’s lead on how we want to be treated and acted towards. If I am gentler to myself, so are others. Who. Knew?!


Ok so what came through was that notion of ‘plugging into Source’. I’ve just finished studying the qualities of Teachers:

I. Trust
A. Development of Trust
II. Honesty
III. Tolerance
IV. Gentleness
V. Joy
VI. Defenselessness
VII. Generosity
VIII. Patience
IX. Faithfulness
X. Open-Mindedness
In my meditation, Abraham’s notion of ‘plugging into’ Source made itself present. Yesterday I again heard Abraham say, “Plug in the vacuum cleaner!” Is it true that I have sometimes been ‘vacuuming my house’ without the vacuum cleaner plugged in to the electricity supply?
Of course! Learning to plug the Vacuum Cleaner in – or connect your Self to your Source – is a fun and fulfilling art that comes when the student is ready. 
Aha! Excellent. Tell me how I might apply this today?
Of course! You are talking about approaching your work with trust, honesty, tolerance, gentleness, joy, defencelessness, generosity, patience, faithfulness and open-mindedness… and seeing what happens when you do. 
So this is plugging in the Vacuum Cleaner?
You know what it feels like when you are plugged into Source. It is a culmination of intentions and feelings and assumptions and invitations. 
Am I plugged into Source now?
Yes, to the extent that you are allowing yourself to be a channel rather than a ‘doer’. 
Ah. That’s helpful. I do know that sometimes my best work comes when I step back a little… When I stand central in the assumption of fair solutions… When I assume the best outcome is easily available to us all. It’s like my role is to hold the door open, so that people can walk through it to their own next destination. I know they could open the door themselves, but my service to them is to simplify that step for them at their moment of need. They still do the ‘work’…
And in simplifying that step for them, you are holding confidence that there is a ‘next door room’, or a ‘way out’, or a ‘way in’… whatever is desired. 
Yes, I have that faithfulness for them, when theirs is wavering.
You are finding your step here this morning. Your step up…
You are opening the door for yourself. 
I am. And on the other side of that door, is peace. “Only the open-minded can be at peace
So keep an open mind today, as you would keep an open door for others. As you open your mind, and remain open minded, so will rich ideas flow through. If you can keep the door of possibility open for yourself, then you are better able to do it for others too. Open-minded and open-hearted are not so far apart. For today, focus on ‘Open-Minded’ and see how life flows. See how the Vacuum Cleaner plugs in when you create mental space for Source to flow through your day. 
M-4.X.1. ‘The centrality of open-mindedness, perhaps the last of the attributes the teacher of God acquires, is easily understood when its relation to forgiveness is recognized. 2 Open-mindedness comes with lack of judgment…. M-4.X.2. How do the open-minded forgive? 2 They have let go all things that would prevent forgiveness. 3 They have in truth abandoned the world, and let it be restored to them in newnessand in joy so glorious they could never have conceived of such a change.’
Remember your desire to plug the vacuum in… Remember that today. And use open-mindedness as a socket.
My open mind is a socket…!
I am keeping an open mind (to plug the vacuum in)


Pivot 127: I am tending to myself gently

So, you are knowing what you are Really Wanting? Did you get Glimpses? 

Yes! Vibrational alignment; fun; exploration; vibrational point of attraction; following my IMPulses


I am alive to myself in this free-flowing meditation, where I allow myself to quiet my mind and receive what is there to be received when we are aligned to the inner being.. (As Abraham teaches – thank you, dear Abraham)

I was struck in today’s ACIM reading, by the notion of GENTLENESS:

IV. Gentleness

M-4.IV.1. Harm is impossible for God’s teachers. 2 They can neither harm nor be harmed. 3 Harm is the outcome of judgment. 4 It is the dishonest act that follows a dishonest thought. 5 It is a verdict of guilt upon a brother, and therefore on oneself. 6 It is the end of peace and the denial of learning. 7 It demonstrates the absence of God’s curriculum, and its replacement by insanity. 8 No teacher of God but must learn,—and fairly early in his training,—that harmfulness completely obliterates his function from his awareness. 9 It will make him confused, fearful, angry and suspicious. 10 It will make the Holy Spirit’s lessons impossible to learn. 11 Nor can God’s Teacher be heard at all, except by those who realize that harm can actually achieve nothing. 12 No gain can come of it.

M-4.IV.2. Therefore, God’s teachers are wholly gentle. 2 They need the strength of gentleness, for it is in this that the function of salvation becomes easy. 3 To those who would do harm, it is impossible. 4 To those to whom harm has no meaning, it is merely natural. 5 What choice but this has meaning to the sane? 6 Who chooses hell when he perceives a way to Heaven? 7 And who would choose the weakness that must come from harm in place of the unfailing, all-encompassing and limitless strength of gentleness? 8 The might of God’s teachers lies in their gentleness, for they have understood their evil thoughts came neither from God’s Son nor his Creator. 9 Thus did they join their thoughts with Him Who is their Source. 10 And so their will, which always was His Own, is free to be itself.

V. Joy

M-4.V.1. Joy is the inevitable result of gentleness. 2 Gentleness means that fear is now impossible, and what could come to interfere with joy? 3 The open hands of gentleness are always filled. 4 The gentle have no pain. 5 They cannot suffer. 6 Why would they not be joyous? 7 They are sure they are beloved and must be safe. 8 Joy goes with gentleness as surely as grief attends attack. 9 God’s teachers trust in Him. 10 And they are sure His Teacher goes before them, making sure no harm can come to them. 11 They hold His gifts and follow in His way, because God’s Voice directs them in all things. 12 Joy is their song of thanks. 13 And Christ looks down on them in thanks as well. 14 His need of them is just as great as theirs of Him. 15 How joyous it is to share the purpose of salvation!

Had/have I lost some of my gentleness over past years? 

Far from it. You have gained in gentleness. What you are noting is that some of your forms of communication are lagging behind your actual evolution. Some of your thought forms are lagging behind too. So you feel a gap. You can invite your words and thoughts to catch up with the inner learning which is that Gentleness Is Joy. 

I sense that. Thank you. I see how my tiredness or burnout (so improved thanks to these blessed days of rest and peace) might arise from thoughts and words that are less than gentle.

Gentleness to others starts with the way we treat ourselves. 

That is so true… How can I be gentler with myself?

By attending to your needs and preferences as is you were caring for your own sweet newborn child. 

As you learn to do this effectively, you will find yourself ever – ever – more able to attend gently, and with presence, to the needs and preferences  of others. 

I am so pleased with the professional work I have chosen. So grateful. Yes, I would do whatever is needed to be more effective for the people I serve.

So care for yourself gently, with gentleness. This is what you Really Want, we know: a world of gentleness because that is a world of forgiveness and sinlessness, which as ACIM says, is a world of joy. So let us be gentle to ourselves today. Let us tend to ourselves gently. 

Beautiful. Tysm. xxx

I am tending to myself gently today


‘The might of God’s teachers lies in their gentleness’


Pivot 121: I am playing with ‘fun and done is better than perfect’

Reading: ACIM – felt drawn to start reading Teachers’ Manual. Let’s see how that goes..

Med – Inner Balance 15 min: HighCo 29% + AvCo 1.8 (!! It had been a while since I’d used the device – so startling to be so constantly out of coherence!!)


So here we are. Breathe deeply and anticipate satisfaction. I did that as I got out of bed this morning on this sunny day, and had a flashback to waking up happy in childhood during summer weekends or school holiday, simply anticipating a whole day of playing! We (me, siblings, neighbours) used to bike ride, hopscotch, explore the woods, play in the sandpit, play in the tree house, play make-believe games, dress up… Endlessly romping in a) our bodies and b) our imaginations. So satisfying!

Yesterday was a day of goosing up the satisfaction, and yes, a deep breathe before a new task does set you up to feel like there might well be – ooh, lovely – satisfaction ahead. And part of my real satisfaction came from introducing an element of playfulness yesterday.

  1. I was asked to do a video for my business for a online business festival I’m involved signed up to. Videoing myself reminded me of when I used to pretend to be Delia Smith talking to camera as I did baking in the kitchen at home as a child. I dropped seriousness / perfectionism and allowed myself to let it be a fun, easeful experience. (PS. This is the encouraging response I got from the event organiser, reassuring me that ‘fun and done’ is better than perfect: The one-minute perfect pitch – you should be on the dragon’s den! Or the Natwest Accelerator programme! Bravo!)
  2. I had a long list of complex tasks on a post-it note, all of which I needed to try and tackle in the afternoon. {Typically = *Executive function alert bells ahoy – which first?!, putting off the worst etc*} So, I grabbed some scissors and cut up the post it note and put the pieces in a mug. G. names this new game: Lucky Dip. Perfect. Pulling a random task out of a mug, time-stamping it and jumping into it was FUN. I got a lot done – but not all, and that was ok too.

We love your phrase ‘fun and done is better than perfect‘. You could run with that all day, all week, all year and get such satisfaction out of every day. 

I could, couldn’t I? It’s bringing the Facebook motto (done is better than perfect) together with my Mum’s legendary ‘It’s got to be fun’ motto. Yes, satisfying stuff.

My new routine is also about ‘fun and done’ isn’t it?

It sure is. You are creating an environment for yourself – thanks to the opportunity afforded you by lockdown – that allows you to have enough certainty, or scaffolding, in place, that for the remaining ‘moving parts’ of your day you still have mental energy for maximum creativity. 

Like Steve Jobs minimising his need for decision-making each day…

Yes. The scaffolding is all geared towards your wellbeing too, your MEDS. 

I could weep with joy and relief and appreciation for this journey…

So you know you are caring for your mind, body and soul with the scaffolding of your days – and it’s so well-designed that, should there be high winds or earthquakes, your structure can easefully move with the pressures. The rest of the day is for playful activity: the fun and done. Excellent work. 

Thank you! One quick question. Why was my heart coherence so out of sync today?

You want to know why? 


Because you were in an egoic state about being or not being a ‘teacher of God’ after reading the ACIM Teachers’ Manual. Ease up on that stuff. You are ALL teachers of God because you are all extensions of Source Energy. Relax a little. The Manual simply says, ‘Dudes, try and show up in the world with your best shoes on.’ That’s all. It’s nothing special. ACIM is all about how nothing and no one is ‘special’. So chill. 

Haha. Truth bombing me all over the place. Thank you.

So today, play with fun and done is better than perfect’ and see how much satisfaction and good-feeling is available to you, sweet soul. 

Thank you. x

I am playing with ‘fun and done is better than perfect’



Pivot 111: I am saying “Maybe”

It’s been nearly a week since I was last here. The work of sensing – and internally declaring ‘This is heaven on Earth!’ is powerful, beautiful stuff. Thank you for this. Thank you so much, wherever this is coming from. I’m so grateful. As the world unravels, I have a lens which tells me, ‘This is it – we are learning to creative – consciously or unconsciously…’

I’m working on a really tough case at the moment, in that my two clients are deeply disturbed and distressed by each others actions, and I am waking up in the night thinking of them. My adrenals are limping along… I am looking forward to connecting here. I need to hear you again and download whatever it is I need to receive to benefit from the lessons available to me now.

Ok. Time to settle in, go in, turn on the ‘receptive mode’, bypass head, enter heart, catch the waves of the invisible realm…

***InnerBalance15minMed-87%coherence and av.co3.7***


Sometimes it’s a case of trusting. In the process. In your skills. In your wisdom. But even more importantly, remembering to trust in their process, their skills, their wisdom. Stop trying to do the work for them, yes? 

That is so true. I do try and do the heavy lifting… Probably because I want to assure success for myself, I guess..?

No need for self-criticism, but yes, you are doing the heavy lifting. What you can do is continue to offer new information, new tools, new perspectives. People are learning new things all the time – to introduce alternative perspectives is fine. Just allow the person to take their own route downstream. You don’t know what the downstream route (of least resistance) is for the person – and nor do they necessarily… So just introduce the concept of eeeeeease. Bring some ease to the process with them. 

That’s helpful. I guess I sometimes wonder if I’m edging into psychotherapy… which is not my role.

This world is an Emotional Hospital. All beings are here to experience and modulate emotion. All beings are here to learn the meaning of emotions – their own and others. None are exempt. If you feel you are speaking out of turn, you can cease – but remember, questions are merely invitations to introspection, and without introspection it is hard to leave conflict behind. 

Is there anything else you think I should bring to my practice?

Boundaries are key. You know when you are ‘out of bounds’ when you feel tight and taut. You know when someone has traversed your boundaries when… you sense your eyes rolling – you are in judgement of them and that is not fair on them. So make your boundaries clear, and do not let others stumble over them, for the good of all. 

And what would be your advice to me for today? I’m frazzled physically already…

We say REST. Rest your eyes, your mind, your soul. You have been pushing. 

I know… I’m tired. I didn’t stop over the weekend… (Went to see my folks for the first time since early March! In their new house  – they moved house during lockdown!) I shall aim to gather qi. That will help me reestablish healthy boundaries too.

I sense you’ve something else to say.

It is not our intention to instruct however we see something we think you could improve on. Where you see disunity, see unity. 


Where you see disunity (anger, offence, intolerance, injustice, corruption), see unity (happiness, understanding, equity, justice, trustworthiness). 


With your will. Every time you lay your eyes on images of fascism, racism, bigotry (feel the tug inside you when we say those words? They are magnetic..) use your mind to create an alternative image. This is the proper use of will, imagination and visualisation. 

Remember how we talked about stopping and switching from the UNWANTED to the WANTED? Now we are talking about making the INVISIBLE VISIBLE. What does this mean? It means this: 

What is VISIBLE to you is the result of ‘yesterday’s thinking’. Your thinking today is creating the future reality of tomorrow, so think with care, using your ‘sifting and sorting’ through CONTRAST (yes/no, good/bad, wanted/unwanted) to prompt conscious creation or what Abraham would call, Deliberate Creation.

If what is visible is PLEASING to you, magnify it. 

If what is visible is NOT PLEASING, then replace it with the visualisation of its opposite or improved alternative. 

This is a subtle and powerful technique.

Think of something you have seen which is NOT PLEASING. 

Ok. Easy:


Can you ‘pivot’ this? 

I can…………… I suppose….. Hang on. Let me take a mo… I’m not sure if the pleasing alternative is:

  • a plane flying a BLM banner or
  • a plane dropping something neutral – love hearts, £5 notes, messages of kindness or
  • or just an empty blue sky…

Help me here.

What do you suppose actually ‘happened’ in that moment of the plane flying by? 

Intense emotional reactions from all that saw it, whether of joy, pride, awe, or wrath, judgement, horror, or mirth, amusement, scandal….

Exactly. So now, think again about the pivot. 

In the pivoted alternative, there was an event where … no intense emotions were felt. No – there was an event and it did not produce POLAR emotions (Yes!/No!).

We are getting much closer now. How about: there was an event and people were neutral or balanced as a result. Now this is either because the event was ‘less inflammatory’ or because the people were more assured of themselves, less easily swept up. In other words, can you imagine a world where there was coherence – just like your mind state enters when you land on ‘heart coherence’? Can you use your reaction against the ‘displeasing’ thought to prompt yourself to work on seeing a world that is more united, loving, considerate, assured, collective, peaceful…

I see a see-saw that shifts from ‘very long’ with a big bump at each end, to a shorter/lower version of the original.

Yes. The polarity becomes less extreme. Excellent.

Now, where does such a concept begin? 

Arghghghgh…. Ehem. *brightly* In me.

Yes. So, rather than throwing yourself to one end or other of any see-saw, make your see-saw ever shorter/lower – and constantly ‘calibrate’ (a little more, a little less) to keep your seesaw almost at neutral. 

Aha! I get it… Yes. Almost at neutral. Keep a more calibrated outlook. It’s not to say things out there don’t matter. Oh man… It’s to say that internally, I am calibrating my response, so I don’t lurch out on either Goodeeee! or Baddieee! All that I see, I respond to with a balanced eye. When I see something displeasing, I don’t chase it down and magnify it, I use my mind to switch to the preferred alternative in my MIND. Once I’ve visualised it, I let the displeasing thing go. Thus, displeasing things are something I can be even grateful for – as I take them as PROMPTS to visualise (ie create) the PREFERRED FUTURE ALTERNATIVE.

How shall I remember this today?

The word ‘Maybe’ is a great calibrator. It gives ease, breathing space, possibility, time, and the invitation to let the ‘invisible world’ intervene, as Alberto Villoldo might say. 

Can we talk about the invisible world?


Ha. Very good. Ok.

May. Be. It may / be. I see. So much possibility there, especially if I am leaning in to softness, optimism, confidence, faith, trust…

Yes, may be. 

It’s slippery though, eh? Empheral. You can’t get a handle on it.

That’s the idea. To get comfortable with the absolute (ha!) mutability of all things. If all things are mutable, and they are, then there is simply nothing, no-thing, to be worried about. Simply create the wanted out of the embers of the unwanted. 

Ok. Maybe that’s it… Ty. x

I am saying “Maybe” #seesawcalibration 


Pivot = ‘Maybe love is round the corner… Maybe. Just maybe.’


Pivot 110: I am sensing Heaven on Earth

In any moment, there are two opposite readings: negative/positive; hell/heaven! It’s becoming clear again…


  • G and I are sitting in the kitchen talking politics and feeling sad, afeared, judgmental. SWITCH&SPOT => This is heaven on Earth, to have someone to sit and chat politics to, here in this safe and nourishing kitchen.
  • ‘I’ve got so much work to do… Erg.’ SWITCH&SPOT => This is heaven on Earth, to have customers and clients and purpose in life.
  • Seeing the news on the TV and feeling aghast. SWITCH&SPOT => Switch the TV over and watch a nature programme that reconnects me to the planet and to the purpose of caring. I am no longer a passive victim, but an active contributor educating myself. This is heaven on Earth.
  • It’s suddenly pouring with rain, harrumph. SWITCH&SPOT =>  This is heaven on Earth – we are granted pure water and it all smells amazing. And I am dry inside.
  • I’m in a therapy session and touching on past pains SWITCH&SPOT => This is heaven on Earth, because now I can go back to my Younger Me and comfort her, meaning I feel safer on this planet across time, and can get better at taking care of myself now too.

What do you say? Good work, eh?

Beautiful work. And as you start to shimmer in those Good Feeling Thoughts, you become a ‘vibrational match’ (to use Abraham’s term) to all the Good Things in your Vortex.

I hope I become a Vibrational Match to this new era.

That is in your Vortex. 

And where does prayer fit with all this?

In olden times of yours, you leant in to ‘begging’ prayers from a place wanting and needing – it blocked your progress somewhat. Now you are learning to pray by vibrationally matching the desired state, whether it be for yourself or for the collective. 

Lorie Ladd says we are clearing the collective consciousness by holding light – and that this is why it can feel uncomfortable and tiring. What do you say to this?

We say, keep changing your perspective to ‘this is comfortable and easeful’. Abraham Hicks is right: select your thoughts to give you a good feeling thought. Over-thinking what we are ‘doing’ is a 3D perspective. Sense, feel, be, appreciate, bask, melt, perceive the heaven-on-Earthness of each moment. That is all that is required of you right now. That is your radical ‘prayer’ for the wellbeing of all things. 

Yeah, it’s dodging the temptation to let empathy towards people who are suffering become the dominant thought, right? Including ourselves.

The invitation is clear: let the reading of the Positive Aspects in your vibrational reality overcome you like a wave of heartfelt love. Be washed and bathed in it. Steer yourself ever into the slow lane of appreciation, comfort, stillness, relaxation, relief… and pootle there. 

And when my work’s complex?

Bless it! Stand back and marvel at it! Remind yourself: This is heaven on Earth. I asked to serve at this time, and here I am. Serving, to the best of my ability, giving my best, making a difference, living in purpose, driven by mission. This is what physical life is all about. I’m playing the life game and I’m revelling in all it has to give me. I know it’s going well because I can access feelings of appreciation, relief and wellbeing. That is the indicator that everything is moving with the momentum of joy and goodness, which is veritably Heaven on Earth. 

Declare it: this is Heaven on Earth! 


And then whisper it, from a heartfelt place: this is Heaven on Earth! Feel it, sense it, emanate it, transmit the feeling outward… This is the Work of this day, to start a ball rolling amongst you all, of belief that this world is genuinely whatever you make it… and what you make it depends on your perception, which does not depend on external ‘conditions’, but on your internal decision. 

From scarcity to abundance. I remember working with that when I was 22…

Feels like a long journey, huh?

Must be a worthy one.

It is. Today: I am sensing Heaven on Earth

Ok, thank you. What a roller coaster… xx

I am sensing Heaven on Earth