Pivot 61: Play the lead in The Happy Show (#RestingSoftFace)

No strain; flow downhill; take the route of no resistance. This is a good pivot point to counterbalance the jazzhands, the effortations and the pushpushpushing uphill.

Yesterday, I believe I finally got a sense of what Abraham means by the notion of ‘point of attraction’. It links to what you said yesterday about our ‘frequency profile’. This is how I am seeing it: if someone were to take a snapshot of me in any moment, what… archetype… would they see me displaying? Here, by ‘archetype’ I mean, person with a set of characteristics, traits, energetic frequencies and vibrational set-points.

The idea is that, you get more of what you do, think or feel. Right? So your ‘point of attraction’ in any one moment makes up the general magnetism you are offering. So, it’s important to flow into the archetype (point of attraction) you are seeking to have more of.

If your general point of attraction (POA) is out of alignment with your vision for yourself (or your inner being’s POA), disappointment may follow. Examples:

  • a person might have a goal to help others, but if you took readings (snapshots) of their point of attraction, 9 times out of 10 they would be scowling and complaining about others’ behaviour. So, they ‘create’ more scowlable circumstances, and don’t flow into the place where they find themselves being asked for their help.
  • a person wants success in their business, but if you took readings (snapshots) of their point of attraction, 9 times out of 10 they would be acting as if their business were a disaster. Yet they can’t understand why it doesn’t get better when they are adding so much effort (aka resistance) to solving the ‘problem’.
  • a person wants their children to bring them pride and pleasure, but if you took readings (snapshots) of their point of attraction, 9 times out of 10 they are frowning and tutting about their children’s behaviour. And so, their children behaviour mirrors the parent’s POA and spirals downwards.

Tell me more about this.

We discussed ‘acting as if’ before. It’s your doorway through. And you developed this skill powerfully as a child. But, often you turned your vivid acting attention to darker emotions. It made you a great lead in your tragedy and tragi-comedy shows! Now you are invited to play the lead role in the happy show. 

I can do that! I really can! This quarantine time… Oh man. It’s giving me so much to be grateful for: a renewed awareness of the stillness available to us, the dazzling beauty of nature, the extraordinary fragility of life, the good-heartedness of people, the power of community spirit, the miracle of the internet, the kindness of strangers, the bounty of our food supplies, the refuge of a loving home, and the astonishing preciousness of our loved ones.

Yesterday, G, A and I sat out in the evening sunshine talking all things philosophy, went in for home-cooked food, and then whiled away the evening singing karaoke. I can’t tell you how blessed I feel by some of the moments I am sharing with my Girl (the Younger). Deep conversations. Time to connect and walk together in nature.

Turn off all the extra channels, and you find that the original channel was all you needed.

So, The Happy Show. I’ll flow with that. What’s the set up? It’s not, ehem, like the Truman Show..?

Well, dear friend, it’s not so very far off The Truman Show… You talked about taking snapshots of your state in any one moment, to get a sense of the Point of Attraction you were set to. You could say that your own cameras are on you the whole time. You are constantly transmitting a state to the ‘cameras’. What is that state? What is your state like when you ‘zone’ out and ‘forget yourself’… What’s your Resting State Face?

Hahaha! I’ve caught sight of it… Ok, first of all: it varies, ok?! Secondly: sometimes, it can be a little on the old glum side, I admit. A little hardened. Other times, I am jolly and peaceful and relaxed and soft…

There’s no judgement here. Just the invitation to grow that ability to ‘remember’ yourself, and also to organise your life to prompt that Resting Soft Face on a regular basis. 

‘Prompt that Resting Soft Face’… Interesting. When you have a baby around, or a pet you adore, you are constantly being triggered into that soft, oxytocin, towards state. How else can I organise my life to prompt Resting Soft Face?

You already are doing that. For example, your gift to self of a routine is taking some of the strain out of your days. 

That’s true. And photos in my environment prompt good feelings in me. And the flowers and trees around me. And tidy spaces…

Tell me more about The Happy Show. Is it like The Good Place?

In The Happy Show, there is a motto:

Nothing Matters… More Than To Love.’

That motto guides decisions, states, moods, environments. It serves to take the strain off life – because love is never strained. 

And so what does it mean to be a character in The Happy Show?

The characters hold their Point of Attraction in the frequency of happiness, using the Love priority to release all other pulls-and pushes-out-of-happiness. 

Can they not feel sadness, then?! Aren’t our emotions messengers we can learn from?

Most certainly they can feel sadness! But they interpret the messages of the sadness quickly, and act upon them. And hence are returned to happiness. By happiness we simply mean: flowing downhill in alignment with the inner being’s desire, which is, simply, largely, mainly… to love in innumerable ways. 

Like Source.

Exactly. Like Source. 

Source doesn’t grumble, complain, strain, effort…

Only via humans’ freewill choices. 

Ok. So today…

Play the lead role in The Happy Show. Check your point of attraction across the day. Reorganise your life, in this blessed Easter break, within this momentous epoch of global patience, to prompt moments of downhill flow and ease, for this is the frequency profile of your happiness. 

The times of withholding happiness are done. All the shames, the angers, the grudges, the disappointments, the unworthinesses. Let them be cleared out in this time. Understand that divine mercy starts with our view of ourselves and reaches outwards from there. Know that to love, to forgive, to cherish yourself is the starting point for all healing, inside outwards. So play this game. Act as if. Act as if… all were forgiven, all were healed, all were in its perfect state. This is your heaven on earth game, and it is more powerful than you know. If everyone went about ‘acting as if’ this were indeed heaven on earth for but 30 seconds, this planet would shift instantly. But here’s the thing. This period of ‘Shut Down’ is not dissimilar to such a scenario. Everyone is considering themselves, their neighbours, the nations and their global family anew. And as a result, the collective point of attraction is changing. 

Will it rest ultimately on ‘love’ or on ‘fear’?

The determination of your world starts with you – can only start and end with you. Where does your consciousness lie? Developing awareness of your personal Point of Attraction is your greatest gift to the collective consciousness. Start there, dear friend. Start with you and your Resting Soft Face.

Play the lead in The Happy Show (#RestingSoftFace)


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