Pivot 89: I am running an organised clinic

I loved the Heart Decides game – it really changed the way I went about the segments of the day that I started with a #HeartCheckin and letting the Heart decide. Ty.

Results of the #HeartDecides game yesterday (a Sunday):

Decision 1 – 10.37am What next?
Heart said I want to start moving the body and H. Pottering
Results I got in sync well with G – we both launched the day
Decision 2 – 11.27am What next?
Heart said Get clean and fresh! 
Results Showered, & then cleaned / hoovered / laundered…
Decision 3 – 2.05pm It’s lunchtime. What ‘attitude’ shall I bring with me?
Heart said Rest & Relax
Results Ate more mindfully; then had a recharging nap
Decision 4 – 3.32pm Walk time. What ‘attitude’ shall I bring with me?
Heart said Peaceful
Results I swear I’ve woken up more unwound this Mon morn

I learnt, you need to stay with the Heart until the thought arising gives you a palpable sense of relief – you know you’ve got the answer when you get a little hiccup of relief.

Let’s do our morning meditation practice as a #HeartDecides exercise. 

Ok. Sure. Shall I set a question? Ok…

What are the potential outcomes of today/this week, if I remain in a heart-centred attitude/space?


A clear answer arose…

<3: Helping people attain improved psychological wellbeing. 

Honestly… That makes my heart sing.


This massive, elongated, scientifically-ill-defined lockdown is causing many people to seek improved psychological wellbeing, either because they have been affected by the pandemic directly; or because they are suffering the consequences of the fear of being affected; or they are spun out by the actual impact of lockdown (loss of employment/income, remote working with/without children, isolation…).

‘Improved psychological wellbeing’ is possible for all at this time, such are the circumstances – ripe for awakening a new concern for, or commitment to, self-care. Even if people are self-caring ‘simply’ to boost their immune system, they are downloading a new way of being which will never completely vanish in the future. The person who starts exercise for the first time, or who gives up smoking, or begins to volunteer out of loneliness… This may seem to arise out of fear or ‘ill’ circumstances, but it is nonetheless about the awakening of self-love.

And so… we are learning social prescribing for ourselves on mass! It’s AMAZING!

Indeed. And social prescribing arises from the human’s innate need to be connected to self and other. Self-social-prescribing is excellent news. Somehow, people had become semi-dependent on medication and medics for psychological wellbeing, at times. A shift is occurring here. 

So, what I sensed around potential outcomes, was I guess, something about people learning to self-prescribe wellbeing interventions – for their own improved psychological wellbeing.


I just had the impulse to email myself those lines above, and in my inbox I found an email from an online training provider I’m subscribed to, and I looked at it properly, and finally noticed that it’s courses offer certification and even accreditation with industries (like the CMA) – like this one – a diploma in CBT.

What do you think?

We (yes, we) think that if you dedicated yourself, you could achieve that dream of being both {a mediator and a therapist}, all at once. 

That’s been a dream of mine??

Of course! To support people who are in conflict and also in psychological distress, to find their way through to psychological wellbeing, whether or not they are able to find resolution with the person they are in conflict with. In other words, to help people learn, as you did, that they can be independently well and healthy of mind and heart, no matter what others are giving or withholding. This is truly freedom. 

Man… Ok!! Well, shall I ponder on this?

You must! 

Thank you, I will then. And for today?

An organised clinic. 



Oh like, really?

Your work with the Florence Nightingale archetype last week was not for nothing. Get organised so the people may attend. 

Oh, like the website shop idea too?

Whatever an organised clinic looks like to you. 

Ok. I see the play here. I was always a bit jealous of the staff at the GP’s surgery when I was a kid – doctors, nurses, reception staff. They were operating in such an organised, efficient and compassionate environment… It’s playing with this…

Ty. Heavens, I seem to feel relief… It’s like… no more jazzhanding or efforting. Just have a clean and safe ‘environment’ (albeit online, from my home) for people to come to in their moment of vulnerability. Clean and fresh… And this speaks to the heart-based helper in me, who so wants to connect usefully at this time, and participate in this beautiful mid-pandemic wave of:

People learning to self-prescribe
wellbeing interventions – for their own
improved psychological wellbeing.

I don’t need to be a doctor, I need to host a space in which people discover they truly can be their own brilliant doctor for enhancing their own psychological wellbeing.

My Heart feels uplifted.

Then you know you’ve got the right notion in mind. <3

I am running an organised clinic


PS. I joined a free 7 day mindfulness at work course



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