Pivot 92: I am noting this positive present


This HeartMath Inner Balance device might just save my life. It’s literally a machine you can use while meditating that buzzes when you get carried away in thought, nudging you to come back to heart-focussed breathing. No more ‘getting carried away in thought’ for minutes at a time! That’s done. And you learn how your body feels when you move out of Heart in to default Head – it’s so subtle that without the instant biofeedback it’s hard to notice. That’s why people find meditation so hard. THIS IS MY ZEN MACHINE that allows me to practise the teachings of Zen Mind with full confidence that I am learning the skills.

And why might it save my life? Because my autistic brain is super busy; and energy leakage has been a big issue.  I need, need, need to calm and regulate my ANS. The only way to do that is to learn to get in to the parasympathetic state, at will – and stay there long enough to reboot my system. This machine, along with the Zen Mind teachings, is the answer to that desire I set out with early on in the Pivot Project: to discover my Aspie Zen Zone.

And what I love most is that the answer to the Aspie Zen Zone came down to – it’s so beautiful – it came down to tuning in to the Heart. Thank you for this journey of discovery.


Screen shot of hearth math app
Inner Balance session 22may20


For today..?

You learnt today that the best way to generate coherence with the Inner Balance was to affirm something positive in the present tense: I am ok; I am safe; everything’s fine; it’s all good… This is the mantra set for your day. See how often you can affirm your positive present across the day – and feel it in your body. Note what you are doing that is good and heart-warming or simply neutral in the present moment – and feel the heart’s resting in to that knowing. 

I am noting the positive present?

Yes – really easy. In the body. Lean back. Look about. Note what’s happening – it’s all positive if you’re noticing it in real time, even if it’s hard: ‘Ah, I’m having difficulty with my tech. I see. Good that I can observe this. I’m still safe. I’m ok. I am here. I am watching.’ 

And feel it in your body… Let the relief hiccup occur. And the sigh of breath. The settling in and down. 

Ok. Will do. Thank you….

The present moment is always, always positive – because it is 100% neutral. Review Eckhart Tolle or ACIM if that is helpful to you. 

The present is always a gift. 

I see what you did there. Thank you!

I am noting this positive present

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