MEDS Day 60: Today I am listening for the whisperings of my heart

FitBit Charge 3
FitBit Charge 3

I am grateful for yesterday’s….

  • Beautiful insights and internal encouragement
  • The arrival of my new FitBit Charge 3!
  • Switch 202020 activities – with the FitBit buzzing the 20 min swap over.
  • Getting things done in the house
  • Consideration of ‘plunging’…
  • Doing the Download Hour – yes! It really hits the spot. I’m so glad to be developing a new habit, which I can take forward into my life… for free; without needing to go to class; at any time; which is heart-centred.

And today, I need a reminder… a nudge again… This mission, this plunge… Wherefore, whence, whither…?

The key instruction yesterday was to trust the heart. (“Trust me.”) So listen to the heart today. Align yourself with its voice. Accustom yourself to listening to its still, small voice… and pursuing its aims, rather than the clunking, loud instructions of the mind. Remember, yesterday taught that the mind seeks to serve itself; the heart seeks to serve others (or ‘the collective’). Learn to follow the yearnings of the heart, and the joyous, evolving space of the collective will become the playground of your days. 

Lovely. I know my heart says, ‘teach peace’ and ‘teach peace through dialogue’. I’ll pick up those whisperings, and ‘plunge’ gently into the cracks and crevices therein.

‘Whisperings’. Good word. Listen for the whisperings of the heart today. 

Ty. Onwards to do my Download Hour and have the day with my Love.

Today I am listening for the whisperings of my heart


MEDS Trackers Dec2018 (chart here):
Med&Ex: Download Hour – Med | Aerobic | Qigong Mini 10:10:10
Diet: Chopchopchop – mindful, plant-based food No – Sunday..
Sleep: Sleepstate: 9Screens, 10Books Nope… :/
Med minutes 10
Active minutes 11 – trot
Steps 6600
Food eaten:

  • 11am: Indian ready meal leftovers
  • 5pm: Roast pork
  • 9pm: V&DC and tunamayo snack..
Dry?  No
Screens off 12 🙁
In bed (with books..)  12 🙁
Hours slept (as per next morning) 5h59….


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