I am grateful for yesterday’s….
- Family birthday party. Afterwards I circulated photos of the happy time of the six of us together, to the wider family group. In response, my eldest (who had also hosted the party) wrote these freaking awesome words: ‘Dear god. When children are born after the apocalypse and go scrounging for scraps, these are the photos they’ll find. They’ll hide them under their makeshift pillows or tuck them into their belts and one day, when they’re battle-scarred teens, they will take out these photos. Huddled around the campfire, they will say in hushed voices “I found these. I don’t know who they were… but they look happy. One day I’d like to be happy like this. I like to wonder what they’re eating, and I pretend I knew them. Their names change, and sometimes that’s my sister, or my aunt, or my friends, but we’re always happy together. Sometimes when I’m having a bad day, I look at these people. I don’t think they had a single worry in the world. One day that’ll be me… that’ll be me.”‘
- A SECOND DAY IN BED – yes, the ‘Stop’ continued….
So, with some reluctance and hesitation, I did stop on the Sunday, and then again on the Monday (yesterday). I realised I was looking at dodging the v clear ‘instruction’ to STOP because I didn’t want to let people down for the plans on Sunday. But I was ill! Stopping was good. My word, I’ve been so wired and active for so long. There’s been so much movement – almost weekly trips to London; in the office; out of the office. And crazy pressures galore. No wonder I was starting to balloon: sympathetic overdrive knocks my sleep and causes me to gain weight. Rest allows my body to get out of sympathetic overdrive.
I used the resting time for reading. I’m nearly at the end of the book I’ve been reading bit by bit since April, Reality Transurfing. I so enjoy it and it has been the most wonderful support in aiding me to take loving control of my thoughts, so that they bring me peace. In terms of mental health recovery, we might call this CBT or DBT. For my heart, it is like coming home. It seems that mastery of our noisy (and often ego-centric, fearful, aversion-orientated) mental thought allows our heart, our intention, our soul and our spirit to step forward and participate as equal partners in our lives. This thought mastery is the gradual work of a happy lifetime. The pages I read reminded me of some important principles:
- ‘use thought energy in a deliberate focused manner’ p644
- ‘the world is like a mirror that reflects your relationship to it’ p646
- ‘As long as the mind does not contradict the wishes of the heart and vice versa an unfathomable power emerges’ ibid
- ‘The world is always looking after you, no matter what… It is essential to learn to trust…. Say to yourself “I let my world take care of me.”‘ p653
- ‘Think about what you want and are striving to achieve, rather than the things you do not want or try to avoid.’ p664
- ‘Your attention must be focussed on the end goal as if it had already been reached.’ p674
- ‘Embrace any reflection [in the mirror] as positive.’ p678
- ‘The world always complies’ [with whatever we think of it – pos/neg] .678
- Raise your energy levels and… ‘if you want your energy to work for you it is essential that you focus it in the specific direction of a goal’ p701
I know my goal, my ‘target slide’ as RT calls the vision we hold in mind of the goal complete… It’s to do with reaching peace and teaching peace, through dialogue, with individuals and groups, in person and via writing. Is it ok to share this here?
Yes. As G says, you’re signalling clearly to the universe at the moment.
Is it bold or pompous or presumptuous to talk about ‘teaching peace’?
Only if you think peace is something fancy, out-there, elevated or elite… Do you?
No. I think it’s our basic right, really. And our natural state. We just are fed so much alternative nonsense that it’s hard to get to inner peace or outer peace – to such detriment and waste of life.
Also, the ‘reaching peace’ is part of the cycle for me. It’s not like I’ve mastered any of this. But, a person who wants to become a better yoga practitioner, and serve the art, might become a yoga teacher. It’s like that. I want to learn to communicate with myself and others for peace.
I feel self-conscious now.
Allow your world to bring you what you desire. Then the next goal can come into play. These are all just passing chapters which add up to a larger book. You are describing factors for learning which are planted in you by you to come forward. You’re innocent in this process. There is no need to apologise for what is in you. Hopefully you would say the same to the next person.
Ok. Thank you. Well, let’s focus on today. I’m rested after a couple of days in bed, and my cold is much better. I worked on stopping and GoSlo-ing and ‘the Power of No’ and ‘feeling groovy’ and relational presence last week. I embedded the morning personal Housekeeping Habits quite successfully, I must say. I made big decisions about lifestyle changes for 2019. What is this week and day all about?
Safety and security.
Really?! Am I in danger?
You are in danger of omitting to take care of your basic needs. Again.
Say what?
This money business, dear soul. It ain’t going to sort itself out. And you know that clearing any financial ‘hangovers’ within the year is good energetic hygiene. Furthermore, you know that creating a pipeline of work (that you actually WANT to do) for next year, is going to give you a sense of ‘safety and security’, especially when it comes to moving house in February.
Now is the time to lay down the year’s harvest carefully. Don’t skip this stage, out of an over-willingness to oblige others’ requests for your emails / plans / attention / Christmas-cheer. Ok?
I know exactly what you mean. I get a kick out of ‘being there’ to attend to others’ needs, in the work environment particularly. But it’s not healthy. Because I do it rather than meet my own safety needs. I need to put my own oxygen mask on first.
Financial security is oxygen. What do you need to do to be / feel financially secure?
Ah… I need to tilt my prioritisation. In terms of use of time and energy.
What stops you?
‘Don’t want to be rude to others’ – rising again.
Again, the reminder: you can help others best when you have helped yourself first.
Scaredy feeling arising…
Your world will take care of you if you allow it. Take the steps you need to take to restore financial order, and the world will do the rest. Trust in this.
You said you had an aim to ‘reach peace’.
Know that reaching financial peace is a crucial part of the jigsaw puzzle.
Now, put your Special Interest: Peace through Dialogue hat on and have the conversations you need to have to allow that long-awaited Financial Peace to float in to harbour.
Right. So, this is… about having Financial Dialogues?
Ok. Today I am having Financial Dialogues, for my own Financial Peace.
Wow. Ok. These posts don’t get much more ‘transparent’ than this one…
Today I am having Financial Dialogues, for my own Financial Peace.
Note to self: ‘Dream it to beam it’ and Meditation
I came to the realisation yesterday that ‘if you can dream it, you can beam it’ (on to the mirror of your reality). Therefore, getting regularly in to what I’d call ‘dream mode’ (trance-like, relaxed, semi-conscious state) with a goal softly in mind, is invaluable. And this is partly why we Meditate: to access dream mode with an intention held softly in mind, so that we can dream it and beam it. Without this practice, maybe we are actively choosing to stay in reactive mode.
Oprah (in an interview for Wrinkle in Time movie) said ‘I am a powerful manifester. You have to meet the vibration of that which you desire, exactly – not above or below the vibration.’ I think, in meditation, especially with good exercise, diet and sleep alongside, we get better at setting our vibration at will.
Today, I meet the vibration of she who has the financial dialogues that secure financial peace.
Second note to self: Tendril Theory by Erin Human
This comic below provided a useful observation yesterday in terms of Switch 202020 and my focus on learning to switch attention at will. It fits also with the growing ability to go into Dream Mode, or set vibration at will. It points to why my neurology allows me to deep-dive, and also struggles to change directions. I can learn better over time how to do a quick and purposeful tendril retraction… Like, now, when I’m running over my allotted Housekeeping Habits time on this post by an hour… Tendrils: In!
Thanks, Erin Human – spot on. See her article here.
MEDS Trackers Dec2018 (chart here): | Tuesday |
Med&Ex: Download Hour – Med | Aerobic | Qigong | 20: |
Diet: Chopchopchop – mindful, plant-based food | Til evening |
Sleep: Sleepstate: 9Screens, 10Books | No! |
Med minutes | 20 mins |
Active minutes | 15 |
Steps | 5000 |
Food: ? | |
Dry? | No |
Screens off | / |
In bed (with books..) | … |
Sleep Window |
12.30 – 6.30 |
Hours slept (as per FitBit data next morning) | 6h12m… 🙁 |