MEDS Day 70: Today I am loving myself

I am grateful for the last two days….

  • Financial dialogues – yes – there have been several – with current/potential clients about future work; with my family and loved ones about future living; about money owed to or by me; about household arrangements; about future homes; about future business entities…. I’m glad to have had the internal prompt to be proactive about this theme and prioritise it. Ty inner knowing. It’s good to talk…
  • Lovely Christmas party for choir
  • Kind people sending Christmas cards…
  • Ongoing focus on sleep … yet it’s still deluding me… still at average of 6h10m… Good motivation for dropping CAC (carbs, alcohol and coffee) in Jan. Amen.

And today?

“May there be love in my heart” was your request earlier this morning. What did you mean? 

I think I felt it as a prayer for the right kind of energy inside me… Energy as in ‘fuel’ for my day. May I be propelled by love, vs urgency, concern, ‘punctuality’… May I bring love to my meetings (I have a mediation meeting this morning) and to my decisions and conversations. May I relax about Christmas and presents and planning (it makes me so taut each year – “What does everyone want?! I don’t know!”) May I finish the year gracefully and peacefully, instead of running towards it like a bull at a gate.

There is time to carry out a meditation to fill your heart with love. Maybe that would be a good use of your moments now?

[MED – 10 min guided meditation on receiving love energy]

That was good. I feel more settled. I sensed my tendrils drawing in. I liked the focus on receiving love as if articulated by those who know and love us. Very healthy. Soothing.

Receiving love is a real art. Accepting love is a true skill. Acknowledging ourselves as loving. loved and lovable is a gift to ourselves and others. Loving ourselves is the highest power in our gift. In loving ourselves we can express self-kindness, self-compassion, self-forgiveness – with regularity, sincerity and ease. We can make self-care a genuine priority not a task-to-be-done, a state-of-being not an activity. 

Today you are invited to love yourself. 

This is absolutely a follow-on to the Financial Dialogues. We’re not zig-zagging here. Accepting love and accepting money and accepting the abundance of this universe which adores the divine-sparks within it… This is all in the same category of ‘Be still and know that you are God’. 

‘You are God’ or (psalm 46) ‘I am God’?

What do you think, dear spark of divine knowing? 

There is but one creation…

Be still and know that you are loved. And the first person to love you must be you. This is a practice. And it starts today. 

You can see my response..! It’s ok though. It’s good. I know this. I’m grateful. I know that the MEDS protocols and financial security and physical/mental wellbeing spring from one root – the connecting consciousness between self and the wider consciousness which is predicated on complete love, including love for our own sweet selves.

It’s the sine qua non (the ‘without which not’). All activities of healing and improvement and peace-building are left ‘leaky’ if the foundation of love of the internal and external self is not nurtured and secured. We have to overcome a) the habit of self-abandonment and b) the self-consciousness about violating societal norms of self-disparagement… Time to get up and go, dear one. Happy loving today. 

See you on the other side.

Today I am loving myself


MEDS Trackers Dec2018 (chart here): Thursday
Med&Ex: Download Hour – Med | Aerobic | Qigong 10:0:1
Diet: Chopchopchop – mindful, plant-based food Yes, til evening
Sleep: Sleepstate: 9Screens, 10Books No 🙁
Med minutes 10
Active minutes 58mins 🙂
Steps 11245
Food: Muesli, crisps x 2 packets!, salad, cabbage&sausages&rice, cider
Dry?  No
Screens off 11.15pm
In bed (with books..) 11
Sleep Window
23.37 – 6.12
Hours slept (as per FitBit data next morning) 5h35m (Argh!)


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