I did treat myself tenderly yesterday – and it felt merciful, and appropriate to the days we are currently in, not to be hustling and bustling. I treated myself tenderly by:
- Signing up for a free 2 week subscription of Lee Holden Qigong video classes, and did one on the patio in the sun. Qigong => absorbing, generating and activating energy, as opposed to exercise that burns, expends and expels energy.
- Followed my lovely routine softly. When my mind isn’t juggling choices, it has more battery left for creativity eg writing a blog for work.
- Used the Noom app to help me treat my body more tenderly today, with better eating choices and because I like the external accountability. [I’ve lost 5 pounds in 5 days!]
- Emailed myself uplifting videos to watch in breaks as rewards/boosts.
- I spoke to an IFA today and I allowed myself to feel tenderness and compassion towards myself at the prospect of only starting a pension at this age.
- When I was still on my walk as the time for an online committee meeting came round, instead of rushing home, I logged on to the Zoom meeting in the woods (to the committee’s evident delight) and strolled home.
These are such intense days, I can’t tell you. And yet… you could say, for those of us who are well, that ‘nothing is happening’. But I am convinced that so much is going on, within and beyond this coronavirus pandemic. So much we are not all talking about. For a start, to get a sense of… how extraordinary this moment is, look at how we are being communicated with by our government on Instagram today:
What’s with the threatening, end of days hellfire imagery here? It would be easy to say, well, it’s important to get the message across by any means… But, since when does a government speak to it’s people in this way? Look at it, and ask what impact this imagery has on the young minds on Instagram.
Meanwhile subtler channels are stating this is a moment of profoundly positive significance especially the dates 1-13 April. Which I sense is exactly the case.
Can we talk about this today?
Let’s read first.
ORIGINAL BUDDHISM “Actually, we are not the Soto school at all. We are just Buddhists. We are not even Zen Buddhists. If we understand this point, we are truly Buddhists.” Zen Mind p125
And what if we say we are not even Buddhists?
This truly the day of oneness.
And what does that mean?
Consider the notion of ‘jealousy’: this is a combination of love and hate abiding in one heart. The times are asking you to clarify your states, and to integrate your inner orientation. There is not oxygen or energy for diametrically opposed views or beliefs at the moment.
For example, your images posted above. Dear soul, you cannot both mistrust and love your government at the same time.
Should I love it?
Excellent question. You are invited to love your government as a mother loves her child: unconditionally and radically – as in ‘from the root’. Why? Because you do not need to be conditional in your loving anymore – towards anything or anyone. In other words, you do not need to withhold your love until the person or thing has ‘proven’ itself worthy. Nor do you need to demonstrate your selectiveness in loving. As per your question on your reading above, you knew early on that loving religion X over religion Y was tantamount to insanity; equally you knew that ‘not loving’ religion was to miss the crucial Point. The same principle applies to all that is, including the governments you would see as misguided, lost, hijacked or corrupt. Truly, if you withhold your love from anything because you judge it to be bad or wrong, you only feed its apparent negativity with yours.
So the task of this day is truly to be radical in your loving. Again, ‘radical’ as in from the root. (Think of the radish, if you need to remember what radical really means.) Being at one with yourself is also to be at one with all that is. Being swept along by judgement or hate or unforgiveness is to lose a foothold on the path of sovereignty. On the path of sovereignty we find ourselves ‘unmoved’ or ‘unruffled’ by perceptions of ‘not enough’ or ‘wrong’. We can see these elements clearly, but we are not shaken, rattled or brought down in our frequency. Why? Because our frequency is high and strong and constant. This is our offering to the Earth at this time: to be able to see division, duality, and even the downfall of past structures, and remain stable, remain peaceful, remain detached from fear.
We know this is complex, because part of how you show love to each other in these days is to share pains and worries together. It makes you feel close and accompanied. But enough work has been done across the planet, that holding a spirit of calm, clarity and constancy can be put down to ‘good mental health hygiene’. In other words, no one will blame you for not being swept up by the doom and gloom. They will, on the other hand, be affected positively by your demonstration of your archetypal love profile.
What is an archetypal love profile?
Each person has a unique signature frequency when they are in a state of complete love.
Ooh, nice. And what is mine? Have I ever actually/fully activated (?) that signature?
It is inherent in you ever day, dear friend. It is so in everyone. When yours is more light than dark then your tendencies are towards: lightness, feverishness and fancy.
Wt..? That makes me sound like a… flipping… crazed pixie…
Isn’t that great and super?
Wait a second… Feverishness and fancy? What the heck is that?!
Think of raised temperatures, heightened senses, pulsating rhythms.
I’m reminded of those drumming-dancing experiences…
There we go. Carried away, transported. Like the…
Like the shaman. Precisely.
Well ,where does that arise from in me, and where even is it expressed in me?
It arises from long experiences across life times. And currently it arises in you here and in your sessional work, wherein you access the deep inner knower.
Ha, I do. That’s beautiful.
The deep inner knower.
Lovely. Thank you for that.
Ok, one more question. What shall I carry in to today with me to land today’s Dialogue?
Today’s task is not an ‘easy’ one but it is an important one – not just for you, but for the collective consciousness which is under activation through your people’s period of suffering and of rest. Remember this line from above: you do not need to be conditional in your loving anymore – towards anything or anyone.
Ah, so just a spot of ‘unconditional love’ at the End of Days. Nah problem!
You jest… It’s good. But yes. However we haven’t finished. Remember too that love signature of yours we discussed: lightness, feverishness and fancy. This is the manner of approach. In other words, we are not asking you to love unconditionally with gravity, coolness and rationality. No, far from it. We are asking you to love with a passion. With the passion of the shaman, the prairie dancer, the woodland wisp. Throw your love at that which you see today. Throw your love at it all, passim. Shower love upon that which only yesterday you might have rolled your eyes at, or snidely commented about, or secretly laughed at, or scorned, or recoiled from, or found sinister…
Easy with those truth bombs, please…
Find new ways to SEE ‘what is’ and LOVE it hard. Everything is seeking to emerge from the dark cocoon. Everything. Even – especially – those who had been seduced (remember that word? Everyone can be seduced, dear soul, so bring your deep compassion with you) by the darkness and cannot even see a jot of light towards which to orientate themselves as they journey out. So, go on, chuck them in some light and some good energy so they can find their way forward. Wouldn’t your rather give light to those at risk of staying in darkness, than use your precious energy to condemn them to darkness? In other words, will your legacy in this time be to have given love and light to the All, or to have cherry-picked and attached yourself to the ‘already emerging’ aspects of consciousness? To whom should the teacher give most love and attention and encouragement? To the most gifted, or to those at risk of dropping out? Answer this and thereby you find your true nature, your true love signature, is to bring your light, feverish, fanciful love to the areas of your All which are shadowy and afraid – and to give them your energising, heartening impulses. So, SEEK out that which annoys you, that which causes you to feel disdain, and BE THERE. Do not shroud yourself with perfections. Enter the arena of your own shadows, guided in by the people you would judge, and pour love there. To love those you would judge, is to love the trapped aspects within yourself. And now, we are on our way to clearing the cupboards of our consciousness, which is the consciousness of All.
Woah! Ok…! So much here. May I absorb it, live it, bring my light, feverish, fanciful love to it all. Help me to understand what this all looks and feels like. Be present with me. Guide me. Guide us all. Bring love to this planet today. Today may I impart nothing but radical love.
And there’s your message for the day.
Ok. Wow. What a ride it’s been this morning. Thank you.
Impart nothing but radical love
So much intense duality at the moment. And it is causing people to bring out their deepest identities. I saw this emphasis on Hero vs Zero..
And yes, today, you are asked to throw your radical love at heroes and zeros with absolute non-differentiation.
I see why we’re calling it radical love.